squinney wrote:...I'd love to see a giant Menorah (sp?) on the lawn of every courthouse. How many would be okay with just a giant lighted Menorah and no other decorations?
Anyone besides Jespah?...
Actually, I'm not okay with that, either. Courthouses (despite oaths on Bibles, that is meant to assure the court that people are not committing perjury. Atheists and persons without religious books affirm their oaths to provide truthful testimony) are not the land of religion, any more than any other governmental buildings should be. You know, church, state, not the same, that sort of thing.
There are several sects of Judaism. Which one would you dubiously honor by planting a menorah on the courthouse lawn? How 'bout Lubavitcher Orthodox? And if that, then why not some other of our holidays that are actually more important than Chanukah? How 'bout a Sukkot? Or a costume party on Purim? Or maybe everyone can fast and pray all day on Yom Kippur (and also not wear leather, BTW)? To dubiously (and I mean
dubiously -- I do not consider this an honor to my faith) honor Judaism, you'd have to have, let's see, six Menorahs - for
I bet I'm missing one or two.
See where this gets nutty?
But it's not just about a crowded lawn (we haven't yet mentioned, hmm, Jainism, Native American spiritualism, Wicca, etc. etc. etc.). It's also about the fact that the First Amendment says:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
If you put only some symbols out there and not all, are you establishing religion? Or perhaps curtailing its free exercise? It's better that the government gets out of the business of religion entirely. Private individuals and places of business can, as always, do what they please.
I mean, c'mon folks, it's the government. You
really want the folks who are responsible for beautiful things like the Department of Motor Vehicles getting their hands on religion?