OCCOM BILL wrote:Cycloptichorn wrote:Quote:What if a majority of Iraqis are not intent on killing each other? What if it's only a minority of the Iraqis intent on killing each other? What if a majority of Iraqis are not choosing blood lust? What if a majority of Iraqis are not intent on killing anyone?
The population of Iraqi is about 27 million. At about one child per 2 adults, that's about 9 million Iraqi children and 18 million adults. About 12 million Iraqi adults risked their lives to vote in their last election and about 6 million did not vote.
How many of the 12 million voting adults are choosing blood lust? How many of the 6 million non-voting adults are choosing blood lust? I bet the total choosing blood lust is far less than 1 million. But even if it were as many as 6 million, should we abandon the other 12 million adults and 6 million children who are not choosing blood lust, to those 6 million choosing blood lust?
I think not!
The 'good guy' Iraqis have a far greater responsibility than to simply 'not kill each other.' They have the responsibility to stop those who wish to kill innocents from doing so. If they choose not to stop them, it is hardly our fault.
This is
not our responsibility!

Do you hold responsible the peaceful inhabitants of the inner cities for the violence erupting around them as well?
It is their responsiblity to curb the behavior of members of their communities whom they find undesirable. Overwhelming historical evidence has shown this process to be more effective than the attempt to remove offenders by force from the outside.
Even if there are others who have decided to assist in this process, the primary responsibility still lies with members of the community.
Quote: How about the peaceful majority in Darfur?
What about them?
Quote:Should responsibility for the genocide perpetrated in Rwanda be laid at the innocent majority's feet? What precisely do you expect any of these people to do?
They aren't responsible for causing the genocide but they sure haven't stopped it. They haven't banded together to kick out those causing the genocide.
I expect them to organize and either fight back and win, or die trying. To say that they have no responsiblitiy for their situation is ridiculous. It isn't their fault (the innocent majority), but that doesn't mean that it isn't their problem! It is their problem!
The same goes for Iraqis. Not their fault that their country got messed up, but it sure is their problem. In the end it isn't the responsiblity nor the problem of the US; we can withdraw, go home, play defense, do whatever - though we will undoubtedly suffer the consequences of our folly, we don't have to
live there. They do. Therefore it is a much bigger problem for them, then us, and I suggest they get their act together to solve it, because we won't be able to do anything about it.