I'll add one other observation.
A couple of days past, there was a 'spat' between John McCain and Obama. You may have read of it. McCain felt betrayed and sent a flaming letter to Obama (and to the press). Obama sent a response (also to the press). That evening, both Blitzer on CNN and Matthews on Hardball said the same thing as they started off their shows and did a teaser on this "news" item..."This is as good as it gets".
For these twitbrains, a high-temper open spat between two high level politicos on a matter of no policy significance whatsoever represents "news" as good as it gets.
tico said
Quote:Maybe you or Cyclops can explain exactly how the Bush Administration has "pimped" the deaths of the victims? Is this some duty the 9/11 families thinks the Administration owes them individually? The Administration cannot remind the country of the need to be vigilent and remember the events of that day without being accused of "pimping" the deaths of the victims?
Oh, I suspect the chances of me moving you a zillionth of a micrometer on this issue are about the same as the chances of John Ascroft joining the Rolling Stones on their next concert tour. You're glued down.
Coulter fans, enjoy. This one is priceless.
Coulter haters, just skip this one.
Calvin and Hobbes -- and MuhammadÂ…by Ann Coulter
Posted Feb 08, 2006
As my regular readers know, I've long been skeptical of the "Religion of Peace" moniker for Muslims -- for at least 3,000 reasons right off the top of my head. I think the evidence is going my way this week.
The culture editor of a newspaper in Denmark suspected writers and cartoonists were engaging in self-censorship when it came to the Religion of Peace. It was subtle things, like a Danish comedian's statement, paraphrased by The New York Times, "that he had no problem urinating on the Bible but that he would not dare do the same to the Quran."
So, after verifying that his life insurance premiums were paid up, the editor expressly requested cartoons of Muhammad from every cartoonist with a Danish cartoon syndicate. Out of 40 cartoonists, only 10 accepted the invitation, most of them submitting utterly neutral drawings with no political content whatsoever.
But three cartoons made political points.
One showed Muhammad turning away suicide bombers from the gates of heaven, saying "Stop, stop -- we ran out of virgins!" -- which I believe was a commentary on Muslims' predilection for violence. Another was a cartoon of Muhammad with horns, which I believe was a commentary on Muslims' predilection for violence. The third showed Muhammad with a turban in the shape of a bomb, which I believe was an expression of post-industrial ennui in a secular -- oops, no, wait: It was more of a commentary on Muslims' predilection for violence.
In order to express their displeasure with the idea that Muslims are violent, thousands of Muslims around the world engaged in rioting, arson, mob savagery, flag-burning, murder and mayhem, among other peaceful acts of non-violence.
Muslims are the only people who make feminists seem laid-back.
The little darlings brandish placards with typical Religion of Peace slogans, such as: "Behead Those Who Insult Islam," "Europe, you will pay, extermination is on the way" and "Butcher those who mock Islam." They warn Europe of their own impending 9/11 with signs that say: "Europe: Your 9/11 will come" -- which is ironic, because they almost had me convinced the Jews were behind the 9/11 attack.
The rioting Muslims claim they are upset because Islam prohibits any depictions of Muhammad -- though the text is ambiguous on beheadings, suicide bombings and flying planes into skyscrapers.
The belief that Islam forbids portrayals of Muhammad is recently acquired. Back when Muslims created things, rather than blowing them up, they made paintings, frescoes, miniatures and prints of Muhammad.
But apparently the Koran is like the Constitution: It's a "living document," capable of sprouting all-new provisions at will. Muslims ought to start claiming the Koran also prohibits indoor plumbing, to explain their lack of it.
Other interpretations of the Koran forbid images of humans or animals, which makes even a child's coloring book blasphemous. That's why the Taliban blew up those priceless Buddhist statues, bless their innocent, peace-loving little hearts.
Largely unnoticed in this spectacle is the blinding fact that one nation is missing from the long list of Muslim countries (by which I mean France and England) with hundreds of crazy Muslims experiencing bipolar rage over some cartoons: Iraq. Hey -- maybe this democracy thing does work! The barbaric behavior of Europe's Muslims suggests that the European welfare state may not be attracting your top-notch Muslims.
Making the rash assumption for purposes of discussion that Islam is a religion and not a car-burning cult, even a real religion can't go bossing around other people like this.
Catholics aren't short on rules, but they couldn't care less if non-Catholics use birth control. Conservative Jews have no interest in forbidding other people from mixing meat and dairy. Protestants don't make a peep about other people eating food off one another's plates. (Just stay away from our plates -- that's disgusting.)
But Muslims think they can issue decrees about what images can appear in newspaper cartoons. Who do they think they are, liberals?
"A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always count on the support of Paul." --George Bernard Shaw.
Quote:Cyclops - the Democrats have no credibility on security. None. They are simply not serious. They are anti-Bush.
What do you mean when you say this? It sounds like what the Republicans like to call a Known Fact(tm)! You can't fall back on Defense as the trump card every election, especially when your party is screwing it up so badly.
Lash wrote:McG thinks I'm black.
Some day, I'll call you 'articulate' and see if you get pissed. A sure way to check.
Lash said
Quote:McG thinks I'm black.
He had me wondering! It was about a month after I got my first computer (I'm a confessed Luddite) that I read a great NY Times article which linked me into Abuzz. About a week after that, I made my first online buddy - a very witty and bright fellow named Nom. He and I began to communicate through email as well as through the abuzz system. It was a great and fruitful friendship that brought me a lot of joy. After approximately one month, he said tentatively that he had something important to fess up to and would be sending an email directly. It arrived with attachment, a photo. He was a beautiful woman.
Ya just never know.
And Ann is about the only woman who makes Joe McCarthy look kind and intelligent.
Thomas wrote:Lash wrote:McG thinks I'm black.
Some day, I'll call you 'articulate' and see if you get pissed. A sure way to check.
I'd get mad because someone who THOUGHT I was black called me articulate, thereby insulting blacks...once removed, ya know. :wink:
<i'm getting too complicated>
Lash wrote:<i'm getting too complicated>

A common problem with women. <hiding behind monitor>
I've never thought of Lash as being "articulate"
Don't worry. Only the lovely militant feminists would organize a mob.
I don't like them.
JustWonders wrote:Quote:Muslims are the only people who make feminists seem laid-back.
Beverage alert!!!

The thing is, its really hard to imagine that anybody can disagree with her who is at least reasonably educated on current events or who has any capability for intellectual honesty.
If it weren't so infuriating to see these right wing hypocrits acting like the "good taste" police, it would be hilarious. I've had to stay out of this so I can keep my temper, but I want to thank those that see the hypocrisy and bullshit of the right wing and call them on it!! All this self-righteousness and when needed, wrapping themselves in the flag or crawling up on the cross, is just so much vile manipulation and misdirection. The King funeral brought the truth to bear, something that the right wing doesn't like much!
Lash wrote:McG thinks I'm black.
Well, just goes to show ya that we don't all meet in secret...
Oh, well.
Lash is like totally Goth.
blatham wrote:And as to "pimping"...cyclo has that right and you do not. The Bush administration has pimped the deaths of 9/11 thousands of times, literally. And protests from grieving relatives of victims have moved you not at all, apparently.
Yeah well, but theres the difference, Blatham. Then, it was the grieving families of the dead that were offended; this time the family may have been fine, but
politicians were offended! Now see, thats a wholly different matter.
You gotta know, its OK to go against the wishes of the berieved families of the dead to make a political point; its making a point thats actually in the spirit of the deceased thats just crass. Thats how you can tell the difference in class between them and us, dont you know.
Oh, and up is down and down is up.