au1929 wrote:
What give dumbo another chance to screw things up even worse than he has already. How many more must die before you understand the extent of his ability to fail?.
Damn it to hell! When are you going to wake up?
"Dumbo," or Bush, or Rumsfeld or America are not now the real issue and never were the real issue. The real issue is what is necessary to be done about the Middle East for the sake of humanity?
Ok, you judge the Bush administration to not be able to achieve the objectives for the Middle East necessary to protect humanity from what the Middle East has become and is threatening to become. I think you are probably right!
What do you want achieved in the Middle East, how do you recommend it be achieved, and by whom do you wish it achieved?
Today's political critics are irresponsible in that they claim that only criticism is their job, and proposing what they think is a better way is not their job.
I criticize today's political critics for this position. I disagree with it. From the moment one criticizes political behavior, one has assumed responsibility for proposing or describing a better political behavior.
I just did!