McTag wrote:
Last I heard, OBL was not head of a country, and al Quaida was not a sovereign state.
Yes! Both are true.
It was an invasion, and is an occupation. Illegal, immoral, unjustified by any fact, and stupid.
The Iraq fighting is a war that began with an invasion. It is not an occupation, because Iraq is being governed by its own people.
(bolface emphasis added by me)
Quote:Main Entry: 1war
Pronunciation: 'wor
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English werre, from Old North French, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German werra strife; akin to Old High German werran to confuse
1 a (1) : a state of usually open and declared armed hostile conflict between states or nations (2) : a period of such armed conflict (3) : STATE OF WAR b : the art or science of warfare c (1) obsolete : weapons and equipment for war (2) archaic : soldiers armed and equipped for war
2 a : a state of hostility, conflict, or antagonism b : a struggle or competition between opposing forces or for a particular end <a class war> <a war against disease> c : VARIANCE, ODDS 3
- war·less /-l&s/ adjective
The "war" part was subduing a weakened enemy, who had no air force, with no regards for its civilians: in other words, a cowardly attack.
The al-Qaeda terrorist enemy was weakened by the Coalition's war on them in Afghanistan. Many of these terrorists that fled Afghanistan ended up in Iraq where some of the Coalition continued to make war on them.
It is truly cowardly to allow terrorists sanctuaries in which terrorists train more terrorists, and from which terrorists launch terrorist attacks on civilians.
It is truly cowardly to terrorize: that is, mass murder or attempt to mass murder civilians.
It is truly cowardly to perpetrate the following acts --
Before we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, al Qaeda and its affiliated middle-eastern terrorists (i.e., human malignancies) perpetrated the following mass murders of Americans:
12/1992 -- murdered 241 Americans at US Marine Corps Headquarters in Beirut;
02/1993 -- murdered 6 Americans at WTC in NYC;
11/1995 -- murdered 5 Americans and 2 other civilians at Saudi National Guard Facility in Riyadh;
06/1996 -- murdered 19 Americans at Khobar Towers in Dhahran;
08/1998 -- murdered 12 Americans + 201 other civilians at American Embassy in Nairobi AND murdered 11 other civilians at American Embassy in Dar es Salaam;
12/2000 -- murdered 17 Americans at Destroyer Cole in Aden;
09/2001 -- murdered 1,500 Americans + 1,500 other civilians at the WTC in NYC, at the Pentagon in D.C., and at a field in Pennsylvania.
After the US an its allies invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, al Qaeda and affiliates perpetrated the following mass murders:
11/2003 – murdered 57 in Istanbul, Turkey;
03/2004 -- murdered 191 Spaniards in Madrid, Spain;
07/2005 -- murdered 56 in London, England.
It would be truly cowardly to not attempt to prevent terrorists from continuing to terrorize.
It would be truly cowardly to not make war on terrorists and to not make war on those that persist in allowing terrorists sanctuary.