The Vietnam syndrome is back. Empires worst enemy. Only this time it's in the U.K. too.
Whose going to pull the triggers for "Freedom & Democracy"?
Author expects more soldiers to refuse Iraq duty
A week ago, Iraq-bound Army 1st. Lt. Ehren Watada, 28, stood up outside Fort Lewis and said he would not fight in what he considers an illegal war.
On Tuesday, Spec. Suzanne Nicole Swift, 21, an Iraq veteran with a Fort Lewis military police unit, returned to the post after being AWOL since January for refusing to go back there with her unit. She was arrested earlier at her mother's home in Eugene, Ore.
Their outright refusal to go to Iraq is likely to be repeated by other soldiers, predicted Peter Laufer, a Vietnam war resister and former radio newsman and author of "Mission Rejected: U.S. Soldiers Who Say No to Iraq," released by Chelsea Green Publishing in May.