Lash wrote:nimh is very careful to count the pine needles on each tree, while the forest is completely lost to him.
Lash conjures up an imposing blur of forest from wild assertions and gross exaggerations ... and then gets positively vitriolic when we refuse to just validate that big picture, insisting on pesky stuff such as at least getting the individual facts right an' all.
There's those who can't see the forest for the trees; and those whose forests dissolve as soon as you try to actually touch 'em.
Seriously, for a moment: personally, I think that "big pictures" based on erroneous claims will never succeed in identifying the right problem, the right solution. You've got to get the basic facts right in order to get the correct big picture in the first place.
Ergo: the Islamist forces need to be fought; but if we do so based on rhetorics rather than facts, wild claims rather than corroborated evidence, we're bound to end up getting it wrong. Thats why clearing up all this fuzz so important.
But that mindset, I assume, is a question of character as much as anything else.
In fact, Lash neatly functions as a kind of pars pro toto for the Rumsfeld/Bush mindset, here - come to think of it. They, too, had a 'big picture', and stubbornly if not with outright vitriol denounced anyone who dared point out that, ehm, there isnt actually any conclusive evidence about Saddam having WMDs yet, or: the theory of a light army being able to carry off an invasion like that hasnt actually ever been tested. No vision! Doomsayers. Stuck in the "reality-based community"! Pitiful objectors, ragging on about minor details when we've got a larger mission to accomplish ...
Yes, actually

. It's exactly that same mindset. Interesting. And we know what became of Cheney's and Rumsfeld's "big picture" of dethroning a Saddam armed with WMD and being greeted with flowers for it ...
Again, if you dont first get the basic facts hashed out correctly, any big picture that you are going to end up with is going to be fatally flawed.
<nods> Thats pretty much a testament of principles for me, here.