Reply Mon 7 Jan, 2008 12:28 am
Rainsoft Woes
I too am a gullabilly. These people called up like they were conducting a survey and somehow got my wife to agree to a demonstration. The woman was nice and showed up on time but the demo went on for 3-4 hours...I forgot and was mesmerized. We were very impressed with the demo and I liked the water very much if for nothing else than it tasted no more bottled water. We were convinced especially with the soap supply that the monthly cost would be recouped from the soap and bottle savings. So we just said ok and were so ready to be done that we didn't fight or pay much attention to what we were doing. This was Saturday, yesterday. Luckily I decided to check the internet for the system and reviews as we were slightly naive in the ways of the water softener...

Anyhow, after checking things out here I see we did not fight nearly hard enough for the price. I would very much like to buy what we agreed to but I see now the $6500 we agreed to at 17.99%(the only one they offer period) interest was a mistake. I see we could have gotten the system for the $3500 range. Luckily we have till midnight wednesday the 9th to cancel and they will install tuesday. We plan on sending in the cancellation notice as per several suggestions in this forum topic.

I do plan on having the system but I will try again for a better price. Also, the demo showed us the benefits of the resin microbead filter... somehow I didn't even question that part of the gold package was a carbon filter... The microbead filter was plenty good for us and I don't know why there is a carbon filter also, I think she said something about taste but the resin made our water taste like Dasani(which I like) so I don't know what the carbon filter will taste like.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Jan, 2008 07:20 am
Re: Rainsoft Woes
coolman81 wrote:

I do plan on having the system but I will try again for a better price. Also, the demo showed us the benefits of the resin microbead filter... somehow I didn't even question that part of the gold package was a carbon filter... The microbead filter was plenty good for us and I don't know why there is a carbon filter also, I think she said something about taste but the resin made our water taste like Dasani(which I like) so I don't know what the carbon filter will taste like.

You would be better off canceling the deal and looking for a local independent H2O specialist to make your water better.

Also: Soap packages are low cost closing tools (they are worthless to the consumer) and Dasani adds sodium to their bottled water.

I hope that helps and good luck.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Jan, 2008 12:58 pm
Wow what a sensational sales marketing approach for an overpriced system. We sent them home dissapointed and couldn't be happier after researching following the demo. I'll install my own system and just couldn't be happier to have ditched the rainsoft group, they are lacking from a good business standpoint.
0 Replies
Gary Slusser
Reply Fri 18 Jan, 2008 01:02 pm
Very good!

Now you can look at a correctly sized softener with a Clack WS-1 control valve.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Jan, 2008 01:07 pm
Wow what a sensational sales marketing approach for an overpriced system. We sent them home dissapointed and couldn't be happier after researching following the demo.

Yep, there are plenty of threads suggesting people avoid doing business with RainSoft.

Find yourself a local independent H2O professional that sells system with the Fleck 2510 SE valve and be happy Cool
0 Replies
Clean Water Rep
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 03:03 pm
Thanks for the Gut Busting Laugh
Rolling Eyes Maybe you could sell us on just how good your product is instead of badmouthing your competition.

Know this: The more you badmouth your competition the less respect others have for both you and your product ...

Thanks for the gut busting belly laugh H20_man or should we call you Mr. Kettle from now on, cuz you certainly seem to have a good handle on calling the pot black.

Reading your posts for the last 2 years you have done nothing else other than to prove what a hypocrite you are with this very statement of yours, that I have taken the liberty of quoting.

For nearly 2 years done nothing but to bash one company and foist your own biased views about your favorite company on the uneducated public. So exactly what kind of respect should others have for you?

You would do well to take a break from preaching from the Ecowater bible and instead take a dose of your own medicine, or in the least learn to follow what you preach before you presume to preach to others. Nuff said really.

Have fun Wink!

PS: It might also serve you well to wake up to the reality of the fact that the squeakiest wheels tend to make the most noise. Go figure huh?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 10:02 am
Rolling Eyes After reading you post I can tell you have little if any help to offer the good folks here on Able2Know.

You would do well to take the time to explain why you are here.

It might also serve you well to take a moment and introduce yourself.

If you pay <$700 including UPS delivery for your H2O system - you're not getting professional installation or service.
Caveat Emptor: You get what you pay for - You don't get what you don't pay for.
0 Replies
Clean Water Rep
Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 10:56 am
H2O_MAN wrote:
Rolling Eyes After reading you post I can tell you have little if any help to offer the good folks here on Able2Know.

You would do well to take the time to explain why you are here.

It might also serve you well to take a moment and introduce yourself.

If by "having little to offer" you are suggesting that the good people at Able2Know are looking simply for biased hypocritical opinions unsubstantiated by fact, then yes in that regard I certainly would have little more to offer, as you certainly fit that bill perfectly.

As to why I am here, I happened to stumble across this site, and read several of your biased and completely untrue commentaries designed to do little more than promote your favorite brand of softners, and had a good belly laugh at the hypocritical lambasting you gave to another poster, which caused me to post in the first place.

As to who I am, I am what I am, a Clean Water Rep. I had thought that was quite apparent from the get go. Apparently that fact got lost someplace as the information attempted to cross your corpus collosum, but hey these things happen. Fear not though, if you elect to mislead another homeowner, or wander into hypocritical waters again, I will be more than happy to set the record straight once more.

Have fun Wink
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 11:08 am
Rolling Eyes You are quick to attack and slander... are you Slussers brother?
0 Replies
Clean Water Rep
Reply Mon 28 Jan, 2008 09:56 am
H2O_MAN wrote:
Rolling Eyes You are quick to attack and slander... are you Slussers brother?

Attack and Slander? Obviously the definition of both words are foreign to you you, so please allow me to elaborate.

If you consider something an attack then obviously you feel defensive. If you feel defensive then obviously you have some insecurities or doubt as to the words you have spoken in these forums. To slander would be to imply that what I have had to say are untruths posted with malicious intent, neither of which is the case.

Bottom line H20_man if you can't stand by your own words, much less live up to them, then perhaps it is you rather than myself that has nothing to offer the good people here at Able2know. If you can't stand the water once it starts to boil, then perhaps the water business isn't a good choice for you. Nuff said really.

Have fun Wink
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jan, 2008 10:05 am
Bottom line CWR, you have nothing positive to offer this forum - you are insignificant.

0 Replies
Clean Water Rep
Reply Mon 28 Jan, 2008 10:45 am
H2O_MAN wrote:
Bottom line CWR, you have nothing positive to offer this forum - you are insignificant.


Deal with what? To be honest aqua_man (was he the lamest of super-heroes of all or what?), when I want your opinion of me I will ask for it. When your opinion of me starts to matter to me, I will gladly slash my wrists. Point being, this isn't your private pool, so others (even those who disagree with you like myself and others) are welcome to swim here as well. Surely it is not your intent to deny the reading public opposing viewpoints so that they can make intelligent decisions, or do you mean to imply that your personal opinion on all subjects should be regarded as law? Certainly seems that way doesn't it?

Personally I fail to see how bashing all other national brands other than your own beloved Ecowater is considered adding something positive to the forum (which is all you seem to do here yourself), but I am sure that you are able to justify that somehow and it makes some modicum of sense to you in your "special" little world. You just shouldn't expect everyone to willingly go for a ride on the crazy train with you, and learn to take your lumps as you earn them.

Now go take your blood pressure medicine, as it's painfully obvious you have worked yourself into a tizzy. As for me, I have water tests to run, customers to educate, and water treatment systems to arrange installations for, so I can't play with you here all day. Apparently you have plenty of free time on your hands on a busy Monday morning, one should perhaps wonder why.

Have fun Wink
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jan, 2008 11:22 am
Clean Water Rep wrote:
...when I want your opinion of me I will ask for it.

Don't bother asking, it is crystal clear that you are a troll.

You currently have 11 replies posted here on A2K and not one of them offers to help anyone... outstanding!
0 Replies
Clean Water Rep
Reply Mon 28 Jan, 2008 12:26 pm
H2O_MAN wrote:
Clean Water Rep wrote:
...when I want your opinion of me I will ask for it.

Don't bother asking, it is crystal clear that you are a troll.

You currently have 11 replies posted here on A2K and not one of them offers to help anyone... outstanding!

So counting isn't your strong suit either is it? Try counting again, use your toes this time if need be.

Have fun Wink!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jan, 2008 12:41 pm
rested and ready to play
newbies 11th post wrote:

I have water tests to run, customers to educate, and water treatment
systems to arrange installations for, so I can't play with you here all day.

Nap time is over and you have returned all rested and ready to play.
If you pay <$700 including UPS delivery for your H2O system - you're not getting professional installation or service.
Caveat Emptor: You get what you pay for - You don't get what you don't pay for.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Sep, 2008 09:46 pm
I sell water improvement equipment. Just like all companies you google most posts are negetive at best. More importantly I am a direct sells person, all of you who post your bs are shallow and do not understand the behavior. Why today? Let me give you a perspective, I started when I was 21 with no college education and turned myself into the number one distributer in the us in 5 years, no small feat! So here it is, when a customer says they want to think about it, they hardly ever call back. 1 out of a hundred, maybe. So pretend your livlihood depends on the "yes", what would you do, really?!? You have a family to feed, or bills to pay, what would you do, especially if you belived in your product. Granted, there is a lot of crap out there, but the bs spewed out everytime someone tries to sell somthing to someone is deplorable! You have no idea what the economy would be like w/o all these direct sells people to sell you products made by companies you own stock in. C'mon, can you really have it both ways, a retirement portfolio only from companies who don't do directing selling and who don't have compaints when you google them! The comment made about people who are happy rarely tell anyone is true, I have 650 customers in my area and never advertised once but only a handful of them ever referred me to someone! It all came from pounding the pavement! While you sit in your air conditioned office and collect your weekly salary understand something.... we don't get paid unless we sell. We aren't given anything except an opportunity and chance to improve our lives while trying to offer products or services that will do the same for our consumers. It is America and you have the right to say or type whatever you want but with that freedom comes responsability! Responsability to have an opinion but to understand both sides! We do, we understand it's hard to make a decision TODAY, but we show first and ask second! Oh and one last thing, keep buying the bottled water and KILL our environment! 28 BILLION plastic water bottles go into landfils each year! 1.5 BILLION barrles of oil are used to make those and enough carbon emissions equal to 2.2 million cars on the road are released into the atmosphere! Oh and it takes 1000 years for those bottles to biodegrade! Look what you are leaving behind! on top of that when does the cost stop? You can do the same at your tap, have more control over the quality and be less of a contributor to the destruction of our enviroment!
Sorry for the rant! But most of you have no clue what we go through! YOu have no understanding of how hard we try to create a life for oursleves and our families! For those of you who sell crap, YOU CAN KISS MY ASS! YOu ruin what we work so hard for and you should be ashamed! For the rest, NE4GVUP!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Dec, 2008 11:05 am
Good for you! I have a system as well & love it. I would recommend this products to anyone who will listen. My service provider is pretty good too. They have great customer service !
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Dec, 2008 11:45 am

My advise to anyone that is willing to listen is to avoid doing business with RainSoft/Aquion.

There are better companies offering better equipment out there - seek them out.
Reply Thu 4 Dec, 2008 05:51 pm
I've owned a Rainsoft system for four years now and I couldn't be happier. I do think that they may be overpriced but on the other hand it has been trouble free which has been worth a lot compared to the Ecowater system that I replaced with this one. In four years I had the gears in the head replaced twice and it was less efficient. Sorry H2O MAN but this comes from a consumer not an expert. It is too bad that things got so personal between some of you!
Reply Thu 4 Dec, 2008 09:27 pm
Some of the old ECOwater system had issues, just like the old RainSoft systems and one can always get a lemon.

At least RainSoft chose a Fleck valve to put their name on, is your system digital?

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