rabel22 wrote:Whatever, but my take on the presidents obligation to the constutition and laws as passed by congress is correct. All the snappy repartee in the world wont change the facts.
Then that is our problem. Who voted in the Representatives who voted on that economic bill that drove us farther and farther in to debt? Who voted for the president? Note, of course, that the president has seven roles granted to him by the third article of our constitution:
1. Preside over the country and execute the actions of the legislative branch
2. Commander in Chief
3. conducts foreign policy
4. report on the State of the Union [Address]
5. apoints federal officers
6. veto/sign legislation
7. grant pardons
There is such a powerful system of checks and balances, the only thing the president can actually go crazy on is the State of the Union Address.
If there are financial problems, they started in the House. Bring it up with your local representative. He/she will be able to take care of it much more efficiently than the president. If he says something that you disagree with, well, that's his first amendment right, as it is yours.
Please stop wasting time discussing the state of our country as actually correlating with the opinions of the president. By assosciating yourself with those of us who know the laws they live under, you reduce the effect of all of our opinions on others.