Oh, Woe is Bo. He's created a monster with Tessla effects then retreats to his Starz...heh heh.
Diane, I swear to you that was a promotion by the "have a moderate for lunch bunch"....Would Jesus drive an SUV?
Edgar, cell phones can come in handy when you only have a dial up connection, and as Bo postulated, healthy competition is a must. I just want to iterate, that all children have a talent, and it is incumbent upon a caring teacher to never distinguish one from the other, but never, never stifle the achiever.
The only good thing about the combination of cell phones and SUV's is that Suv drivers are not too bright, or they wouldn't choose a machine that doesn't do anything well, is far bigger than they need, and therefore uses far more fuel to achieve the same purpose (A2B); so when they are driving along yaking on their cell phones, they are far more likely to "wipe out", thus reducing the SUV population ( if they're chewing gum its curtains)!
And, why do people buy SUVs in the first place? Keeping up with the Jones's = "competition" yeah full circle!!

Great, Bo.
One tiny rant. Why don't stereo systems have a button that says "play". We're still trying to figure out how to get a tape to run in our new Panosonic. Whistles and bells..whistles and bells, what a story they do not tells.
Bo, thanks for the info. I'll start carrying around lots of chewing gum to hand out to SUV owners (wicked chuckle).
Letty thought that was the "future" button!!!
And, I bet every one would like me to find my "pause" button!
Oh, remote controls in the hands of men!!!!!
"Any" controls in the hands of men are dangerous!!!
But few are as irritating as the remote!
Here's where we are now:
Yesterday we went to catch the 90th Street NY Waterway Ferry to Cirque de Soliel. (A great show BTW!!!) We had tickets for the 4:15pm boat, it's about a ten minute ride and the show would start at 5:00pm. There were about sixty passengers waiting on the dock. A boat arrived about 3:50, picked up 24 passengers, (we were number 29 and 30) and steamed off towards the show. One of the crew yelled that another boat was right behind them. All fine, right? Well, no, because the woman in front of us who would have been number 26 started the classic New York rant about how they should have taken on more people, and how they really didn't take 24, (they did. I counted), how they were probably going to get to the show late and have to wait until an intermission and miss half the show and ...... you get the idea. She was a pretty good ranter, middle aged, short, wearing a white blouse and red jacket, she had the right lung pressure to keep the whine going.
BUT WAIT, there's more.
The next boat pulled up, disgorged about 100 people and then
pulled up the gangplank and headed off down river.
Well, what's a good ranter to do??? She did much more ranting, much to the chagrin of her two male companions and despite several others of us trying to make light of the situation. It was now about 4:10pm, still plenty of time to make the show, but that didn't stop the flow.
At 4:15, the time we all had tickets for, our heroine went over to the tickets booth and proceeded to wail her complaints to the sixteen year old ticket seller who in the time honored tradition of all teenagers glazed over her eyes and let her lower lip droop sullenly. The wailer returned to her place in line in triumph as all ranters do.
as the next boat approached the dock, the ticket seller, left her booth, trotted down the gangplank, waited for the boat to settle, then jumped on board and climbed up to the captain's cabin to have a word. We waited for the crew to start taking us aboard. Two minutes passed, then three, no movement on board except for the captain speaking to one of crew.
Finally, they moved the gangplank down and motioned for us to come forward, EXCEPT
they stopped the ranter in her tracks! That's right. That's where we are now, if you complain too loudly, you might get yourself left off of public transportation. Seems the ticket seller decided that the ranter had said something rude and had asked the captain not to let her onboard. Not terroristic threats, not inflammatory language, just the usual New York kvetch from a decidedly not dangerous soul.
L and I got seats on the top deck and were glad to see that cooler heads did prevail and the woman got to board, got to the show, got to see the breathtaking talents of the Cirque de Soleil, but there was a lesson here. What next? No booing at the Red Sox!
NO..NO...NO....Mac, it does not look like a damn sideways pyramid!!!
Now, got that off my chest, but I'm still
I am Geographicaly a European. My heart & soul tells me I am
#1 A Londoner
#2 An Inglander sorry English
There are those who would like to make me a subject of a vast Federal European Republic.
I have nothing against europeens or republics or federations. But I draw the line against all 3 being entwined against me. I have no objection to trade agreements, a common currency, product standards. What I object to is an all invasive Nanny State. We had one once upon a time in the UK but we got rid of it. I don't need a new one shooting at me from Brussels and turning us all into Unified Robots. I am not a luddite and i am not a Little Englander. Nor am I a Federalist. One of the great things about going to Italy or France or Holland is that they are different to the UK in so many ways. Very enjoyable and great fun. But perhaps that's what the europeens don't like. FUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUN
i can only assume its something imported to the rest of the world from the US of A, we seem to be the orginators of the clone syndrome. we really really like everyone to think exactly the same, look exactly the same and live exactly the same. i have to think its based on fear. if something is different than i am i might question myself and i certainly don't have any desire to do that. when i was in grad school back in the last century i had a prof that refered to this as the brown shoe on tuesdays syndrome. i could very easily turn this into my favorite rant

just down the road from me is the second fastest growing community in the US called HighLands Ranch, the zoning requirements limit the homes to be one of 5 pastel colours, everyone must have 40% of their front lawn planted in Blue Grass, garage doors must not be left open facing the street when not in use etc etc btw the population is 97% republican and is the center of the "focus on the family" pentecostal movement for the world.
That's rather frightening dys; sounds like a remake of The Stepford Wives.

the entire population of this city (73,000) live in duplicates of this house, 4 bdrms-3 bath and $270,00 and Mrs Stepford drives an SUV. Ever hear of Columbine High School?
Dys, I've seen it and it's awful!
There are developments in Connecticut that have covenants prohibiting clothes lines in the back yard, for God's sake!