Reply Wed 31 May, 2006 11:02 am
It is rumored that if they were reallllllllly pissed they would shoot them, hang them, and then vaporize them to cut back on burial cost ....
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 May, 2006 11:25 am
How can you tell who are the bad guys?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 May, 2006 11:51 am
revel wrote:

That's just it, it is not really possible to determine who is an innocent civilian and who is an insurgent when you are dropping bombs on the whole town.
I don't know any other alternative at this point. I only know that adding more to the violence by our hands is not good. I for sure don't want to do the same to every town in Iraq.

Yes, when we drop bombs on a target, we cannot be sure that civilians in the vicinity of that target won't inadvertently be killed. That's why we are attacking the great majority of our targets with manually operated rocket launchers, mortars, grenades, machine guns and rifles. Nonetheless, we are inadvertently killing civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Suppose the absolute best we are able to do is limit the number of civilians we unintentionally kill to less than the number of itm we intentionally kill (i.e., murder). Further suppose we murder less than 1,000 itm per month. Then we would unintentionally kill less than 1,000 civilians per month. Currently, the itm are murdering more than 2,000 civilians per month and that number is rapidly increasing. What should we do?

I recommend we murder as many itm per month as we can. Even if my supposed worst civilian-to-itm ratio is correct, failure to do so will clearly result in far more dead civilians per month, than there would be if we turned our military loose to kill all the itm they can.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 May, 2006 12:08 pm
sumac wrote:
Not going to bother, ican. We created these madmen - we pushed them over the edge. We have to take responsibility for the chain of events unleashed by our actions.

That is the stupid doctrine promoted by the liebral news opinion media and those whom they convince. Characteristic of those they convince is their inability to go beyond ONE-DIMENSIONAL THINKING.

The genocidal maniacs created themselves. They are to blame for what they have chosen to believe. They are responsible for what they have chosen to do. They are reesponsible for what they have chosen to become.

We did not educate them into thinking that murder of civilians is justifiable. We did not hypnotize them into thinking that murder of civilians is justifiable. We did not force them into thinking that murder of civilians is justifiable. We did not deceive them into thinking that murder of civilians is justifiable. The genocidal maniacs did all that to themselves.

You are responsible for what you choose to think and do: Not your father, not your mother, not your siblings, not your friends, not your acquaintances, and not the liebral news opinion media.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 May, 2006 12:29 pm
McTag wrote:
How can you tell who are the bad guys?

ican711n wrote:
A Simple Rule and a Simple Test for Detecting itm.

Simple Rule:
Dramatically and repeatedly, publicly announce the Simple Rule and the Simple Test.
Require only trained military persons in uniform to perform the Simple Test.

Simple Test:
Are they non-uniformed people in possession of ordnance?
Did they shoot at soldiers
Did they shoot at civilians?
Did they behead prisoners?
Are they shooting at soldiers?
Are they shooting at civilians?
Are they beheading prisoners?
Are they inserting ordnance in holes alongside roads?
Are they inserting ordnance in vehicles?
Are they abetting people to do any of the above?
Are they advocating that people do any of the above?
Are they silent about having witnessed people who have done any of the above?
Are they training people to do any of the above?
Are they cohabiting with, co-locating with, travelling with, or walking with people for whom the answer to anyone of the previous questions is YES?

If the answer to any of these questions about any people is yes, then they are itm and must be exterminated.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 May, 2006 12:41 pm
Gelisgesti wrote:
It is rumored that if they were reallllllllly pissed they would shoot them, hang them, and then vaporize them to cut back on burial cost ....

Want the facts about what is actually written in the book? Read the book.

Want one author's predictions about what would be the consequences of blaming victims of the itm (i.e., BIG BROTHER's "Inner Party) for what the itm do? Read the book:

"NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR" by George Orwell; then substitute the alias 2084.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 May, 2006 01:01 pm
Are they cohabiting with, co-locating with, travelling with, or walking with people for whom the answer to anyone of the previous questions is YES?

Wow, who knew that walking or living in the same building as a murderer, also made you a murderer?

Of course, you bear the responsibility for knowing everything about everyone around you. Right? Right.

Seems a pretty harsh standard to me. Hope you never sit down on a bus next to a child molestor; who knows what will happen to you?

0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 May, 2006 01:55 pm
Ican wrote:
Are they silent about having witnessed people who have done any of the above?
Are they training people to do any of the above?
Are they cohabiting with, co-locating with, travelling with, or walking with people for whom the answer to anyone of the previous questions is YES?

You are painting with a very broad brush, as is your wont, Ican

You missed out "Are they having impure thoughts"

Hell, why don't we just kill them all, in case we've missed any. That'll teach them our love of freedom and justice is not to be trifled with.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 May, 2006 02:30 pm
Apparently he also missed 'moving at too high a rate of speed.'


U.S. troops kill pregnant woman in IraqJassim's brother, who was wounded by broken glass, said he did not see any warnings as he sped his sister to the hospital. Her husband was waiting for her there.

"I was driving my car at full speed because I did not see any sign or warning from the Americans. It was not until they shot the two bullets that killed my sister and cousin that I stopped," he said. "God take revenge on the Americans and those who brought them here. They have no regard for our lives."

Damn that liberal media!

0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 May, 2006 02:42 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Are they cohabiting with, co-locating with, travelling with, or walking with people for whom the answer to anyone of the previous questions is YES?

Wow, who knew that walking or living in the same building as a murderer, also made you a murderer?
Who knew that walking or living in the same building as a genocidal maniac and failing to report that fact to the police made you a murderer? You knew or ought to have known!

Of course, you bear the responsibility for knowing everything about everyone around you. Right? Right.
No! You bear the responsibility for knowing whether or not anyone around you is a genocidal maniac. Continuing your life and the lives of those you love depends on it.

Seems a pretty harsh standard to me. Hope you never sit down on a bus next to a child molestor; who knows what will happen to you?
Fortunately, child molesters are not genocidal maniacs who are just as likely to murder you or me as the person next to you or me. It must be made clear to all Iraqis that those who fail to detect genocidal maniacs in their midst are more likely to be murdered by those genocidal maniacs than they are to be killed by those who murder genocidal maniacs.

Genocidal maniacs are extremely dangerous to everyone around them who is not a genocidal maniac, don't you think?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 May, 2006 02:47 pm
Do you count? It seems to me that you wish to kill people who are in the wrong place at the wrong time - just to be safe.

What does that make you?

0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 May, 2006 02:56 pm
McTag wrote:
Ican wrote:
Are they silent about having witnessed people who have done any of the above?
Are they training people to do any of the above?
Are they cohabiting with, co-locating with, travelling with, or walking with people for whom the answer to anyone of the previous questions is YES?

You are painting with a very broad brush, as is your wont, Ican

You missed out "Are they having impure thoughts"
You are confused! It's the itm who murder civilians for what they perceive civilians think. They are of the same mentality as that described for BIG BROTHER and his "Inner Party," in NINETEEN EIGHTY FOUR (alias 2084). It is the itm who are genocidal maniacs just like BIG BROTHER and his "Inner Party."

Hell, why don't we just kill them all, in case we've missed any. That'll teach them our love of freedom and justice is not to be trifled with.
We are trying to save the lives of as many otherwise future victims of the genocidal maniacs as we can.

You appear to be siding with the genocidal maniacs. Shocked
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 May, 2006 03:16 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Do you count? It seems to me that you wish to kill people who are in the wrong place at the wrong time - just to be safe.

What does that make you?


This diatribe of yours makes you a falsifier of what I post.

I claim that failure to timely detect and report genocidal maniacs in your midst is dangerous to your life. Either the genocidal maniacs will murder you, or those attempting to murder genocidal maniacs may inadvertently kill you. Solution, avoid the company of genocidal maniacs if you value your life. Again, failure to timely detect and report genocidal maniacs in your midst is dangerous to your life.

Now get off your ONE-DIMENSIONAL THINKING and try to come up with a better way to stop the genocidal maniacs. Absent a better idea, your criticisms of my idea are worthless. It would be insane for you to insist on a true solution to this problem that you would not find offensive, when you yourself cannot offer such a solution.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 May, 2006 03:37 pm
Sure I can offer a better solution: leave them alone. Let them self-police.

The Iraqis aren't children. They don't need us to police them, they can do it themselves. The reason they don't turn in insurgents and terrorists is because they at least partially agree with them, and partially hate the US because we kill people for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Your proposed policies have the effect of creating far more enemies than my policy does. Your policy also costs tons of money, whereas mine does not. Your policy costs American lives, mine does not. Your policy relies upon hypothetical threats as its main point (if we don't kill a bunch of people there, they will kill a bunch of people here), whereas my policy does not rely upon a hypothetical at all (if we don't kill a bunch of people there, less people will be dying - and that's a fact).

I'm not scared of terrorism. I'm not scared of terrorists. I'm scared of those who would seek to kill innocents in the name of combating terrorists. Your proposals are no different than those of the terrorists, ie, you propose killing civilians based upon an arbitrary set of rules, with no justification whatsoever except your own fear.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 May, 2006 03:43 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Apparently he also missed 'moving at too high a rate of speed.'


U.S. troops kill pregnant woman in Iraq


Yes! US troops sometimes blunder in Iraq. Yes, US troops sometimes inadvertently kill civilians in Iraq.

If the itm renounced murdering civilians and stopped being genocidal maniacs in Iraq, then there would be no life saving need for US troops to be in Iraq. If there were no life saving need for US troops to be in Iraq, then US troops would not be in Iraq. If there were no US troops in Iraq, then US troops would not sometimes blunder in Iraq. If US troops did not sometimes blunder in Iraq, then US troops would not sometimes inadvertently kill civilians in Iraq.

However, US troops would likely sometimes blunder elsewhere just like you do .... uhhh .... or did I miss seeing that star in the east at your birth!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 May, 2006 04:55 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Sure I can offer a better solution: leave them alone. Let them self-police.
Your solution is not a better solution because it is an unworkable solution. We tried your solution for the 24 years of Saddam's reign. He murdered about a million Iraqis over that period.

We have a horrendous amount to lose by adopting your solution. The itm have repeatedly declared war on civilians, made war on civilians, and murdered civilians worldwide without the police of any nation able to stop them -- not even our own police regardless of who was president at the time. The itm have repeatedly declared that their objective is to first establish a permanent sanctuary in Iraq after the US leaves, and then to go after the US and all others that do not conform to their doctrine of how we all must live our lives.

I lived through one period when people were too dumb for too long to see the real danger to humanity of but one small group of nazi genocidal maniacs before they had killed a million civilians. Chamberlain and his "peace in our time" is solid evidence of the danger of that ONE-DIMENSIONAL THINKING. Churchill understood though and early on urged confrontation with the genocidal maniacs before they grew powerful enough to murder millions. Because he was unable to convince his countryman and the US of the real danger until that danger was already upon them, millions of civilians were murdered.

Surely we can learn from history what not to do. For the sake of our grandchildren we must not let itm genocidal maniacs perpetrate what the nazi genocidal maniacs perpetrated.


Your proposed policies have the effect of creating far more enemies than my policy does. Your policy also costs tons of money, whereas mine does not. Your policy costs American lives, mine does not. Your policy relies upon hypothetical threats as its main point (if we don't kill a bunch of people there, they will kill a bunch of people here), whereas my policy does not rely upon a hypothetical at all (if we don't kill a bunch of people there, less people will be dying - and that's a fact).
All of this statement of yours is your hypothetical unsupported by evidence of any kind. All of this has already been shown false many times. In particular, by virtue of our past refusal to timely confront the genocidal maniacs before their deadliness escalated from hundreds to thousands to millions of dead civilians, we have witnessed and do now currently witness more not less people dying.

I'm not scared of terrorism. I'm not scared of terrorists. I'm scared of those who would seek to kill innocents in the name of combating terrorists. Your proposals are no different than those of the terrorists, ie, you propose killing civilians based upon an arbitrary set of rules, with no justification whatsoever except your own fear.
Your fears or lack thereof are irrelevent. I do not propose killing civilians. I simply recognize our fallibility in sometimes killing civilians in our efforts to murder genocidal maniacs.

The cost of our helping win WWI and WWII was the inadvertent killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians. We did that in our fallible efforts to prevent the murder by the genocidal maniacs of more millions of civilians than had already been murdered by the genocidal maniacs. It is not the kind of damned tradeoff I or any other sane person likes. But it is the damned tradeoff we were presented in the past and are presented in the present. As a consequence of the malicious and pernicious envy that seems to periodically infect large segments of humanity, we face that damned tradeoff now and are likely to face it again sometime in the future.

We know that rooting for people "to be the best they can be" can assuage the fools trap of malicious and pernicious envy. But we also know that transforming humanity to that state where we all, or almost all, do root for each other takes more than a belief in one visit from God.

Reality is a hard taskmaster, but is a hell of alot better to timely face it and deal with it than allow our fantasies to distract and rule our thinking while millions (possibly including us) are murdered.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 May, 2006 05:47 pm
Comparisons between terrorists and Nazis are a sign of a deluded mind.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 May, 2006 05:57 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Comparisons between terrorists and Nazis are a sign of a deluded mind. Cycloptichorn

This hypothetical of yours absent argument or evidence to support it is a sign of ... Question
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 May, 2006 06:14 pm
It's useless.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 May, 2006 06:23 pm
A sign of lack of time, a sign of weariness arguing the same things with you over and over again, a sign of disinterest.

If you think that terrorists and Nazis are the same, you are living in a fantasy world. They are not the same, and the response to them should not be the same.

I find this to be as self-evident as you seem to find your position. And I also don't believe you are arguing from, shall we say, a position of sanity, as you advocate the killing of innocents on a mass scale. Therefore, what else is there to say?

As I've said earlier, extremisim is the enemy, and that includes extremists such as yourself.

0 Replies

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