Yikes! Patio. I see TWO vicious looking dogs.

One for each visitor, do you suppose?
Actually folks, I don't mind JW's. I just don't think the way they do, and although I'll never be rude, I just wish they would understand that faith is a personal thing.
One's all kisses, the other is all teeth.
I do hope the one that's all "kisses" is behind for the sake of the one in front!
nope, but that's just as well. the one that's all kisses has a habit of biting toothy on the ass whenever he starts to swim out into the lake. she's not much of a swimmer, see, and hates being left out...
(god, freakin' dog chat. what'samattawit'me?)
Bo, excuse the aside, but I need to ask Patio something.
Patio? Did I see somewhere that you play cello and bass clarinet?
No, no, no. I believe I said I love the sound of a cello and a bass clarinet played together -- or, not together but simultaneously, but, you know, with each other... Always thought Dolphy sounded so lonely without a cello down there with him...
OKAY, soap box issue here, if anybody is still about. (hell, if they're not, it still feels good to have a box to stand on.)
What is it with bureacrats? Why do they have to seize every available opportunity to bash you about the figurative head for any failure to fill in a field, dot an i, cross a t? Hey, if I forgot to fill something out, just chill for a minute, all right? I realize that the Bureacrat's Forms are the Bureaucrat's Life, but please forgive me if I don't always see the burning necessity for writing the start date of a protocol on a form for the fourth time. Please understand that I did not omit the information because I am a moron or because I wish to antogonize the Bureaucrat, but because I am a fallible human being with a finite attention span and a very limited amount of patience for tedious, mindless tasks. Please forgive me if I do not necessarily what is known by "IBS1436"; please understand that objects in my life are more likely to have identifying names and adjeectives than unique alphanumeric brands.
No, I am sorry, I am clearly out of line. Let me go wait over there in the corner until the paperwork has been completed to beat me about the neck and head, scrape my body with nettles, and dip me in Tabsco(tm) sauce. I am penitent before your awesome power and authority, oh Bureaucrat.
And now for the "Sound Off" segment of our broadcast . . .
Good evening. I just wanted to say that i'm appalled at the greed and stupidity of this administration. I mean, they spend all this time and effort to convince us that Iraq is a threat to world peace, and harbors terrorists, and that it doesn't have anything to do with the oil over there. But they are so damned stupid, they call it the Coalition of the Drilling. I mean really, just how stupid do they think we are. I tell you they just treat us with total contempt. And another thing . . .
Uh, Miss Litella . . .
. . . that really gripes me is the smug attitude of . . .
Miss Litella . . . MISS LITELLA . . .
all those military officers when they start . . .
EMILY ! ! ![/b]
What . . . what . . . you don't have to shout, I'm not deaf, you know.
Miss Litella, that's the Coalition of the Willing . . .
Oh . . . you mean it's not the Coalition of the Drilling ?
Uh . . . No, Miss Litella.
Never mind.
Letty, As a mixed up kid going to a private school, they had those "most popular" and "smartest" kid school functions. I hated it emmensely, but we were hooked - forced imprisonment. When school teachers and administrators can't see how hurtful those functions are to the other 500 kids, they have no common sense. So we sit there with a smile on our faces, and pain in our hearts. c.i.
Hey,all. I think Bo be gone.
C.I. Just when I think that I've got a rant worked out, I see that "Our Town" and "Julius Caesar"are being revived. Ah, my. What a delightful way to spend an evening...
you see that was done to instill the need to compete mindlesly with all the others for trinkets and diplomas of no value, in order to keep your developing minds off the subject of the actual nature of the society into which you were headed; if you are at the top of the heap based upon "their" criteria, the last thing you will want to do is change the criteria!
silly Letty; that's "woe" be gone!!
Good grief, Bo. Where 'ya been?and yes, that's Wo, all right.
You mean that you haven't studied Bavarian literature? Glad you're back.
Uhoh, Bo.
There really is a gestapo at the end of the rainbow. :
Hmmmm. At the risk of aligning myself with these thugs, I do believe American students were far better when they did not have to complete and comply with all these standardized tests. Teachers were better, also.
Talk about woebegone--students who couldn't graduate because they did not pass the mandated state tests, were up the lake without a paddle.
um and did i read there was a drive-by in Lake Woebegone last week?
Yeah, but given that it was Lake Woebegone, it was a drive-by hooting, with gratuitously rude remarks made about the victims family . . .
Uh oh. I hope no implications were made that the victim's mother was less than strong, father was less than good looking, and children merely average...
heeheeheeheeheeheeheehee . . .
you slay me, Boss . . .