Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 07:28 am
My comment still stands. I did say "as well as", not "instead of".
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 07:34 am
Perhaps I should have used the word "flippant"

Marked by disrespectful levity or casualness; pert.

Probably from flip
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 07:40 am
Every day we get news of violence and death and mayhem in Iraq. Most here in this thread has brought article after article of more death and destruction in Iraq. Most of the time (as in the case with the recent previous ones) there isn't much to say except to either make some flip comment meant to convey disgust with the whole Iraqi experiment in general or just simple dismay at the continued daily violence and death of the Iraqi people; or people just read it and shake their heads at the helplessness of it all. However, the article are needful to keep it our minds; so I think are appreciated.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 07:53 am
Rumsfeld Suggests bin Laden, Zarqawi Manipulating U.S. Press
Shame on Rumsfeld for blaming the Press for his failures. Has he forgotten how many journalists have died in Iraq and Afghanistan?---BBB

Rumsfeld Suggests bin Laden, Zarqawi Manipulating U.S. Press
Donald Rumsfeld
By E&P Staff
Published: April 18, 2006 11:15 AM ET

When Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld appeared on Rush Limbaugh's talk radio show on Monday, his remarks defending himself from calls for his resignation drew wide attention. Generally overlooked were a couple of questions and answers on the subject of press coverage in Iraq.

For one thing, Rumsfeld said it was important to "recognize that the terrorists, Zarqawi and bin Laden and Zawahiri, those people have media committees. They are actively out there trying to manipulate the press in the United States. They are very good at it. They're much better at (laughing) managing those kinds of things than we are."

Asked why fewer reporters were embedding in Iraq, Rumsfeld said he'd talked to one journalist, and "there was a kind of impression left that 'Well, if you got embedded then you were really part of the problem instead of part of the solution and you were almost going over to the other side,' argument. I think that's an inexcusable thought, and I don't know if that's the case." He did not explain why he mentioned that, not knowing if it was true."

Here is the transcript, from the Limbaugh Web site, of that portion of the interview.

LIMBAUGH: Let me amend it. Let me ask you one final question. Somebody on my staff is curious to know what your opinion is of embedding reporters with the military. Has that worked? Has that worked as you had hoped?

SECRETARY RUMSFELD: Well, it has. It worked during the Iraq conflict, and a lot of people who are reporters and journalists were able to work with our troops and see precisely how terrific they are, the wonderful job they do, the kinds of people they are, how professional they are -- and the rest of their lives they're going to have an impression of the American military that will be good for journalism, in my view. Furthermore, they were able, because they were embedded, to see and then give the world and the people of the United States a slice of what was actually happening, real reality, and it was a good thing. More recently, very few people had been being embedded. We're still offering that opportunity, but there have been far fewer journalists who have stepped up to become embedded.

LIMBAUGH: Why do you think that is?

SECRETARY RUMSFELD: Well, it's a funny thing. I asked one reporter about that, and there was kind of the impression left that, "Well, if you got embedded then you were really part of the problem instead of part of the solution and you were almost going over to the other side," argument. I think that's an inexcusable thought, and I don't know if that's the case.

LIMBAUGH: That's outrageous.

SECRETARY RUMSFELD: It is. (Laughing.)

RUSH: I can't believe that.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 07:57 am
It looks like the Civil War in Iraq, which has ben a "limited" Civil War is now escalating into an all-out Civil War.

Seems I jsut read somewhere, on another thread perhaps, that Dems were worried that we would win the war and that would be the dems downfall. I just wonder how delusional someone has to be to hold a view like that.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 07:57 am

Your post is appreciated, and you are correct. There are days when I am not just up to it either, so avoid the entire subject.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 08:02 am

You said:

"Seems I jsut read somewhere, on another thread perhaps, that Dems were worried that we would win the war and that would be the dems downfall. I just wonder how delusional someone has to be to hold a view like that."

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you mean that it would be delusional for anyone to think that Democrats were worried that we would win the war, fearing that there would be a negative consequence of that output to their party.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 08:06 am
US Knew Shiite Militias Were a Threat but Took no Action
US Knew Shiite Militias Were a Threat but Took no Action Largely Because They Were Focused on Sunni Insurgency
By Tom Lasseter
Knight Ridder Newspapers
Monday 17 April 2006

Baghdad, Iraq - U.S. officials were warned for more than two years that Shiite Muslim militias were infiltrating Iraq's security forces and taking control of neighborhoods, but they failed to take action to counteract it, Iraqi and American officials said.

Now American officials call the militias the primary security concern in Iraq, blaming them for more civilian deaths than the Sunni Muslim-based insurgency and demanding that the Iraqi government move quickly to stem their influence.

U.S. officials concede that they didn't act, in part because they were focused on fighting the Sunni-dominated insurgency and on recruiting and training Iraqi security forces.

"Last year, as we worked through the problem set, that (militias) wasn't a problem set we focused on," Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch, the top American military spokesman, said at a recent news briefing.

U.S. inaction gave the militias, with support from Iran, time to become a major force inside and outside the Iraqi government, and American officials acknowledge that dislodging them now would be difficult.

Among U.S. officials' missteps:

White House and Pentagon officials ignored a stream of warnings from American intelligence agencies about the mounting danger posed by two Shiite militias, the Badr Organization and the Mahdi Army. The Badr Organization is the armed wing of the Iranian-backed Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq, the most powerful Shiite political faction in the country; the Mahdi Army is loyal to radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.

A group of high-ranking Iraqis appointed in 2004 to persuade militia leaders to disband their groups received no funding and was allowed to wither away.

U.S. diplomats in Baghdad were slow to recognize that the majority Shiite population's ascent to political power would expand rather than diminish militia activity. Many believed that the groups' members would retire or would be integrated into the security forces without significant problems.

Acting against the Shiite militias would have undercut the administration's arguments that foreign terrorists and holdovers from Saddam Hussein's regime were the problem in Iraq. It also would have raised doubts about the administration's reliance on training largely Shiite security forces to replace U.S. troops in Iraq.
The American military's inability to curb the Sunni insurgency, in part because U.S. troops are spread thin in Iraq, also played a role. As the insurgency continued to kill Shiite civilians, Shiites came to see the militias as their only reliable means of protection.

In the weeks since the February bombing of a Shiite shrine in the town of Samarra, the militias and their allies in the Interior Ministry are thought to have been responsible for the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands, of Sunnis, who've been shot, hanged or tortured.

The belated U.S. effort to persuade Iraq's Shiite-led government to crack down on the militias is being met with resentment. Many Shiite leaders say the militias are an important defense against Sunni aggression.

"They forget that the Sunnis have been killing us for 45 years - for every action there is a reaction," said Abu Haider Lami, a senior official in the Badr Organization who used his nom de guerre during an interview at Badr offices in Baghdad. "What do they expect?"

At the beginning of 2005, neither militia was nearly as powerful as it is today. Al-Sadr's men had been defeated twice during uprisings against the U.S. military in 2004, and Badr was still operating largely outside the Iraqi security forces.

L. Paul Bremer, then the top American official in Iraq, and then-Secretary of State Colin Powell wanted to destroy al-Sadr's Mahdi militia in 2004, but Pentagon officials and U.S. military commanders balked, saying it was unwise to open a new battle with Shiite fighters at the same time the United States was concentrating on the Sunni insurgency.

In May 2005, the new Iraqi government appointed Bayan Jabr, a prominent member of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq with close ties to Badr, to head the Interior Ministry, which oversees the nation's police and several specialized security units.

Less than a month after the interim government took power, the bodies of Sunni clerics began turning up in Baghdad. Many bore signs of torture: cuts, bruises and holes apparently made by electric drills.

Al-Sadr's militia, meanwhile, underwent a reorganization in which its provincial offices were streamlined into a national council in Baghdad, giving Mahdi commanders much better tactical control of their men. As they regrouped, the Mahdi gunmen continued to exert considerable control in Sadr City, Baghdad's largest neighborhood and home to more than 2 million Iraqis.

The killings continued into the summer. Sunni family members said the dead had been picked up by men wearing security forces uniforms and driving SUVs similar to Interior Ministry vehicles.

Iraqi politicians said they tried to get the Americans to intervene. They were met with sympathetic words but little action.

"The American politicians couldn't understand the deepness and complications of the region," said Falah al-Nakib, the interior minister from June 2004 to April 2005, who said he raised the militia problem and the growing Iranian influence in Iraq with U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld. "They didn't take us seriously."

Al-Nakib said the Americans seemed convinced last year that elections for an interim government in January 2005 and for a permanent government in December would lead the Shiite parties to curb the militias. Instead, the bodies of Sunnis continued to pile up.

U.S. officials long have known that the Shiite militias could become a problem.

Officials in Washington said alarms about the growing power of the militias began in late 2003 and were raised throughout 2004 and 2005 by a variety of agencies, including the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.

Senior officials dismissed the reports as "nay-saying" and "hand-wringing," said two former senior officials in Washington who were responsible for Iraq policy through most or all of that period and one top official who remains in government.

The officials agreed to speak only on the condition of anonymity because they discussed intelligence reports that remain classified.

In May 2004, Bremer, who headed the Coalition Provisional Authority, which then governed Iraq, formed a committee of high-ranking Iraqi officials who were to meet with militia leaders and persuade them to disband their groups.

The next month, weeks before returning sovereignty to an interim Iraqi government, Bremer signed a law banning militias. The order enshrined the committee, known as the Transition Reintegration Implementation Committee, and named it as a key part of the disarmament process.

But no money was allocated to fund the committee's support offices, according to a U.S. diplomat in Baghdad. That rendered it almost completely ineffective.

"They were really never given any teeth," another American Embassy official said.

The U.S. Embassy agreed to allow interviews with the two American officials, both of whom have extensive knowledge of Iraq's militias, on the condition that they not be identified.

Other officials showed little zeal to investigate militia activity, in spite of the growing evidence that they'd infiltrated Iraqi police commando units and were using their positions to kill Sunnis.

Asked last June about the possibility, Steven Casteel, a senior U.S. adviser to the Interior Ministry, brushed the question aside.

"The small numbers that we've investigated we've found to be either rumor or innuendo," he told Knight Ridder at the time.

In July, a top Sunni politician, Saleh al-Mutlak, publicly accused Shiite militias of infiltrating the security forces and killing Sunnis involved with drafting the nation's constitution.

The arrival of Zalmay Khalilzad as U.S. ambassador in Baghdad last summer brought renewed discussion of the militia threat. In one of his first news conferences, Khalilzad said America opposed militias.

But there still were few signs of action as the Sunni death toll mounted. Sunni groups such as the Iraqi Islamic Party gathered the names of the dead. Hospital workers said Iraqi police often dumped off the bodies.

"We've lodged complaints with the prime minister, the Americans, the Human Rights Ministry ... and so far, there have been no results," Omar al-Jabouri, who heads the human rights section of the Iraqi Islamic Party, said during an interview earlier this month.

The issue gained attention last November when American forces discovered more than 160 prisoners at a secret Interior Ministry bunker. Many had been beaten with leather belts and steel rods and forced to sit in their own excrement in tiny cells crammed with dozens of prisoners. Two police officers who had knowledge of the facility said Badr ran it.

The two U.S. officials at the American Embassy in Baghdad were asked what steps the U.S. mission in Iraq had taken before the bunker raid. One of them replied: "Nothing's jumping to my mind right off the bat."

The official said allegations of Interior Ministry abuses were forwarded to the interior minister, Jabr, the man with close ties to the Badr militia.

"We understand what his background is, but he is the minister of interior and he is ultimately responsible for these forces," the American official said. "Have we formed our own internal affairs unit to go out and investigate the Iraqi police? We haven't done that; that's not a function we would perform."

Adnan Ali, a top adviser to Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, a Shiite, said there was a compelling reason the Americans didn't do more to address the militias in 2005: There weren't enough U.S. and Iraqi troops to fight the insurgency while risking an uprising by tens of thousands of Shiites by cracking down on militias.

Adnan Pachachi, the acting speaker of parliament and an elder Sunni statesman, said the Americans' inattention last year to such a complicated situation was easy to understand.

"The so-called Sunni insurgency is active in hostilities toward the Americans, while Badr - and perhaps the Mahdi Army - is not attacking Americans; Badr has been rather careful not to antagonize the Americans, not to provoke them," Pachachi said. "I think it's natural that their first reaction would be toward those who are attacking them."

Leaders from the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq and al-Sadr's group blame the Americans for failing to reel in the Sunni insurgency and establish security.

"I am against militias, but because of the situation in Iraq we need militias to protect us," said Transportation Minister Salam al-Maliki, a key al-Sadr political negotiator who deeply dislikes the U.S. presence in Iraq. "America doesn't know anything about militias in Iraq; it hasn't come up with any solution for them."

John Walcott contributed to this report from Washington.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 08:17 am
That is an exceedingly important article, and worth reading in its entirety. It also underscores the incompetence of the office of Secretary of State, as well as Bush and his inner circle.

I reprint a key part of it:

"Iraqi politicians said they tried to get the Americans to intervene. They were met with sympathetic words but little action.

"The American politicians couldn't understand the deepness and complications of the region," said Falah al-Nakib, the interior minister from June 2004 to April 2005, who said he raised the militia problem and the growing Iranian influence in Iraq with U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld. "They didn't take us seriously."

Al-Nakib said the Americans seemed convinced last year that elections for an interim government in January 2005 and for a permanent government in December would lead the Shiite parties to curb the militias. Instead, the bodies of Sunnis continued to pile up.

U.S. officials long have known that the Shiite militias could become a problem.

Officials in Washington said alarms about the growing power of the militias began in late 2003 and were raised throughout 2004 and 2005 by a variety of agencies, including the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.

Senior officials dismissed the reports as "nay-saying" and "hand-wringing," said two former senior officials in Washington who were responsible for Iraq policy through most or all of that period and one top official who remains in government.

The officials agreed to speak only on the condition of anonymity because they discussed intelligence reports that remain classified. "
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Apr, 2006 01:18 am
In The Guardian yesterday

0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Apr, 2006 05:09 am
Both the Sunni and Shiite nominees to be prime minister have stepped aside, clearing the way for a resolution of the conflict (AP or Reuters).
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Apr, 2006 05:46 am
Yea, I just read about that as well.


Jawad al-Maliki, spokesman for the prime minister's Dawa party, told reporters that "circumstances and updates had occurred" prompting al-Jaafari to refer the nomination back to the alliance "so that it take the appropriate decision."

Al-Maliki said the prime minister was not stepping down but "he is not sticking to this post."

Al-Maliki and another leading Dawa politician, Ali al-Adeeb, have been touted as possible replacements for al-Jaafari.

The largest bloc in parliament, with 130 lawmakers, the Shiite alliance gets to name the prime minister subject to parliament approval. But the Shiites lack the votes in the 275-member parliament to guarantee their candidate's approval unless they have the backing of the Sunnis and Kurds, whom they need as partners to govern.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 20 Apr, 2006 02:05 pm
The political conflict or settlement will not settle the sectarian conflict, but that's only my HO.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Apr, 2006 02:23 pm
Probably not; CI. It's not settled yet, but he has said he will step aside if alliance wants him to. It is better that Jaafari did this after the alliance said that they won't force him out unless he does steps aside.

I am curious about the "updates and circumstances" which changed so drastically from yesterday to today when he said it was "out of the question for him to resign." (or whatever, since their time is different)
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 20 Apr, 2006 02:53 pm
Probably told Jaafari that unless he stepped down, they'll threaten him with Rummy.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 20 Apr, 2006 02:54 pm
This was in my email box:


by Elizabeth Barrett, Special Prosecutor

How will I indict thee, George
Let me count the counts,
I'll indict thee to the heights and breadths of Texas itself
And whilst my ardor to imprison thee doth grow
My heart might near burst, yea
'Til I should see you, Dick, Rummy, ah, and Turd Blossom
Safely, lovingly embraced in the bosom of the slammer fore'er.


Add Me To Your Lists George

Send it on to Mr. Gonzales.... and the FBI, the CIA, the INS, the IRS, and heaven forbid that you forget the NSA. Please send it to the SS (Secret Service) which your Unpatriot Act is trying to turn into a National Police force with the unquestioned power to trample on our Constitutional rights. Free Speech? Freedom to Assemble? Not in George's world! Please add my name.

You commit treason and have the gall send your Justice Department to find out who informed the country of your vile acts. You seem to think that your lies and deceit that led us to an illegal, murdering war also give you the authority to say that you can and will continue to do as you please. You think you are something special with special rights and that the rest of us are the peasants who are here for the sole purpose of doing your bidding & to cheer for you. I WILL cheer, George...when you are in prison! Add my name dammit.

You try to keep the country in a constant state of fear. You try to convince us that only you can protect us from those shadowy terrorists but I stand now to say that you are the person, indeed the terrorist, that we have to fear the most. Bin Laden & Saddam Hussein would never be able to do to this country what you have done. Shame on you. Add my name.

You are forgetting the most important fact, George...you are our employee, not our king nor our God. I truly regret that our forefathers did not establish a method for the quick removal of such a sorryass employee as you. This is OUR country. This is the United Stated of America and it belongs to all the citizens of this country. The Constitution is for all of us and you have no right to trample on it. Add my name because I don't like you, nor am I afraid of you, George.

Somewhere in the wee hours of the night I hope that nightmares are a constant reminder of the hatred that you have unleashed upon this earth. I hope you quake in your shoes on those rare occasions when you tiptoe out of your bubble. You deserve nothing less than the constant fear that you try to dump on us. Add me to your lists.

Evil is thy middle name george, and I truly detest the person that you are.

Add me to your lists. I have no desire to be associated with your name. You are no Christian. You have no compassion. You are missing the empathy gene. You care for no one but yourself, and you have no desire to learn from your mistakes. You are not only a coward who went AWOL but you're a loser, george. You stole two elections and then wreaked your havoc upon the world. Is this your idea of dignity and honor? HA! Bring back Bill Clinton complete with his BJ and add my name to your list.

Proud to be on any list opposing George.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Apr, 2006 06:24 pm
Brought to you by the American Committees on Foreign Relations ACFR NewsGroup No. 698, Wednesday, April 19, 2006.
April 13, 2006, 7:43 a.m.
Dead-end Debates
Critics need to move on.

Currently, there are many retired generals appearing in frenetic fashion on television. Sometimes they hype their recent books, or, as during the three-week war, offer sharp interviews about our supposed strategic and operational blunders in Iraq — imperial hubris, too few troops, wrong war, wrong place, and other assorted lapses.

Apart from the ethical questions involved in promoting a book or showcasing a media appearance during a time of war by offering an "inside" view unknown to others of the supposedly culpable administration of the military, what is striking is the empty nature of these controversies rehashed ad nauseam.

Imagine that, as we crossed the Rhine, retired World War II officers were still harping, in March, 1945, about who was responsible months before during Operation Cobra for the accidental B-17 bombing, killing, and wounding of hundreds of American soldiers and the death of Lt. Gen. Leslie McNair; or, in the midst of Matthew Ridgeway's Korean counteroffensives, we were still bickering over MacArthur's disastrous intelligence lapses about Chinese intervention that caused thousands of casualties. Did the opponents of daylight bombing over Europe in 1943 still damn the theories of old Billy Mitchell, or press on to find a way to hit Nazi Germany hard by late 1944?

First of all, whatever one thinks about Iraq, the old question of whether Iraq and al Qaeda enjoyed a beneficial relationship is moot — they did. The only area of post facto disagreement is over to what degree did Iraqi knowledge of, or support for, the first World Trade Center bombing, al Qaedists in Kurdistan, sanctuary for the Afghan jihadists, or, as was recently disclosed by postbellum archives, Saddam's interest in the utility of Islamic terror, enhance operations against the United States.

Second, the old no-blood-for-oil mantra of petroleum conspiracy is over with. Gas skyrocketed after the invasion — just as jittery oil executives warned before the war that it would. Billions of petroleum profits have piled up in the coffers of the Middle East. Secret Baathist oil concessions to Russia and France were voided. Oil-for-Food was exposed. And the Iraqi oil industry came under transparent auspices for the first time. The only area of controversy that could possibly still arise would have to come from the realist right. It would run something like this: "Why, in our zeal for reform, did we upset fragile oil commerce with a dictator that proved so lucrative to the West and international oil companies?"

A third dead-end subject is Iran. The Bush administration is hardly hell-bent on preemption, unilateralism, and imperial grandeur in blocking Iran's rapid ascendance to nuclear status.

Instead, there are, and always were, only three bad choices. First, we could let the multilateral Europeans jawbone, using the cowboy George Bush as the bad-cop foil while drawing in the United Nations, the Russians, and the Chinese, or the Arab League, in hopes of delay. Perhaps as we bought time we could pray that after 26 years either the Iranians would liberalize their regime or the democratic experiment in Iraq would prove destabilizing to the neighboring mullahs.

The second tact was live with a nuclear Iran as if it were a Pakistan — and perhaps hope that something like a nuclear democratic India emerged next door to deter it.

The third choice, of course, was to tarry until the last possible moment and then take out the installations before the missiles were armed. The rationale behind that nightmarish gambit would be that the resulting mess — collateral damage, missed sites, enhanced terrorism, dirty-bomb suicide bombers, Shiite fervor in Iraq, and ostracism by the world community — was worth the price to stop a nuclear theocracy before it blackmailed the West, took de facto control of the Middle East oil nexus, nuked Israel, or spread global jiahdist fundamentalism through intimidation.

All alternatives are bad. All have been discussed. So far neither the retired military brass nor the Democratic opposition has offered anything new — much less which choice they can assure us is best. The result is that Iran is the new soapbox on which talking heads can blather about the dangers of "preemption," but without either responsibility for, or maturity in, advocating a viable alternative.

The old "good" Afghanistan / "bad" Iraq false dichotomy is ending as well, as we experience similar postbellum reconstructions. Whatever one's views three years ago about removing Saddam, by now the jihadists in Afghanistan are not much different from their brethren in Iraq. The Taliban uses suicide bombers and improvised explosive devices just like al-Zarqawi's killers. Their fundamentalist rhetoric is almost the same.

On some days in March as many Americans died in Afghanistan as in Iraq; and indeed, more Iraqis each day are fighting and dying against Islamic jihadism than are Afghans. Nearby Pakistan is almost as unhelpful as Iraq's neighbors Iran and Syria.

Democracy in both places is fragile. In other words, in both places there are real threats to establishing an alternative to the autocracies that once sponsored terrorism and destabilized the region. And the chances that Mr. Karzai can establish a lasting democratic government among the provinces of his warlords are about the same as Shiites, Kurds, and Sunnis coming together to form a government. Such is the Middle East, as we see with Hamas on the West Bank — a dysfunctional region where realists will be blamed for their amoral emphasis on the semblance of order as much as idealists for their democratic fervor and the resulting disruption.

Equally fossilized is the "more troops" debate. Whatever one's views about needing more troops in 2003-5, few Democratic senators or pundits are now calling for an infusion of 100,000 more Americans into Iraq. While everyone blames the present policy, no one ever suggests that current positive trends — a growing Iraqi security force and decreasing American deaths in March — might possibly be related to the moderate size of the American garrison forces.

So, for every argument offered by "experts," there was just as available a convincing counter-argument — something usually lost on those eager to keep up with the 24-hour news cycle.

More troops might have brought a larger footprint that made peacekeeping easier — but also raised a provocative Western profile in an Islamic country. More troops may have facilitated Iraqization — or, in the style of Vietnam, created perpetual dependency. More troops might have shortened the war and occupation — or made monthly dollar costs even higher, raised casualties, and ensured that eventual troop draw-downs would be more difficult. More troops might have bolstered U.S. prestige through a bold show of power — or simply attenuated our forces elsewhere, in Japan, Okinawa, Korea, and Europe, and invited adventurism by our enemies. Too few troops were the fault of the present Administration — or the chickens that came home to roost after the drastic cutbacks in the post-Cold war euphoria of the 1990s.

"Troop transformation" has become equally calcified. We know the script. Pensioned Army and Marine generals appear ever more ubiquitously to assure the public that we have near criminally shorted ground troops. They alone are now speaking for the silenced brave majors and dutiful colonels stuck on the ground in Afghanistan and Iraq with too few soldiers — as their four-star Pentagon brass sold out to Mr. Rumsfeld's pie-in-the-skies theorists in Washington.

Maybe — but then again, maybe not. The counterarguments are never offered. If hundreds of billions of dollars were invested in sophisticated smart shells and bombs, drones, and computers, to ensure far greater lethality per combatant, then must traditional troop levels always stay the same? How many artillery pieces is a bomber worth, with ordinance that for the first time in military history doesn't often miss? Has the world become more receptive to large American foreign bases? Or depots to housing tens of thousands of conventional troops and supplies? And did lessons of the Balkans and Afghanistan prove the need for far more ground troops and traditional armor and artillery units?

The point is simple: Somewhere between the impractical ideas that the U.S. military was to become mostly Special Forces on donkeys guiding bombs with laptops, or, instead, a collection of huge divisions with tanks and Crusader artillery platforms, there is a balance that the recent experience of war, from Panama to the Sunni Triangle, alone distills. And it isn't easy finding that center when we had enemies as diverse as Slobodan Milosevic, Mullah Omar, Osama bin Laden, and Saddam Hussein.

So we know the nature of these weary debates. Both sides offer reasonable arguments. Fine. But let us not fool ourselves any longer that each subsequent "exposé" and leak by some retired general, CIA agent, or State Department official — inevitably right around publication date — offers anything newer, smarter, or much more ethical in this dark era that began on September 11. No need to mention the media's "brave" role in all this, from the flushed-Koran story to the supposedly "deliberate" American military targeting of journalists.

Ridding the world of the Taliban in Afghanistan after the attacks on the United States was as necessary as it was daunting — especially given Afghanistan's primordial past, the rise of Islamic fascism, and that creepy neighborhood that has so plagued past invaders.

After allowing the Kurds and Shiites to be butchered in 1991 (in what turned out to be an inconclusive war), the 12-year no-fly-zones and Oil-for-Food, and the three-week war in 2003, staying on to change the landscape in Iraq was as critical as it was unappealing.

Iran's nuclear ambitions did not start in 2006. Like Pakistan's, they were a decade in the making. Indeed, they are the logical fruition of a radical Islam that hates the West as much as it is parasitic on it — and, in lunatic fashion, screams that past American appeasement was really aggression.

Changing the military to meet more nonconventional challenges was always going to be iffy — given the billions of dollars and decades of traditions at stake — and only more acrimonious when war, as it always does, puts theory into practice.

What we need, then, are not more self-appointed ethicists, but far more humility and recognition that in this war nothing is easy. Choices have been made, and remain to be made, between the not very good and the very, very bad. Most importantly, so far, none of our mistakes has been unprecedented, fatal to our cause, or impossible to correct.

So let us have far less self-serving second-guessing, and far more national confidence that we are winning — and that radical Islamists and their fascist supporters in the Middle East are soon going to lament the day that they ever began this war.

— Victor Davis Hanson is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. He is the author, most recently, of A War Like No Other. How the Athenians and Spartans Fought the Peloponnesian War.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 20 Apr, 2006 09:05 pm
No need to second-guess anythhing; we're losing our men and women in the military for a goal that's been lost long ago, and only exacerbated the problems in the Middle East and elsewhere while costing the American taxpayers one billion every week. We are the ones lamenting our involvment that was justified on the basis of lies and innuendoes of WMDs and Saddam's connection to terrorists that proved to be all wrong. Now that we broke it, we're responsible to buy it. Bush will be known as the worst president this country ever had.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 20 Apr, 2006 11:44 pm
Baghdad mosques become vigilante forts as sectarianism divides suburbs

· Shrines store arms and host weapons training
· Fears grow that fiefdoms could turn against US

In the wave of sectarian violence that has hit Iraq since the destruction of one of the country's holiest shrines in February, many mosques around Baghdad have become training grounds and weapons stores as much as places of prayer.
More significantly, they are now seen as the preserve of a single sect - the meeting place and bastion of one or other beleaguered community. The al-Nour mosque in Baghdad's western suburb of al-Jihad used to have both Shia and Sunni worshippers. "Only one Shia comes to the mosque now," said Adnan, a young guard who did not want to give his real name. He and other Sunnis are on watch each night to defend the mosque.
As Baghdad splits up into no-go areas for the Iraqi police, the danger is that the groundwork is being laid for a civil war in the city. If sectarian violence increased, the separate mosque defenders could start coordinating, turning the city into a jigsaw of no-go areas, like Beirut in the 1980s. They could also make common cause with the insurgents and turn against the Americans.
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Reply Fri 21 Apr, 2006 06:28 am
Democracy is like ice cream ... everyone has a favorite flavor ... a personal choice that can not be dictated ... it remains that simple when the choices are limited to 'chocolate' and 'vanilla'. Complications arise when the attempt is made to convince the masses that 'neopolitan' is a flavor ... doing so to promote their own agenda.
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