Reply Fri 25 Jun, 2010 09:40 am
I want especially thank this board for saving me $7k. My son and wife went to Home Depot where they were approached by an enthusiastic employee for a free water test and they would give a $10 card. But if he could do it TODAY they would get $20.

The sales rep cancelled at the last minute and rearranged another time. We then were presented a dog-and-pony show on how bad our water was like you've read in the previous posts. After we signed everything and it looks like he was going to have a happy commission night, we were thinking of all the stuff we could save. A note to the took 4 hours. Have you ever bought anything that took 4 hours and spent 7k? At least sleep on it one night.

But duh, why not type "Rainsoft reviews" in google and see what it comes up! And voila this site popped up. After reading some of the posts I decided to cancel based on these reviews. What's unfortunate is that Rainsoft itself won't reply to any of these complaints unlike the Ecowater. At least have an underpaid employee monitor this site and make helpful comments like call us and we can work out something if you're not satisfied.

We were lucky. I found this site within 5 minutes of the guys going to install the system. My wife was strong and said NO several times to their counter-offer. I'm not sure how they operate but I'm sure there's a sale team and an install team that operate different companies. I think in the end they'll sell you an expensive maintenance service. They'll use the sales pitch like wouldn't you protect your 7k investment with a $100 maintenance agreement?

The extra water cost will be the way the system has to flush the salt to the crystals, and it goes down the drain. So whatever you magically save on the "expense" of the soap, shampoo, detergent is wasted on your expensive water bill. I'm almost sure the $5000 box of products is about $100 from China, but they claim its $300 and last 5 years. Oh yea suuurrrreeeee.

We did get the $20 gift cards but divide this by 4 hours and its $5 an hour, less than minimum wage. Oh well I guess its better than getting 7k sticker shock and who knows what they'll sell you in the future full of junk that will make the lifetime warranty a pain in the rear.

And heck, while you're at it, go check your local papers and perhaps ebay/craigslist. You'll find people pawning their systems. Today I found the entire system which was working for $100....ALL equipment included that I saw in their "lovely" brochures. Something to think about the next time you "buy" their water products.

Saved just in time....THANK YOU to all of you!
Andy CWS
Reply Fri 25 Jun, 2010 11:00 am
Have you tried to Google any other major brands?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Aug, 2010 08:47 am
I worked for a rainsoft dealer until this past week when the business could no longer sustain itself. I was never paid for my month of service. Usually when I arrived at peoples' homes they had little idea why I was there. Most of the time, by the time I was informed of the appointment it was already 15 to 45 min late. Apparently some customers are told they won a water test, although I wouldn't know for sure as I never met the people making these appointments. Their target market is low income homes with because they are more likely to purchase without really thinking about it. They also focus extremely hard on closing the sale that day. I wouldn't consider it a scam. More like a tax on the stupid. The sales reps just regurgitate a script over and over again and about %20 of people are dumb enough to buy anything. Based on my experience I would not trust the customer service. Mind you, this was only one dealer of hundreds. My advice is to buy a good water softener. That will do everything that they show you in their presentation, and is the only real money saver. If you want the intangible benefits of a reverse osmosis system, get it from another company...or don't, because it's a waste unless you have really hard water. You wind up having to take a multivitamin to compensate for all the stuff you remove from the water like calcium, magnesium and iron. This stuff is good for you, despite how bad it looks when rainsoft shows it to you.
In conclusion, go get an $800 water softener - because maybe it won't be lifetime warrantied, and it might die in ten years, you'll probably get it from a more legit company. Besides, even if you have to buy three or four of them it's way cheaper than rainsoft in the long run. And, as for making $100, 000 per year - this is what any sales company wants you to think their guys make lol. In conclusion, choose anyone but rainsoft - overpriced product pushed by good actors.
Reply Wed 18 Aug, 2010 01:02 pm
We have has a Culligan system in Ottawa for 15 years. My wife took a phone call and allowed a salesperson from Rainsoft into our home. I was not happy. I remember years ago taking 3 weeks to choose Culligan and this person was getting mean when we did not want to sign right away. It felt like a timeshre presentation, haha. I would suggest Culligan, to anyone looking for these types of units.

Otherwise with RainSoft, insist they do the presentation over the phone.
Andy CWS
Reply Wed 18 Aug, 2010 08:00 pm
GaryOttawa wrote:

We have has a Culligan system in Ottawa for 15 years. My wife took a phone call and allowed a salesperson from Rainsoft into our home. I was not happy. I remember years ago taking 3 weeks to choose Culligan and this person was getting mean when we did not want to sign right away. It felt like a timeshre presentation, haha. I would suggest Culligan, to anyone looking for these types of units.

Otherwise with RainSoft, insist they do the presentation over the phone.

Over the phone? That would never happen. Unfortuantely, Rainsoft, Inc., has very rigid sales training methods and approaches that is successful (read: closing sales) but it is one that puts many people off.
0 Replies
SF Steve
Reply Fri 19 Aug, 2011 03:48 pm
So you want input from an owner?? I bought a rainsoft system, and had it years because of the difficulty in replacing the VERY expensive system. I've learned, the only reason people buy the Rainsoft system, is because of the 'hard sell', and because of ignorance. Had I done proper research, I'd have found LOTS of comparable, highly rated systems for a much lower price. There is a reason Rainsoft isn't sold in stores that sell other systems, it's because no one would buy it if you could compare feature to feature with any other brand name product side-by-side. I had my system 5 years, under their maintenance contract mind you, when there was an issue and they said my parts were no longer made, so I needed to upgrade, at full cost to me. Oh, and the selling point to the maintenance contract is that if you don't get it, and something breaks, it won't be covered because they can then deem 'neglect' of the system. So I paid the $430/ year (be sure to add that to the system cost) for maintenance, and when something did break, I was told it's out of warranty and the parts are no longer made... so what do you get for the $430/year? About $30 bucks of salt, that's what... Rainsoft gets you coming and going.... The over charge for the product, over charge for the maintenance contract, then when something does break, they over charge for the required 'upgrade'. Just so you know, the 'upgrade' only covers the 'head unit', which costs as much as a new system from any national, reputable, brand with a proven track record of having happy customers. So, that's the route I took. I changed my Rainsoft system out for a Whirlpool, and couldn't be happier now.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Sep, 2011 12:13 pm
This guy works for another water teeatment company !!!!!! What a fool. The minerals in your tap water are oxidized and can only be processed correctly by photosynthesis. Plants need these. Humans need to drink many gallons a day for them to cause an effect. In fact you will drown before they do any good don't believe all these companies fake complaints .

0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2011 01:06 pm
I am starting a class action law suit against Rainsoft and High Quality Water of Arizona.
I use to work for Rainsoft and High Quality Water of Arizona/Oklahoma. I know first hand how they operate. I have other former employees and clients that are willing to work with me. If you want to join the movement please email me at [email protected] I have much proof against these people. Including tape recorded messages of sales meetings of the franchise owner Mike Ross and the manager. Making all sorts of crazy statements including derogatory statements against homosexuals and how they told us to bring bottled water to the customers house and tell them it is Rainsoft water from our office. They trained us to lie to all the customers.If you bought a Rainsoft system in Arizona/Oklahoma you were lied to and you bought under a false pretense. The taste, smell and the TDS test were all done with bottled water. That is right if you bought a Rainsoft system in Arizona/Oklahoma you were scammed. We never even had any system in the office. (I have it all recorded)In fact all the sales reps in Tucson never even saw the machine in real life. So they have reps selling a 6,000.00 dollars piece of equipment without ever seeing it first hand. So if Rainsoft screwed you, please contact me with your story.
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2011 01:50 am
RAINSOFT provides clean, soft, luxurious great-tasting water to homes and businesses. With a lifetime warranty, one of the strongest in the industry, you know, like our one million plus clients, that you are in good hands.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2012 04:49 am
@Andy CWS,
I had this done to me around "2000". The way you were treated was the way we were treated. Toward the end I got mad. I told him I said no and that's what I ment. When he basically stated we were stupid for not seeing how much of a savings we could have. I don't need a person I don't know getting rude with me in my house because I want purchase their product. It's a tactic used to push weaker individuals to purchase. "Force" purchase. I will not ever use them even though I like them. They burnt that bridge.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2012 05:01 am
This happened to me in "2000". The salesman for rainsoft got rude and ugly. I had to run him out of my house because of his attitude. I will never use that company because of their sales tactics. It may push some into buying, but when I say no I mean NO!!!!
That's how you have to talk to them. I wish the NEWS would go under cover on their sales tactics.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Nov, 2012 08:50 pm
I live in Charlotte, NC, and recently got a Rainsoft system, and have nothing but good things to say about it. The price was around $4500, the soap package from Pure & Gentle is not worthless, thats foolish. It has been great for my family from day 1. The Americana Shopper has been great due to the food coupons that save us a ton of money. We dont use the other discounts, so I cant speak for them. As for the internet, I feel sorry for anyone that believes all these scam sites, which are unregulated and full of garbage. According to the BBB in Charlotte, the Rainsoft dealer here has been around for 15 years, and has 3 complaints with an A+ rating.
I am sure there are bad dealers out there, and you can look up ANY company in the world on the internet, and there will be a site or article trying to bash it as a scam or bad place of business, just try it! Home Depot is how I got in touch with the dealer here, and spoke volumes for us as for reputation. We have been extremely pleased with out system, and I would warn taking the advise of angry post from people. They are usually the ones that will throw a fit if McDonalds doesnt put the right toy in their childs happy meal, you know, always something to complain about.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Nov, 2012 08:56 pm

It's good to hear from happy customers... RainSoft has
made some positive changes over the past few years.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Jan, 2014 07:58 pm
I let the AWA (aka Rainsoft) salesman in my house because I was led to believe that it was a free water test as part of a "water improvement program" sponsored by Home Depot and Wawa. Silly me- of course it was a company trying to sell me something. The system price is $9,980 but then they will tell you your family has been selected for the "deal," which is about a $6,000 offer. In order to get this "deal" you have to become an ambassador for the company; you are required to write a good letter of reference, which is how they get all these good reviews. You are also required to give references. When the salesman left he told my dog "pooch, don't drink the water!" This was after we refused to buy the system on the spot; we would have had to buy it right there and then to get the "deal"
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jul, 2014 03:28 pm
My husband filled out some contest at Home Depot and apparently that's how RainSoft got our name.
I didn't want to do the demo, but hubby said it was for a $250 Home Depot gift card, so I agreed against my better judgment.
My husband also said he had been told it would be a short demo. Yeah, right!
This obnoxious, know-it-all attitude guy Wayne Shapiro (he had business cards and we took 2), was our host for the 3 hour, 7 attempted close event.
He took us on the journey so many of you have previously shared. Our water is hard (which I knew), how much we could save a month ($106), which is really not that much savings, and the water tests with yellow drops that who knows how that may have been rigged. He also did an Ivory soap bubble softness and smell test. I was not "amazed". I asked him what the price was several times. He kept stating, "That's coming up." Then he would ramble on more about benefits and savings. Finally, after 2 and a half hours and me asking, yet again what the price was, he told us $7200! Over $130/mo. But we had to sign up right then.
So I said there is no way we could make a decision so big in such a short time and without examining our finances and the product info. He said he had some friends and family plan, and we'd get all those stupid cleaning products and free legal services and on and on.
He asked us to fill out that form regarding our thoughts and the very generic costs he had previously estimated.
My husband told him I had not eaten dinner because this demo was supposed to be short, yet Wayne ignored that and STILL he tried to sell us!
Finally I had had enough. It was almost 10 pm, and he said he was not through yet. But I was. I told him simply, "We are not buying anything today and if he doesn't stop, we will never even consider them in the future." I left the room and he packed up to leave. I made sure my husband got our gift card. Lo and behold, it was not $ was $20!
Let them try and call us back. After reading all the comments here of similar experiences and people losing time that we will NEVER GET BACK, I assure you, they will not like what I will tell them.
$20 for 3 hours of lost time...I told my husband next time he will stand there alone. No more of this type of thing for me.
I don't eat dinner until after 10 pm!
I'm glad we didn't get the 'buy the floor model' diatribe. I am betting because by that time he knew he couldn't fool us into thinking he could actually contact his boss. It was that late.
I advise people...LOOK before you agree to anything like this.
Personally, you can add a Culligan water filter to the shower, buy water bottles for home drinking, add a little Lemi Shine to the dish washer, and some washing soda to the washing cycle. It's much cheaper and it cuts a lot of the chlorine and minerals that Wayne stated were the BIG PROBLEM. Be that as it may, don't subject yourself to this torture unless you really like wasting time and money.
Here is Wayne's info for anyone who may have him as a "visitor":

Wayne Shapiro
Water Analyst
1394 NE 48th Street
Pompano Beach, FL 33064
Office: 954-333-3336 ext.203
[email protected]
(How much do you think they pay people to write good ones?? Hmmm...)

Shelly K.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jul, 2014 03:31 pm
My husband filled out some contest at Home Depot and apparently that's how RainSoft got our name.
I didn't want to do the demo, but hubby said it was for a $250 Home Depot gift card, so I agreed against my better judgment.
My husband also said he had been told it would be a short demo. Yeah, right!
This obnoxious, know-it-all attitude guy Wayne Shapiro (he had business cards and we took 2), was our host for the 3 hour, 7 attempted close event.
He took us on the journey so many of you have previously shared. Our water is hard (which I knew), how much we could save a month ($106), which is really not that much savings, and the water tests with yellow drops that who knows how that may have been rigged. He also did an Ivory soap bubble softness and smell test. I was not "amazed". I asked him what the price was several times. He kept stating, "That's coming up." Then he would ramble on more about benefits and savings. Finally, after 2 and a half hours and me asking, yet again what the price was, he told us $7200! Over $130/mo. But we had to sign up right then.
So I said there is no way we could make a decision so big in such a short time and without examining our finances and the product info. He said he had some friends and family plan, and we'd get all those stupid cleaning products and free legal services and on and on.
He asked us to fill out that form regarding our thoughts and the very generic costs he had previously estimated.
My husband told him I had not eaten dinner because this demo was supposed to be short, yet Wayne ignored that and STILL he tried to sell us!
Finally I had had enough. It was almost 10 pm, and he said he was not through yet. But I was. I told him simply, "We are not buying anything today and if he doesn't stop, we will never even consider them in the future." I left the room and he packed up to leave. I made sure my husband got our gift card. Lo and behold, it was not $ was $20!
Let them try and call us back. After reading all the comments here of similar experiences and people losing time that we will NEVER GET BACK, I assure you, they will not like what I will tell them.
$20 for 3 hours of lost time...I told my husband next time he will stand there alone. No more of this type of thing for me.
I don't eat dinner until after 10 pm!
I'm glad we didn't get the 'buy the floor model' diatribe. I am betting because by that time he knew he couldn't fool us into thinking he could actually contact his boss. It was that late.
I advise people...LOOK before you agree to anything like this.
Personally, you can add a Culligan water filter to the shower, buy water bottles for home drinking, add a little Lemi Shine to the dish washer, and some washing soda to the washing cycle. It's much cheaper and it cuts a lot of the chlorine and minerals that Wayne stated were the BIG PROBLEM. Be that as it may, don't subject yourself to this torture unless you really like wasting time and money.
Here is Wayne's info for anyone who may have him as a "visitor":

Wayne Shapiro
Water Analyst
1394 NE 48th Street
Pompano Beach, FL 33064
Office: 954-333-3336 ext.203
[email protected]
(How much do you think they pay people to write good ones?? Hmmm...)

Shelly K.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2015 11:59 pm
The rain softness can only be done by the a good quality water softener, before buying it you just get complete information on rainwater softener.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2017 07:34 pm
oh wow I got ripped off in South Florida, they charged me 10k, how do I get back some of my money through a lawsuit
0 Replies

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