There is no game at all. I will assume that you do not refer to the Democratic Party, despite your rather inept presentation. The object has been trumpeted literally for years to form a democracy. No one said anything about a "representative democracy." However, had that been the case, then it would still be a Shi'ite dominated state, as a the representatives would represent the majority of the people, who are Shi'ite. Yes, being a democracy does mean the majority decides everything, so you are the one attempting to play games. As usual, you don't play very well and have a spoil-sport's attitude.
The problem, as is the case with so much of the stumble-bum behavior of this administration, is that they knew squat about the situation before they went in. Otherwise, it ought to have been obvious from the outset that a democracy means a Shi'ite dominated state.
From the American Heritage Dictionary:
Quote:de·moc·ra·cy (dĭ-mŏk'rə-sē) n., pl. -cies.
1. Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives.
2. A political or social unit that has such a government.
3. The common people, considered as the primary source of political power.
4. Majority rule.
5. The principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community.
You're whistlin' past the graveyard.