I thought it might be valuable to have a place where one can climb lithely onto a comfortably appointed "soap box", complete with microphone, reference books (sorry no bible), even two big burly bodyguards to protect you from the cream pies, or worse [while actually cosily cuddled in your well worn cumputer chair], and rant vociferously upon the topic of your choice (pet peeves, alien contacts, talk show hosts, mothers in law, you name it); realizing, of course, that the roof will immediately collapse upon you with a flurry of dissenting opinions.
Now macsi.. what would give you the idea I had anything to rant about?
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Sun 27 Apr, 2003 12:53 pm
Oh, all right.............
Why is it that people insist on applying competitive assessment upon virtually everthing in their lives?
What is your favourite colour, number, book, TV show, drink...................
Why is it expected that we rate our choices in all the various fields that make up our experience; is it so unlikely that I might just not have a "best" friend, or "favourite" website, but am cabable of being aware of the differences and nuances which enhance and broaden my enjoyment of life.
I guess it follows from our competetive past where we had to struggle to be the "winner" in order to survive, and nothing less was acceptable.
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cicerone imposter
Sun 27 Apr, 2003 01:02 pm
I'll be brave and enough stupid enough to step up on that soap box first. Here's my theory: that the consumption of fossil fuels at the present rate will unbalance the universe, and will throw off the earth's rotation and/or revolution sometime in the future. I've already been hit with the pies, so spare me further embarrassment. c.i.
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Craven de Kere
Sun 27 Apr, 2003 01:03 pm
I have always had a tendency toward competitive assessment. Not so much in the color or friend category ut the "fastest" etc categories.
Why? Because breaking records is interesting, the competition is no longer about survival but about excellence.
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Sun 27 Apr, 2003 01:32 pm
C.I.; sorry, actually beat you to it;
I don't think your assessment is contraversial, its the solution that meets reams of reactionary opposition.
I actually do disagree with you on this; I don't feel it is about "excellence", but about unreasonable excess, be it in sports, chess, whatever.
To be "unbeatable" removes the enjoyment from the endeavour, and means that one has already taken extreme measures to "beat" one's self, with an unhealthy "fixated" attitude.
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Sun 4 May, 2003 09:39 am
Hmm, for me, 'competitve assesment' is a part of my approach to life...watch, learn, do better, without malice. Life in general is competition, and I do agree that becoming 'unbeatable' is not a healthy goal. For me, it is the process, not the end result, that is important.
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Sun 4 May, 2003 09:46 am
Bo, I despise competition and let me explain why.
When I taught, I saw bulletin boards posted with "student of the month."
I wanted desperately to create a banner that said:
Every student is a student of the month. Unfortunately, I had to work within the system at that time, but that, among others, was a reason that I finally took early retirement.
In the music business, it's the same way. Groups would have jam sessions, supposedly to have a free play. Ended up the guys, gals, would practice just so they could "cut" each other. I've seen some musicians jump up on the stage, play their little riff, then jump off and leave.
The rescue mission to save the embassy hostages in Iran failed because there was competition between the branches of the military. I have never been an activist, as you well know, and that's because that,too turns into a sorta competition.
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Sun 4 May, 2003 09:53 am
Perhaps I do need to temper my opposition here; a good healthy challenging approach to one's own mastering of life skills is, of course to be applauded.
My dislike of competition is derived from those cases where it is caried to extemes, and where it is "competition" for its own sake; and I detest the fact that competition, the kind from our "tree hanging" past, often spoils the chances of real and enduring freindships that could have been born and would have given so much more to the "combatants"!
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Sun 4 May, 2003 11:45 am
hmmmmm. Where's Farmerman?
Well, Bo, I remember the common kettle approach in early Virginia. It failed miserably because only a few worked but all shared in the benefits. It wasn't until competition in tobacco was introduced that the colony really begin to thrive, so that's the other side of it. (can't remember the name of the governor and a google search didn't produce what I wanted quick enough.)
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Sun 4 May, 2003 12:24 pm
Oh good. My rant is about Hummers and SUV's. For part of the year we live in northern Florida. The number of these huge vehicles is phenominal; here, where there isn't a mountain range to be found and camping is mostly in well-manicured parks.
My cousin in Colorado says that every time it snows, the first car you see in a ditch is usually an SUV. They seem to think that they are invincible, making them drive irresponsibly; plus, they must not realize that ice is the great equalizer when it comes to road handling efficiency.
They are just gas-guzzling monsters...grumble, grumble.
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Sun 4 May, 2003 12:29 pm
uhoh. Diane's into religion. Saw something on the news about "Would Jesus Drive a SUV"? but that's another box of soap.
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Craven de Kere
Sun 4 May, 2003 03:48 pm
Letty wrote:
Bo, I despise competition and let me explain why.
When I taught, I saw bulletin boards posted with "student of the month."
I wanted desperately to create a banner that said:
Every student is a student of the month. Unfortunately, I had to work within the system at that time, but that, among others, was a reason that I finally took early retirement.
In the music business, it's the same way. Groups would have jam sessions, supposedly to have a free play. Ended up the guys, gals, would practice just so they could "cut" each other. I've seen some musicians jump up on the stage, play their little riff, then jump off and leave.
The rescue mission to save the embassy hostages in Iran failed because there was competition between the branches of the military. I have never been an activist, as you well know, and that's because that,too turns into a sorta competition.
The only thing that ever motivated me in school was to be number one. :-)
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Sun 4 May, 2003 04:13 pm
I believe I have the worst attitude to competitiveness of all - I dislike my competitive feelings, and fear their full expression - I also fear losing - therefore, academically, at least, I never really try.
Nine years of university and several post-grad thisses and thats and never properly studied! That is sick.
Mind you, I secretly greatly enjoyed the areas I came top in without trying.
Now I feel like the man who whispered to the grasses that King Midas had asses' ears...
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Sun 4 May, 2003 04:13 pm
Kill all SUVs.
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Sun 4 May, 2003 06:39 pm
and it shall come to pass that the rabbit and the raven will lie down together....
Well, Craven, as Bo once said, you are a doer, and doers want to be NO. 1 ......hey...you don't realize it, my young friend, but you are a poet, too. One does not necessarily preclude the other. Noticed the Realm closed today...a bit of a tear, there.
Shirley Temple Black still alive...One take Temple....
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Sun 4 May, 2003 06:46 pm
This is fun....
CELL PHONES!! People talking on cell phones in cars, walking down the sidewalk yakking at full voice about business I don't want to hear. Have people become so insecure that they have to be connected to someone all the time? Don't they appreciate the value of silence and meditation? Grrrr.
Hey Bets, I don't know if Jesus would drive an SUV, but Jerry Falwell probably would. It's really beside the point--there is nothing biblical about SUV's except for what might take place in them at night. LOL
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Sun 4 May, 2003 06:53 pm
I, who am accused of having socialistic tendencies, believe as strongly as anybody else in competition. I notice that every time I am doing anything along the lines of assembly, if anyone is doing the same task, pretty soon each begins working at a faster pace, then faster, sneaking surrepticious little peeks at the other's progress. The "winner" usually smiles or rubs their hands together. It is part of being human. It is the primary element Communists always leave out of their domestic programs, reserving it only for the "enemy."
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Sun 4 May, 2003 06:55 pm
Oh! I see the rant about cell phones. I hate cell phones. One aspect Diane did not cover is that with the advent of cell phone it is nearly impossible to keep up with people's numbers, almost as hard to look up an address.