Reply Sun 17 Dec, 2006 06:24 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
That you are unable to discern any difference between the human race and the history of Iraq shows your mind is locked in infamy.

Your logic has evolved, cice. Now it is the logic of the standard bigoted demagogue.

bigot definition
Main Entry: 1big·ot Pronunciation Guide
Pronunciation: bigt, usu -d.+V
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Etymology: Middle French, bigot, hypocrite, from Old French bigot Norman
1 obsolete : HYPOCRITE; especially : a superstitious religious hypocrite
2 : one obstinately and irrationally, often intolerantly, devoted to his own church, party, belief, or opinion

demagogue definition
Main Entry: 1dem·a·gogue Pronunciation Guide
Variant(s): or dem·a·gog \gäg sometimes -gg\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Etymology: Greek dmaggos, from dm- dem- + aggos leading, from agein to lead -- more at AGENT
1 : a leader or orator in ancient times who championed the cause of the common people : a leader of the popular or plebeian party or faction in the state
2 : one who employs demagogic methods; especially : a political leader who seeks to gain personal or partisan advantage by specious or extravagant claims, promises, or charges
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Dec, 2006 06:28 pm
dyslexia wrote:
Ican wrote;
Your logic, cice, is that of the standard bigot:
"A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own."

I'm afraid Ican you're the bigot in this case.

Dys, this sounds like your confessional.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 17 Dec, 2006 07:05 pm
ican, Please post the defnition for "demogogue." If you ever bother to see all the responses to your posts, guess who's seen as the "demogogue" on a2k?"

You're the one who keeps talking about "killing all the terrorists." The US army tried and failed. After almost four years, terrorism has increased, and more innocent Iraqis are getting killed by the day.

You fit the defintion quite nicely; "demogogue ican."
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Dec, 2006 08:20 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
ican, Please post the defnition for "demogogue."

I did post the definition for demagogue.

The rest of this post of yours, cice, has nothing to do with my original response to what you posted.

Two posts prior to this one of yours. I wrote the following immediately prior to the definitions of bigot and demagogue:
Your logic has evolved, cice. Now it is the logic of the standard bigoted demagogue.

A few posts before that you, Cice, posted:
cicerone imposter wrote:
If the Iraqi's are intent upon killing each other so be it. Perhaps the blood lust will subside and they will stop the slaughter. If not it will be their choice.

I responded:
ican711n wrote:
What if a majority of Iraqis are not intent on killing each other? What if it's only a minority of the Iraqis intent on killing each other? What if a majority of Iraqis are not choosing blood lust? What if a majority of Iraqis are not intent on killing anyone?

The population of Iraqi is about 27 million. At about one child per 2 adults, that's about 9 million Iraqi children and 18 million adults. About 12 million Iraqi adults risked their lives to vote in their last election and about 6 million did not vote.

How many of the 12 million voting adults are choosing blood lust? How many of the 6 million non-voting adults are choosing blood lust?

I bet the total choosing blood lust is far less than 1 million. But even if it were as many as 6 million, should we abandon the other 12 million adults and 6 million children who are not choosing blood lust, to those 6 million choosing blood lust?

I think not!

You, cice, responded:
ican seems oblivious to events in Iraq that gets worse almost daily. Your "what if" scenario is worth less than shyt. They've been hell-bent on killing each other for over 1300 years.

I responded {emphasis added}:
Using your logic, Cice, the entire human race has been "hell-bent on killing each other for over 1300 years."

Using your logic, Cice, the entire human race has been "hell-bent on killing each other for over 5,000 years."

Your logic, cice, is that of the standard bigot: some of group X are bad guys; therefore, all of group X are bad guys.

Or how about this one? Things get worse almost daily; therefore things will continue to get worse almost daily.

Or how about this one? Some atheist collectivists are cowards; therefore all atheist collectivists are cowards.

Then you, Cice,responded:
That you are unable to discern any difference between the human race and the history of Iraq shows your mind is locked in infamy.

Then I responded:
Your logic has evolved, cice. Now it is the logic of the standard bigoted demagogue.

bigot definition
Main Entry: 1big·ot Pronunciation Guide
Pronunciation: bigt, usu -d.+V
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Etymology: Middle French, bigot, hypocrite, from Old French bigot Norman
1 obsolete : HYPOCRITE; especially : a superstitious religious hypocrite
2 : one obstinately and irrationally, often intolerantly, devoted to his own church, party, belief, or opinion

demagogue definition
Main Entry: 1dem·a·gogue Pronunciation Guide
Variant(s): or dem·a·gog \gäg sometimes -gg\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Etymology: Greek dmaggos, from dm- dem- + aggos leading, from agein to lead -- more at AGENT
1 : a leader or orator in ancient times who championed the cause of the common people : a leader of the popular or plebeian party or faction in the state
2 : one who employs demagogic methods; especially : a political leader who seeks to gain personal or partisan advantage by specious or extravagant claims, promises, or charges

Then you, Cice responded:
ican, Please post the defnition for "demogogue." If you ever bother to see all the responses to your posts, guess who's seen as the "demogogue" on a2k?"

You're the one who keeps talking about "killing all the terrorists." The US army tried and failed. After almost four years, terrorism has increased, and more innocent Iraqis are getting killed by the day.

You fit the defintion quite nicely; "demogogue ican."

I rest my case.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Dec, 2006 08:32 pm
Ican, you're not keeping your nose up and are in danger of spiraling out of control.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Dec, 2006 07:39 am
The sectarian violence and killing can only be arrested by the Iraqi's themselves. Increasing the number of American troops in Iraq. Will only increase the number of targets both sides have to shoot at.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Dec, 2006 08:13 am
containment check.... passed Dec 18, 2006 certified blatham.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 18 Dec, 2006 10:51 am
Colin Powell finally spoke up about adding more troops in Iraq; it won't work. He's asking the right questions such as 1) for what purpose, 2) what's the end game, and 3) what will it accomplish? He also said, the US doesn't have 15,000 to 30,000 more troops.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Dec, 2006 12:17 pm
unfortunately the situation in iraq reminds me of the last year
of WW II .
when the german army started to retreat from russia , the word "retreat" ("rueckzug" in german) was never used , instead the daily news report
used to state that the german army had "straightened out the frontlines" ("frontbegradigung" in german ) .
and , of course , the german army a/t the reports being issued was always winning .
they straightened out the fronlines so much that eventually the soviet army was right in berlin .
sorry for not being more cheerful !
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Dec, 2006 12:50 pm
What if a majority of Iraqis are not intent on killing each other? What if it's only a minority of the Iraqis intent on killing each other? What if a majority of Iraqis are not choosing blood lust? What if a majority of Iraqis are not intent on killing anyone?

The population of Iraqi is about 27 million. At about one child per 2 adults, that's about 9 million Iraqi children and 18 million adults. About 12 million Iraqi adults risked their lives to vote in their last election and about 6 million did not vote.

How many of the 12 million voting adults are choosing blood lust? How many of the 6 million non-voting adults are choosing blood lust?

I bet the total choosing blood lust is far less than 1 million. But even if it were as many as 6 million, should we abandon the other 12 million adults and 6 million children who are not choosing blood lust, to those 6 million choosing blood lust?

I think not!

The 'good guy' Iraqis have a far greater responsibility than to simply 'not kill each other.' They have the responsibility to stop those who wish to kill innocents from doing so. If they choose not to stop them, it is hardly our fault.

This is not our responsibility!

0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Dec, 2006 03:12 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
What if a majority of Iraqis are not intent on killing each other? What if it's only a minority of the Iraqis intent on killing each other? What if a majority of Iraqis are not choosing blood lust? What if a majority of Iraqis are not intent on killing anyone?

The population of Iraqi is about 27 million. At about one child per 2 adults, that's about 9 million Iraqi children and 18 million adults. About 12 million Iraqi adults risked their lives to vote in their last election and about 6 million did not vote.

How many of the 12 million voting adults are choosing blood lust? How many of the 6 million non-voting adults are choosing blood lust?

I bet the total choosing blood lust is far less than 1 million. But even if it were as many as 6 million, should we abandon the other 12 million adults and 6 million children who are not choosing blood lust, to those 6 million choosing blood lust?

I think not!

The 'good guy' Iraqis have a far greater responsibility than to simply 'not kill each other.' They have the responsibility to stop those who wish to kill innocents from doing so. If they choose not to stop them, it is hardly our fault.

This is not our responsibility!


Although I agree that we must pull our troops out of Iraq because as I have stated only the Iraqi's can stop the killing. However to say it is not our responsibility is BS. Remember, the situation and conditions in Iraq are definitely our responsibility since our actions were the cause.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Dec, 2006 03:19 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:


The 'good guy' Iraqis have a far greater responsibility than to simply 'not kill each other.' They have the responsibility to stop those who wish to kill innocents from doing so. If they choose not to stop them, it is hardly our fault.

This is not our responsibility!


The goodguy Iraqis are trying to stop badguy Iraqis from murdering goodguy Iraqis. They require our help. That's neither their fault or our fault.

Helping goodguy Iraqis, is meeting our responsibility to ourselves as well as to others: that is, it is meeting our responsibility to us goodguy Americans as well as to other of humanity's goodguys.

By not meeting that responsibility like we did not meet that responsibility in the past, we would again increase our risk of middle eastern badguys murdering us goodguys.

By meeting that responsibility, we risk killing some Iraqi goodguys when we covertly murder Iraqi badguys, in order to help far more Iraqi goodguys.

I expect you to deny the risk to us--or demand evidence of its existence--of leaving Iraq without helping Iraqi goodguys, while attempting without evidence to claim the number of Iraqi goodguys we risk killing when covertly murdering Iraqi badguys is too large to warrant murdering Iraqi badguys.

All this is of course a judgment call. Frankly, I trust my judgment more than I trust your judgment.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Dec, 2006 03:31 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
What if a majority of Iraqis are not intent on killing each other? What if it's only a minority of the Iraqis intent on killing each other? What if a majority of Iraqis are not choosing blood lust? What if a majority of Iraqis are not intent on killing anyone?

The population of Iraqi is about 27 million. At about one child per 2 adults, that's about 9 million Iraqi children and 18 million adults. About 12 million Iraqi adults risked their lives to vote in their last election and about 6 million did not vote.

How many of the 12 million voting adults are choosing blood lust? How many of the 6 million non-voting adults are choosing blood lust?

I bet the total choosing blood lust is far less than 1 million. But even if it were as many as 6 million, should we abandon the other 12 million adults and 6 million children who are not choosing blood lust, to those 6 million choosing blood lust?

I think not!

The 'good guy' Iraqis have a far greater responsibility than to simply 'not kill each other.' They have the responsibility to stop those who wish to kill innocents from doing so. If they choose not to stop them, it is hardly our fault.

This is not our responsibility!

Shocked Do you hold responsible the peaceful inhabitants of the inner cities for the violence erupting around them as well? How about the peaceful majority in Darfur? Should responsibility for the genocide perpetrated in Rwanda be laid at the innocent majority's feet? What precisely do you expect any of these people to do?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Dec, 2006 03:39 pm
ican711nm wrote:

The goodguy Iraqis are trying to stop badguy Iraqis from murdering goodguy Iraqis. They require our help. That's neither their fault or our fault.

I haven't seen evidence of this. I haven't seen much evidence of 'good' Iraqis banding together to do anything at all.


All this is of course a judgment call. Frankly, I trust my judgment more than I trust your judgment.

Sure you do, but by any possible metric, mine has been of higher quality than yours these past several years, because events continue to prove my predictions/opinions/judgements correct, and yours wrong. But of course you are aware of this.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Dec, 2006 03:42 pm
"The goodguy Iraqis are trying to stop badguy Iraqis from murdering goodguy Iraqis. They require our help." So simple. And I'm sure you can justify America's sicing of Saddam on the Iraqis in the first place. And justify our arming and funding and selling lethal substances to him after he had used WMD. Our working with both sides in the Iraq/Iran war that killed a MILLION people. Also the twisting of intelligence and lies that led to this current war. Simple. I simplify things also. I say that since the Bush/Walker family and their cohorts have armed the Bolshevik Revolution, Hitler, Saddam, bin Laden and many like them in between that they've found a tried and true formula that enriches them to the detriment of humanity and that the progression will continue into the next generation and the next until we finally call them on it and prosecute them for crimes against humanity.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Dec, 2006 03:45 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
What if a majority of Iraqis are not intent on killing each other? What if it's only a minority of the Iraqis intent on killing each other? What if a majority of Iraqis are not choosing blood lust? What if a majority of Iraqis are not intent on killing anyone?

The population of Iraqi is about 27 million. At about one child per 2 adults, that's about 9 million Iraqi children and 18 million adults. About 12 million Iraqi adults risked their lives to vote in their last election and about 6 million did not vote.

How many of the 12 million voting adults are choosing blood lust? How many of the 6 million non-voting adults are choosing blood lust? I bet the total choosing blood lust is far less than 1 million. But even if it were as many as 6 million, should we abandon the other 12 million adults and 6 million children who are not choosing blood lust, to those 6 million choosing blood lust?

I think not!

The 'good guy' Iraqis have a far greater responsibility than to simply 'not kill each other.' They have the responsibility to stop those who wish to kill innocents from doing so. If they choose not to stop them, it is hardly our fault.

This is not our responsibility!


Shocked Do you hold responsible the peaceful inhabitants of the inner cities for the violence erupting around them as well?

It is their responsiblity to curb the behavior of members of their communities whom they find undesirable. Overwhelming historical evidence has shown this process to be more effective than the attempt to remove offenders by force from the outside.

Even if there are others who have decided to assist in this process, the primary responsibility still lies with members of the community.

How about the peaceful majority in Darfur?

What about them?

Should responsibility for the genocide perpetrated in Rwanda be laid at the innocent majority's feet? What precisely do you expect any of these people to do?

They aren't responsible for causing the genocide but they sure haven't stopped it. They haven't banded together to kick out those causing the genocide.

I expect them to organize and either fight back and win, or die trying. To say that they have no responsiblitiy for their situation is ridiculous. It isn't their fault (the innocent majority), but that doesn't mean that it isn't their problem! It is their problem!

The same goes for Iraqis. Not their fault that their country got messed up, but it sure is their problem. In the end it isn't the responsiblity nor the problem of the US; we can withdraw, go home, play defense, do whatever - though we will undoubtedly suffer the consequences of our folly, we don't have to live there. They do. Therefore it is a much bigger problem for them, then us, and I suggest they get their act together to solve it, because we won't be able to do anything about it.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Dec, 2006 04:19 pm
blueflame1 wrote:
"The goodguy Iraqis are trying to stop badguy Iraqis from murdering goodguy Iraqis. They require our help."

So simple. And I'm sure you can justify America's sicing of Saddam on the Iraqis in the first place. And justify our arming and funding and selling lethal substances to him after he had used WMD. Our working with both sides in the Iraq/Iran war that killed a MILLION people.

I cannot justify any of that, because it is not justifiable.

By not meeting our responsibility to help the goodguys now, like we did not meet that responsibility in the past, we would again increase our risk of middle eastern badguys murdering us goodguys.

Also the twisting of intelligence and lies that led to this current war.

I think what actually led to the current war is debatable. I think what should have led to the current war is: 9/11 plus 9/11 perpetrators being trained in Afghanistan plus some of the trainers of those 9/11 perpetrators escaping to Iraq in December 2001 plus those Iraq based trainers of 9/11 perpetrators training future perpetrators in Iraq.

Simple. I simplify things also. I say that since the Bush/Walker family and their cohorts have armed the Bolshevik Revolution, Hitler, Saddam, bin Laden and many like them in between that they've found a tried and true formula that enriches them to the detriment of humanity and that the progression will continue into the next generation and the next until we finally call them on it and prosecute them for crimes against humanity.

I'd be happy enough to first stop the people--whoever they are--doing all that bad stuff, and then think about their prosecution.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Dec, 2006 04:22 pm
Your candor is the only part of the preceding post I can respect. Holding responsible the victims of hideous crimes against humanity for their plight is deplorable. The suggestion is disgusting to the point of absurdity.

The woman dispatched along with her children by a car bomb is in no way responsible for her demise nor that of her children. I could easily fill a dozen pages with examples that demonstrate the absurdity of your position. So could you. Rethink it.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Dec, 2006 04:29 pm
Your candor is the only part of the preceding post I can respect. Holding responsible the victims of hideous crimes against humanity for their plight is deplorable. The suggestion is disgusting to the point of absurdity.

The woman dispatched along with her children by a car bomb is in no way responsible for her demise nor that of her children. I could easily fill a dozen pages with examples that demonstrate the absurdity of your position. So could you. Rethink it.

Thanks, I'm good on my position, though apparently you are having issues with reading comprehension these days.

I don't hold those in Iraq, or anywhere, who have been the victims of crime to be responsible for having caused their problems. Not at all. But they do have a responsibility - both individually and as a society - to make effort to change the situation they live in, if they are unsatisfied with it.

Suggesting that those who are undergoing problems have no responsibility to do anything about their problems is absurd.

The responsibility for solving the problems of Iraqi-on-Iraqi violence lies primarily with the people of Iraq. We helped create the problem, so it behooves us to help solve it if possible; but we could certainly walk away at any time we chose, whereas they cannot.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Dec, 2006 04:34 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

The same goes for Iraqis. Not their fault that their country got messed up, but it sure is their problem. In the end it isn't the responsiblity nor the problem of the US; we can withdraw, go home, play defense, do whatever - though we will undoubtedly suffer the consequences of our folly, we don't have to live there. They do. Therefore it is a much bigger problem for them, then us, and I suggest they get their act together to solve it, because we won't be able to do anything about it.


Iraqi goodguys cannot solve their problem alone. No other country can solve their problem for them. It requires a partnership of goodguys in and outside Iraq to solve their problem. It is in the interest of goodguys everywhere that the Iraqi problem be solved. So I suggest they we all get our act together to solve it, because alone none of us will be able to solve it.
0 Replies

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