Why insulting prophet Muhammad?!

Reply Thu 23 Feb, 2006 05:30 pm
Did everyone here see This Post?
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Reply Thu 23 Feb, 2006 05:41 pm
I'll add this, though:

In the bit that Steve refers to, I think, Tariq Modood wrote:
Moreover, the cartoons are not just about one individual but about Muslims per se - just as a cartoon portraying Moses as a crooked financier would not be about one man but a comment on Jews. And just as the latter would be racist, so are the cartoons in question.

In his response, Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
I find that article by Tariq Modood extremely insulting. Anyone who thinks criticism of a scheme or code of ideas is equivalent to racism is a jerk.

[and if he wants to know why Jews and Sihks are afforded protection under race laws, its because the boundaries of Judaism and Sihkism are considered in law to be contiguous with the racial group. [..]]

Going on that logic, would you consider Awraham Soetendorp a jerk then too? He is a Dutch rabbi, who founded Holland's Jewish Institute for Human Values, and as H.D.S. Greenway recounts in yesterday's International Herald Tribune, he too makes the equation between anti-semitic racism and anti-Muslim slurs:

"when a mosque is attacked, all places of worship are attacked. When I hear slurs against Muslims I get the same nauseating feeling in the stomach as when I hear anti-Semitic remarks. I can feel a whole people and a religion of 1 billion people being stigmatized," he said. "We cannot commit that crime."

Soetendorp also talked about the pressure on Muslims these days of the "Why don't these people assimilate? If they don't want to be like us, why do they come here?" type; according to him it "has dangerous echoes":

"Yes, Holland has been a tolerant country, he says, but in the early '40s when the Dutch were under occupation, all of a sudden too many Dutchmen became intolerant of the Jews among them. [If] there should be a major act of terrorism in Europe, [Soetendorp fears], innocent Muslims would become scapegoats and be ostracized as once were the Jews."
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Feb, 2006 05:44 pm
Did everyone here see This Post?

Yes, I saw it. Scandalous. Good to see such a broad range of posters come out against it. Wish I knew what to do. MA linked in a petition, but it's unclear what's done with it, and the site on behalf of the wrongly sentenced man itself doesn't mention it, but offers frustratingly little else one can do, practically ... but it sure looks like a scandal. Hope the news gets out as much as possible. Publicity is often the only thing that can save the victims of miscarriages of justice.
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Reply Thu 23 Feb, 2006 07:32 pm
If the state didn't kill people, this would never happen.
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Reply Thu 23 Feb, 2006 07:36 pm
the man is guilty, guilty of sleeping while black and defending his-self. did someone mention Mississippi?
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Reply Thu 23 Feb, 2006 07:41 pm
I don't know about you, but I'm calling Dave Chappelle.
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Reply Thu 23 Feb, 2006 11:45 pm
Sorry. I didn't intend to derail this thread. I just wanted to make sure some of the posters on it had seen that one.
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Reply Thu 23 Feb, 2006 11:49 pm
Lash wrote:
If the state didn't kill people, this would never happen.

I agree, if you people didn't kill your criminals, you wouldn't have this problem. It's barbaric.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2006 12:10 am
Eorl wrote:
Lash wrote:
If the state didn't kill people, this would never happen.

I agree, if you people didn't kill your criminals, you wouldn't have this problem. It's barbaric.

"You people?"

Who are you referring to?
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Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2006 12:26 am

Anyone who's part of a society that kills it's criminals. In this particular case, Americans.
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Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2006 12:36 am
We'll extend that sketchy net to anyone who is a human, and that includes you.

Really. How stupid. Shall I accuse you of everything that goes on in your country?
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Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2006 01:24 am

I just don't like thinking of my government as "them".

Yes, I will agree to be embarrassed by anything my government does, and I'll try to change it when I don't like it.

I see plenty of people who say they couldn't ever kill a man but they are all for the death penalty....nothing to do with them! Take some responsibility folks!

You are right, as a human I am embarrassed that the death penalty exists anywhere, even if I don't have a vote there. Hopefully somebody who reads my opinions here may be influenced to vote accordingly (so I am doing something, little as it is)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2006 03:05 am
nimh wrote:
Lash wrote:
nimh said...no, really:
Yes, IN THE WORLD violence over the cartoons has erupted in many places. Never said it wasnt. Never said anything about it, in fact.

However, you spoke of "riots sweeping EUROPE". Remember? (Course you do, cause I just quoted it, above, in the post you responded to.)
Really, is this a joke?

Nope. Quite simple really.

You said riots were "sweeping Europe" over the cartoon affair. I mentioned that as one example of your penchant for caricatural exaggerations.
Incorrect. I initially said predominately Muslim violence was "sweeping" Europe during their first wave of violence surrounding the deaths of two youths near Paris. I brought evidence of my claims, which you decided to ignore. Now, that Muslims are conducting Riots Part 2, I wondered if you or others would concede there is a problem with specifically Muslim violence. I used the term "sweeping" to allude to the previous disagreement, which I'm sure you know.

There have been riots in Nigeria, Lybia, Beirut, Syria, Pakistan, true. None of those places lie in Europe though, so that's really neither here nor there.
There have been no riots in Europe?
<shrugs> Stuff like this is simple. You assert something, you get called on it - you've got the choice to either honestly address what you said, or act like you really said something else altogether.
Seems like I'd rather have your choices. Say whatever you want, ignore other's articles and evidence and then accuse them of being wrong in as many other threads as you please, without a fair representation of how completely irresponsibly you behaved. I really must trade you for your choices.
Re: riots sweeping Europe, the worst I've heard of was a demonstration in London where hateful placards were carried. That's hardly a riot. Did I miss something?
You're going to hang on to no Muslim violence in Europe?
If not, then it was one of those cartoonesque exaggerations, and I was merely pointing out the obvious. <shrugs>

Support for my statements...BBC

Violence spreads to 7 French cities...

Europe is the cancer...Islam is the answer...

Muslims manipulate protests

Muslims murder Christians in Nigeria

Danes threatened globally

Embassies torched by Muslims

Muslims violent in Brussells, Antwerp

I won't try to convince you, but I think there is a sweeping problem, featuring Muslims at a city near you.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2006 03:13 am
Lash wrote:

I won't try to convince you, but I think there is a sweeping problem, featuring Muslims at a city near you.

Okay, for one hundred and fifty years the Ottomans ruled over Budapest.
But as of the last years, Hungary has only a Muslim population of about 0.6%.

None of your links shows anything of sweeping problems there - could you name that city, please?
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Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2006 03:19 am
My responses are in red.


I just don't like thinking of my government as "them".
If you're implying I do, you are mistaken to excess.
Yes, I will agree to be embarrassed by anything my government does, and I'll try to change it when I don't like it.
You should get busy! You have lots to do. Countries are HUGE!
I see plenty of people who say they couldn't ever kill a man but they are all for the death penalty....nothing to do with them! Take some responsibility folks!
Your time would probably be spent talking to one of them.


Walter-- As incredibly intelligent as you constantly remind me you are, I'm sure you can read the links. They name cities and show a map with nice pretty dots.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2006 06:32 am
Lash wrote:

Walter-- As incredibly intelligent as you constantly remind me you are, I'm sure you can read the links. They name cities and show a map with nice pretty dots.

And still I can't see anything related to nimh's neighbourhood: neither in Hungary itself nor in surrounding countries.

Perhaps you look at the scale of the map?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2006 09:39 am
The main right-wing newspaper of France, Le Figaro - the conservative counterpart to the left-wing Le Monde and Liberation - published an editorial to "reappraise" the cartoon crisis.

Note that it doesn't, by the way, mention sweeping riots in France over the issue; in fact, it actually praises "European Muslims" for having "reacted calmly to the crisis".

It does, meanwhile, express some (surprisingly) strong opinions.

My summary:

Editorial by Pierre Rousselin
21 February 2006

Manipulated from the very beginning, the anger aroused by the cartoons has been focused on other issues. First it was used by those wanting to encourage a clash of civilisations. Now it serves to stoke internal conflicts: the war of religion in Nigeria; the fundamentalist struggle against the government of Pakistan.

Naturally, the extremists will do everything in their power to harbour a flame they can use to light any number of fires. Who, in the West, has really attempted to douse their ardour and restore reason?

The US does not feel concerned. Probably because religious sentiment is more deeply anchored there than in Europe, the cartoons of the Prophet were not republished in the US.

Merely to reject the idea of a clash of civilisations is not enough. We should, perhaps, at least attempt to do something about the disastrous image created by the accusations of torture at Guantanamo Bay; try to create the impression that we know where we are going on Iraq and in the confrontation with Teheran; and make clear our policies concerning the elected Hamas government in Palestine.

If these questions were answered unequivocally it would doubtless be easier to make others understand that although freedom of expression is, for us, essential, it does not excuse us of our responsibilities or of a respect for the religions of others. The vast majority of European Muslims, who have reacted calmly to the crisis, understand this implicitly.

(I'll look at your links in a sec, Lash)
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2006 10:27 am
nimh wrote:
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
I find that article by Tariq Modood extremely insulting.

"Extremely insulting"? I understand that you extremely disagree with it, but what part do you consider an insult? I take it that you dont consider something highly insulting just because its highly disagreeable, because that would be exactly the logic of the Muslim protestors you decry .. ;-)

because racial hatred is a crime, and I am neither a racist nor a criminal.

Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
Anyone who thinks criticism of a scheme or code of ideas is equivalent to racism is a jerk.

... Like it or not, religious affiliation is as part and parcel of group categorisation and identification as race is. You can change your religion like you can change your clothes. You cant change your genetic make up.

It is as group that Jews are insulted by anti-semites; it is as group that Muslims are insulted wholesale by bigots. I personally agree that it is strange that British Sikhs and Jews are protected against insult and hate speech, but British Muslims are not.

I've explained why. Followers of Judaism are a race. Followers of Christianity and Islam are not

Even if you don't agree however, it's hardly a statement that automatically qualifies for calling the person a jerk. Tony Blair and the parliamentary Labour Party - your party, I believe - last month stringently pleaded for the adoption of a new hate speech law that argued pretty much exactly that; the law was only blocked because a minority of Labour dissidents joined the opposition.

fortunately enough Labour MPs did not fall into the category of jerk. The law as govt. wanted it would have made criticism of religion a criminal offense ...outrageous

Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
and if he wants to know why Jews and Sihks are afforded protection under race laws, its because the boundaries of Judaism and Sihkism are considered in law to be contiguous with the racial group.

That is indeed how the law is at the moment. Blair and Modeed agree on the particular point that the law is not right, at the moment, and should be expanded to accord protection against hate on the basis of religion as well as race.

but fortunately Parliament had more sense

Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
However even that does not prevent philosophical criticism of Judaism or Sihkism, which is all that I and many others are doing regarding political Islam

It may be what you are doing, but the insults and hate speech Muslims encounter on a day-to-day basis in today's Europe goes far beyond your philosophical arguments. It's hardly you that a hate speech law would block, or what Modood was writing of. I also think it's a real stretch to define a cartoon of Muhammed with a bomb in his turban as "philosophical criticism".

It would be EXACTLY people like me who could fall foul of that pernicious law. As I keep saying, it only takes someone to claim to be offended...and a crime has been committed. It doesnt matter that you didnt mean any insult, if they were insulted and felt insulted...thats enough. Punishable by up to 7 years gaol. You think I'm joking? Fortunately enough Labour mps thought it was a joke...ridiculous, and defied a 3 line whip to throw it out...
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2006 10:58 am
nimh wrote:
I'll add this, though:

In his response, Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
I find that article by Tariq Modood extremely insulting. Anyone who thinks criticism of a scheme or code of ideas is equivalent to racism is a jerk.

[and if he wants to know why Jews and Sihks are afforded protection under race laws, its because the boundaries of Judaism and Sihkism are considered in law to be contiguous with the racial group. [..]]

Going on that logic, would you consider Awraham Soetendorp a jerk then too? ...

Well of course I havent met him but judging from the clipping you posted I would say yes. With a capital J.

Again, and I find it tiresome that an obviously intelligent person will not accept a simple fact...Semites are a race (some of whom call themselves Jews because they follow the religion of Judaism), whereas Muslims are ANY people who follow the religion of Islam (some of whom are black, white, asian and amongst the 1.3 billion of them, EVERY race on earth is represented). Anti semitism is racist. Being anti Islam is not.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2006 11:14 am
Lash wrote:
nimh wrote:
You said riots were "sweeping Europe" over the cartoon affair. I mentioned that as one example of your penchant for caricatural exaggerations.

Incorrect. I initially said predominately Muslim violence was "sweeping" Europe during their first wave of violence surrounding the deaths of two youths near Paris. I brought evidence of my claims, which you decided to ignore. Now, that Muslims are conducting Riots Part 2, I wondered if you or others would concede there is a problem with specifically Muslim violence. I used the term "sweeping" to allude to the previous disagreement, which I'm sure you know.

(Emphasis added)

This is not true. Either you're dissembling, or - it is quite a while ago - you remember incorrectly. You were fairly straightforward in your claim.

In re: to a post of yours about the cartoon violence, Acquiunk reminded you of, in his mind comparable, violence in America in the 60s and of abortion clinic attacks, and in response,

on February 5, you wrote:
the things you mentioned, were perpetrated by an tiny minority.

Not so with sweeping riots across Europe---once again---by Muslims.


That's two straightforward claims at once:

- the Muslim riots are not perpetrated by a tiny minority (I've mostly omitted to nag you about that one, but it is equally undefensible);

- and there are "sweeping riots across Europe -- once again -- by Muslims"

Literally. Once again sweeping riots across Europe.

So that's exactly the claim I've been calling a gross exaggeration: that there were indeed once again sweeping riots across Europe. Again, fairly straightforward really. Another person would just have shrugged and acknowledged it - heat of the moment, an' all, exaggerated yeah, what's it to ya.

Lash wrote:
nimh wrote:
There have been riots in Nigeria, Lybia, Beirut, Syria, Pakistan, true. None of those places lie in Europe though, so that's really neither here nor there.

There have been no riots in Europe?

Thats what I've been asking you about. You were the one claiming that riots were once again sweeping Europe, now about the cartoons, so I've asked you several times to reference what riots you were talking about. I explained that the worst I heard about was the demonstrations in London with their hateful, prosecution-worthy placards, but that I may have missed something, of course.

Until now, you brought no evidence that I "ignored"; you only brought a link about last November.

Lash wrote:
accuse them of being wrong in as many other threads as you please, without a fair representation of how completely irresponsibly you behaved.

I've just reposted your original statement above - it was exactly what I've referred it to be all along. <shrugs>

Lash wrote:
nimh wrote:
Re: riots sweeping Europe, the worst I've heard of was a demonstration in London where hateful placards were carried. That's hardly a riot. Did I miss something?

You're going to hang on to no Muslim violence in Europe?

I'm hanging on to exactly what I said - it's not difficult to just read what I wrote, instead of trying to twist it into something else.

Ergo: re the riots that you said were sweeping across Europe once again (you know - the thing I've been talking about all this time), the worst I've heard was a demonstration in London where hateful placards were carried.

(This is an instructive exercise, actually, to see how that happens. If I'd just have nodded here, you would later return to claim that I said there was never any Muslim violence in Europe, which of course would be bullshit and counter to the content of dozens of my posts here.)

OK, so I've asked you several times to inform me of what I apparently missed, according to you. Apart from the one link from Brusselsjournal about events three months ago, I believe this is the first time you actually try. So of course I've read all your links. Here they are again:

This is about the riots of November - nothing about Muslim riots "sweeping across Europe---once again" over the cartoons, which is the simple assertion I've been calling you on.

Interesting article though, useful, thanks. As for supporting your other statements (such as that in the case of the Muslim riots, we are not talking about a "tiny majority"), it includes this tidbit: "The overwhelming majority of residents are law-abiding citizens. But because of the radical few among them the place is widely seen as a den of Islamic extremism."

This is about the riots of November - nothing about Muslim riots "sweeping across Europe---once again" over the cartoons.

This link is indeed about the cartoon crisis - but mentions no violence whatsoever - let alone sweeping riots - in Europe. The only violence it mentions is in Nigeria.

This is about riots in Pakistan, Lash - which is most definitely not in Europe, last time I checked.

This is about riots in Nigeria and Lybia ... both very much not in Europe either.

Remember, it's not some "riots are sweeping the world" I called you on. The simple, straightforward thing I said was that your assertion about "riots once again sweeping Europe" over the cartoons was a gross exaggeration ... thats all.

Nothing about any violence in Europe over the cartoons (or in the last two months, period), whatsoever.

Violence in Syria, Pakistan, Iraq, Sudan, Indonesia, Palestine. We knew that; I've posted extensively about it too. None of those countries are in (or even near) Europe, though - so this link too is completely irrelevant to your claim.

After all of which, we are, thus, back at the Brussels Journal, the only publication you seem to be able to find to back you up. Odd, since if Muslim riots had truly been sweeping across Europe once again, you would have thought at least one or the other of the established news media from any of the European countries would have remarked something on it.

However, I see and acknowledge the fact that, apparently, cars were damaged and journalists were beaten up in Antwerp over the cartoons. <nods> That's pretty bad. (This Expatica report corroborates that nine cars - and a tram - were damaged, though it says nothing about journalists being beaten up.)

And I'd say that would qualify for at least one riot - or violent demonstration, at least - in Europe over the cartoons. Perhaps you should go with "one riot swept across Europe - or Antwerp, anyway" - next time ;-)

Thank you very much for your links though. If even you could not find more than one instance of violence, then there must truly not have been much in the way of rioting going on in Europe this time.

Considering this, in fact, I will join Le Figaro in praising our continent's Muslims for having reacted overall calmly and reasonably to this crisis, even as loons and zealots were running wild in many countries of the Muslim world that their families hail from.

Lash wrote:
I won't try to convince you, but I think there is a sweeping problem, featuring Muslims at a city near you.

I absolutely agree with that (I think she means Holland rather than Hungary, Walter). However, that is not at all the claim I've been challenging you on. <shrugs>

It was, I'll add, a challenge that's had me, by now, accused by you of - I'm not looking up the exact wordings - lying about what you said, ignoring your evidence, being stubbornly ignorant, being a fool, etc, etc. When it was really fairly straightforward <shrugs>.

I have to reiterate: stuff like this is simple. When you assert something, no matter how big or small, and you get called on it - you've got the choice to either honestly address what you said, or duck and dissemble instead, acting like you really said something else altogether, perhaps even throwing in some florid abuse for added distraction. <shrugs>
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