even jeep, man. the cherokee sport was a gas-hog, too, but at least it was somewhat utilitarian. a big box, a big engine (the gf used to have one, we took it across the country three times towing big trailers, never a problem), not a lot of appointments or hassle. now if you're leaning in that direction (you capitalist running dog, you) you've got your choice of of the big chugging, over-appointed grand cherokee and the trendy, decorous and poorly laid out liberty. YAWN!
(the Jimmies are still smaller than the bulk of them, and I don't begrudge people that use trucks like trucks; but i live in a city, damn it, one where it only snows once or twice a year, where the only thing keeping the smog from getting really nasty is that there's not enough sun to make it, and where the parking spaces are small. "free tibet." free the freakin' carpool lane, yuppie scum.)
i've gotta confess i spent a good chunk of my morning so far yelling at glassy-eyed latte-sippers in urban assault vehicles. they don't seem to know how to respond to it. oh well.
you commie pinko - fags - if I want to own a big gas hog and can afford to buy for fuel and insurance - why the crap should you care????????
now get outta my way before I decide to run over ya with my toyota camry
my camry caught on fire (sniff).
I got an 83 you can buy for parts!
I actually am seriously looking to buy a SUV. Its just that I cannot fit into the local supermarket's car park
hmmm. don't need 'em, but how'd you like to swap it for an '85 buick park avenue (for parts).
Can we work a deal for my Benz?
Does it guzzle lots of fuel ?
It's not to bad - diesel - but the motor needs work, it's going to throw a rod, if I drive it much. Looking for an inexpensive mechanic.
Now, see, I like the old beauties like that. I figure, even if it does guzzle gas, not many of them are on the road anymore. If SUVs had to meet emission standards I'd STILL have a problem with them. They can't stay in the lane, they can't see little cars (as pdog mentioned), I can't see around them or in front of them, they cause more traffic problems at intersections etc (yes, there was a study and I WILL find it if you ask me to), they roll and kill themselves (darwinian if ya ask me) and they demolish littler cars they hit. AND, (Lola avert thine eyes once again, please) the drivers do tend to be dumbasses.
So when I buy my next car (99% it is gonna be a SUV) lil'k will call me dumbass instead of cuteass ??
so sorry
unless you buy a subaru or some such smallish, economical SUV. What in the world will you need an SUV for in london?
I've driven big cars. I've driven fast cars. The novelty of both is fun. But you buy (or, more realistically, lease) the damn thing, the novelty's gone within a few months. Then you need a bigger one to get a smaller kick than you got with the first one. (Okay, I always like fast cars, but I'm driving the Civic, see? And I would be walking and bussing for the most part, except that the university I work at is so ridiculous that I am unable to take classes here, which leaves me skittering about the city trying to piece it together -- and I fell bad about even that amount of driving, about my eight gallons of gas a week -- which is really a hell of a lot if you think about it, if you think about how much carbon dioxide/monoxide et al is freed from the combustion of said eight gallons. Such a fractured/fragment/fractious modern world. Now where the hell is my fresh fruit?)
I agree with you Little K and Patio, where I live there are lots of snooty, self involved Republicans who drive SUVs not just in a dumb way, but slow and without regard for others. This I hate. Still, I think there are reasons for owning an SUV. The main one I know of (because it's my own personal reason) is that it gets the kids out of my face and gives them room to have their own hassles with each other. But then, now that the kids have their own SUVs (giggle, not really) cars, I don't need to drive the big, slow, lumbering family uterus anymore and I drive instead my fast little car. The SUVs are bigger, but they aren't faster. I guess I can be seen as self involved myself. Which I do want what I want, but I don't think I get it at other's expense. And that's my soap box. People who are not sensitive to the needs of others. But I also don't like people who can never think of what they want for themselves either.
I'm thinking about this in a husker Red
pic from the other side:
husker, i know where you can get a hummer for 20 bucks; could save you a lot of money there, guy!
plastic model right???? LOL
(er, think Seatac, hot pants, and Bill Clinton...)