Tartarin wrote:Never did understand what sticking people in apartments on other people's hillsides had to do with security...
Look at a map, read up on the uses those hillsides have been put to by Israel's neighbors. A hillside full of kibbutzim is far more comforting to Israel than is that same hillside topped by a Syrian Artillery Spotter or swarming with Jordanian Infantry and Egyptian Armor. It would behoove one as well to understand there is a local conflict-of-opinion there too ... The Palestinians refer to "The Occupied Territories", while the Israeli's commonly refer to much of that as "The Disputed Territories"; a great deal of the area involved oringinally was encompassed within the UN-Mandated borders of Israle in the 1948 Partition, was occupied through military action on the part of Israel's Arab Neighbors, and was essentially re-taken by Israel in the '67 and '73 wars.
Now, those of you who know my position on this know I'm no apologist for Israel. I think they are as much at fault for the current unpleasantness as are their foes, if perhaps a bit more ethical. Still, propoganda abounds on both sides. A study of the relevant facts does great harm to much of the propaganda spewed by both parties.