Why insulting prophet Muhammad?!

Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 09:05 am
I wonder why the Danish newspaper jyllands posten had the desire to insult prophet Muhammad (pbuh)!!! The one who was put in the top of the list of the 100 Most influental Persons in Histroy. He came before Paul and Jesus!! Top One Hundred

And why now? Why they chose this timing to pour their hatred against Islam in their newspaper?! Do we need more violence and bombings?!

If they really knew HIM, they would have never wrote an insulting word about this great prophet who liberated and guided mankind to the right path.

We, Muslims, respect Jesus and all other prophets. It is blasphemous to insult any prophet! If a Muslim dishonored a prophet, he will go to hell FOREVER!!

If we respect ur prophets, why dont u respect ours?!

If you said it is freedom of speech, well, but ur freedom ends at the lines of others! You dont want anyone to call your father names, or make fun of your mom, and then say, it is freedom of speech! Right?!

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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 09:08 am
yada yada
yada yada yada.
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 09:36 am
you dont have any other answer?! This is ur answer to all posts!
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 09:37 am
PPatience wrote:
you dont have any other answer?! This is ur answer to all posts!

It's the only type of answer your drivel warrants.
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Doktor S
Reply Thu 2 Feb, 2006 12:14 am
And even that is generous
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Reply Thu 2 Feb, 2006 03:59 am
Of course when someone is at fault they try to divert from the truth by any means possible. Let them make fun, but lets see who are the losers when it comes time.
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Reply Thu 2 Feb, 2006 06:07 pm

COPENHAGEN In a remarkable escalation of a dispute over cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad, newspapers in several European countries reprinted the images on Wednesday, supporting a Danish newspaper that triggered a huge outcry in the Islamic world by publishing them initially.

The newspapers' action fed into a sharpening debate here over freedom of expression, human rights and what one Danish editor, Flemming Rose, called a "clash of civilizations" between secular Western democracies and Islamic societies.

Indeed, said Rose, culture editor of Jyllands-Posten - the newspaper which first published the cartoons last September - "this is a far bigger story than just the question of 12 cartoons in a small Danish newspaper."

"This is about the question of integration and how compatible is the religion of Islam with a modern secular society - how much does an immigrant have to give up and how much does the receiving culture have to compromise," he said in an interview.

In recent days, Denmark has become the target of a widespread boycott of its goods, like dairy products and pharmaceuticals, in the Muslim world, its diplomats have been summoned to be dressed down in Tehran and Baghdad, and protesters have taken to the streets of Gaza.

While Jyllands-Posten has apologized for giving offense, it has not apologized for publishing the cartoons, one of which depicts the prophet wearing a bomb-shaped turban. Images of Muhammad are regarded as blasphemous by many Muslims.

The Danish prime minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, has rejected demands by Arab governments for an official apology, saying, "A Danish government cannot apologize on the part of a Danish paper. I can't call a newspaper and tell them what to put in it. That's not how our society works."

Rose called the decision not to apologize "a key issue of principle."

In support of the Danish position, newspapers in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland reprinted some of the cartoons on Wednesday. A small Norwegian evangelical magazine, Magazinet, also published the cartoons last month.

The dispute has been likened to a string of earlier cultural confrontations between Islam and the West, beginning with the death sentence declared in 1979 on the British author Salman Rushdie by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in Iran after the publication of "The Satanic Verses." In 2004, the Dutch film maker Theo van Gogh was murdered after making a film called "Submission" that dealt with violence against women in Islamic societies.

Robert Menard, secretary general of Reporters Sans Frontières, a Paris-based body that monitors media developments, said: "All countries in Europe should be behind the Danes and Danish authorities to defend the principle that a newspaper can write what it wishes to even if it offends people."

Arab regimes "do not understand there can be a complete separation between what is written in a newspaper and what the Danish government says," he said in a telephone interview. "I understand that it may shock Muslims, but being shocked is part of the price of being informed."

He noted, too, that many attacks on Denmark came from countries like Libya and Saudi Arabia, "where there's no press freedom" and where governments routinely steered newspapers.

Several Muslim leaders in Copenhagen have said they accept the apology from Jyllands-Posten, but in the Middle East, Arab and Islamic governments continued to express outrage.

On Wednesday, Syria became the latest Arab country after Saudi Arabia and Libya to withdraw its ambassador from Denmark, saying publication of the cartoons "constitutes a violation of the sacred principles of hundreds of millions of Arabs and Muslims," according to SANA, Syria's state press agency.

The Danish Embassy in Damascus was evacuated after a bomb threat on Wednesday, but no bomb was found. On Tuesday, the offices of Jyllands-Posten were evacuated under similar circumstances.

The contentious cartoons include one showing the Prophet Muhammad telling dead suicide bombers that paradise has run out of virgins - a reference to the 72 virgins accorded a Muslim martyr.

In Paris, the newspaper France Soir, printed all 12 cartoons, saying it did so "not from an appetite for gratuitous provocation, but because they constitute the subject of a controversy on a global scale which has done nothing to maintain balance and mutual limits in democracy, respect of religious beliefs and freedom of expression."

The French newspaper ran a headline declaring: "Yes, We Have the Right to Caricature God." It published a cartoon showing Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim and Christian gods on a cloud. The Christian god was depicted saying: "Don't complain, Muhammad. We've all been caricatured before."

The newspaper declared: "No religious dogma can impose its view on a democratic and secular society."

Arnaud Levy, editor-in-chief of France Soir, said there had been no coordination between European editors. Asked if they had been in touch to publish the cartoons simultaneously, he said in a telephone interview: "Absolutely not." A commentary in France Soir declared: "Enough lessons from these reactionary bigots! Just because the Koran bans images of Muhammad doesn't mean non-Muslims have to submit to this."

The decision by France Soir to publish the cartoons drew a sharp response from French Muslims. Dalil Boubakeur, head of the French Council for the Muslim Religion, called the publication of the cartoons a "provocation" and an abuse of press freedom, adding that it reflected "Islamophobia" and was disrespectful of the world's more than one billion Muslims. "The publication of the cartoons can only revive tensions in Europe and the world at a time when we are trying to unite people," he said.

In Germany, the conservative Die Welt daily printed one image on its front page and declared in an editorial: "The protests from Muslims would be taken more seriously if they were less hypocritical. When Syrian television showed drama documentaries in prime time depicting rabbis as cannibals, the imams were quiet."

Dan Bilefsky of the International Herald Tribune contributed reporting from Paris.
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Reply Thu 2 Feb, 2006 06:19 pm
Raul-7 wrote
Of course when someone is at fault they try to divert from the truth by any means possible. Let them make fun, but lets see who are the losers when it comes time.

When it comes time for what?
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Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 2 Feb, 2006 06:21 pm
Addressing the question

a) because we have something called freedom of speech.

b) because occasionally its important to assert that right, lets it wither away under constant attack from the prohibitionists.

c) because Mohammed, according to the Koran and historical research was not a nice person and deserves criticism if not a good kicking. Did he (according to the Koran) not 'marry' an 8 year old girl when aged 47?

And from the London School of African and Oriental Studies we learn

"Mohammed's God endorsed a policy of conquest, instructing his followers to fight against unbelievers wherever they might be found. In short Mohammed had to conquer, his followers liked to conquer, and his diety told him to conquer".
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Reply Thu 2 Feb, 2006 06:31 pm
Re: Why insulting prophet Muhammad?!
PPatience wrote:
I And why now? Why they chose this timing to pour their hatred against Islam in their newspaper?! Do we need more violence and bombings?!

so, the insult justifies violence & bombings?

you also wrote,

We, Muslims, respect Jesus and all other prophets. It is blasphemous to insult any prophet! If a Muslim dishonored a prophet, he will go to hell FOREVER!!

If we respect ur prophets, why dont u respect ours?!

then why don't Muslims "turn the other cheek" as Jesus instructed?
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Reply Thu 2 Feb, 2006 06:35 pm
I would also add to his deceit based upon his policy on Hudna or cease fire. He advocated agreeing to a cease fire and truce to strengthen his forces and than when ready attacked an unsuspecting adversary. That by the way is the reason why the so called truce with the Palestinians is not worth the toilet paper it would be written on. These people will follow the dictates and lead of their founder and alleged prophet.
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 2 Feb, 2006 06:37 pm

There are many people who do not believe in Islam, or for that matter, any religion or god. It is not reasonable to expect anyone that does not believe to show God the same respect that a believer does. I used to believe that everyone should show respect because afterall, He is God! Even though your religion or god is sacred to you, it isn't to many others. Well, I learned quite a bit. So, just try not to take offense personally if they do not show any respect for your beliefs or god.
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Reply Thu 2 Feb, 2006 06:52 pm
How and why should anyone show respect to the religious beliefs of Islam. When they show none to those of other faiths The concepts of freedom of religion and expression are foreign to them.
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Green Witch
Reply Thu 2 Feb, 2006 06:56 pm
I saw the cartoons and I admit I thought they were creepy. They reminded me of the cartoons Nazi's once put out showing their visions of Jews. However, in my book free speech wins. If you don't like it - speak out against it, but don't go so far as to physically hurt people, which I am sure will happen in this case. To paraphrase the school yard taunt: Sticks and stones will break your bones, but names (or drawings) cannot kill you.
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 2 Feb, 2006 07:00 pm

I am probably not the best person in which to answer that question. I cannot think of one think about Islam that I know of that I agree with. However, I have come to realize how it feels when someone ridicules something as sacred to someone as their religious beliefs.

I don't find a thing wrong with saying I don't believe what you believe, or well, "ya know, that just sounds pretty out there to me". But, it's a totally different thing when you start attacking someone's god or their beliefs. It can really hurt someone's feelings. I made a mistake and made a remark to a Muslim that to this day, I wish I could take back. It really hurt them. I had no right to do that.

I'm not saying you have to respect someone's actual beliefs au1929. I think it's important to remember that they are human beings with feelings and this is important to them. Making them feel less than or stupid because of what they believe is just not right IMO.
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Reply Thu 2 Feb, 2006 07:05 pm
"Death to Denmark, Death to France"

That is the response on the streets of Pakistan to a newspaper in another country printing a F%#KING CARTOON !!!!!

Never mind respecting dead prophets, how about muslims start showing respect for people !!!

This makes me SOOOO mad.......
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Reply Thu 2 Feb, 2006 07:08 pm
Re: Why insulting prophet Muhammad?!
PPatience wrote:
We, Muslims, respect Jesus and all other prophets. It is blasphemous to insult any prophet! If a Muslim dishonored a prophet, he will go to hell FOREVER!!

If we respect ur prophets, why dont u respect ours?!

Yeah, that's real big of you, PPatience, but you are missing something, here. You might think it's quite broadminded to acknowledge Jesus as a prophet, but Christians tend to think of him as one aspect of God.
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Reply Thu 2 Feb, 2006 07:48 pm
I would be satisfied if they just respected life. Any religion that glorifies the sending it's people out to commit suicide in order to indicriminately kill innocent men women and children IMO does not deserve respect.
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 2 Feb, 2006 07:50 pm

I understand that. But, do you even know if Ali87 believes in that particular part of Islam?
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Reply Thu 2 Feb, 2006 07:56 pm
What he believes in is irrelevant. That is what the religion believes in and preaches. In my book that is wanton murder.
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