Quote:We are specifically talking about the propensity of libbies and Democrats to pimp the occasion of a funeral or memorial service to conduct policial activity. And the use of the CSK funeral in particular was repugnant, because Bush was present, and they knew he'd show some dignity and not stoop to their level and respond to their cheap-shots. To "us," it's repugnant, and shows a lack of class. To "you," it's reasonable and acceptable. Just another highlight of the differences in how you and we think, IMO.
My use of "you guys" was a generalization (always inaccurate) for which I apologize. I specifically mean to refer to party-affiliated or party-supportive Republicans who suggest there was something inappropriate in what went on in that funeral. Of course, you produced the same species of genralization above in sentence one.
That Bush was present seems quite irrelevant, certainly in terms of free speech. And far better, in terms of honesty and integrity, to speak negatively of someone when they are present if you are going to speak negatively. In the context of a funeral, the person spoken of can't really get up and make some response, but always can do so later.
As to "propensity"...rather an inclusive word for two instances wherein the community of mourners felt no problem with what went on, only Republicans who didn't like to hear what was said.
As to putting a funeral or deaths to political purpose, that is precisely what you are doing right now, and as was done by many folks on the right after the Wellstone funeral. As was done with every tombstone gratuitously carved with Operation Mash-the-Muslims.
And as to "pimping"...cyclo has that right and you do not. The Bush administration has pimped the deaths of 9/11 thousands of times, literally. And protests from grieving relatives of victims have moved you not at all, apparently. But that's your sense of "class".