Arella Mae
Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2005 09:39 pm
Setanta Wrote:

I made no such assumption, i simply responded to your typical self-righteous nonsense. So what if she is a child--if she is so young that posting here would do her an injury, then her parents have failed in their responsibilities to monitor her activities. Of course, it is by no means assured that she is a child, although the circumstantial evidence is that her attitudes are very immature for whatever her age may be.

Oh big tough guy. Blame it on someone else every time. Couldn't be that you are the one in control of your own words, could it?

Setanta Wrote:

I am always happy to ridicule those who scorn others for not sharing their superstitions. Note that your little sweetie pie here lashed out at others for not swallowing her nonsense before i ever posted a word. Your playground taunts are meaningless.

I have not lashed out at your for not accepting my beliefs, Setanta. I am merely meeting your retalitory behavior head on. She lashed out after she perceived an attack. I would think she had no idea what to expect. But gee, compassion must not be in your vocabulary?

Setanta Wrote:

How very hypocritical of you--you do this all the time.

Don't know whose posts you have been reading because mine will say that I don't believe anyone has that right. And I don't call their beliefs or them idiotic, blah, blah, blah, like you do. I did it once and I apologized for it and I haven't done it again.

Setanta Wrote:

That's an ad populum fallacy--or, in Anatole France's pithy expression--"Because fifty thousand people believe a wrong thing, it is still a wrong thing." I have no list, but i certainly do love to point out your self-righteous hypocricy. You understand nothing about me. You know nothing about me.

If it quacks like a duck......the really funny thing is, I do know you. I have met you.

Setanta Wrote:

How would you know? You'd have to be a lady to make such a judgment.

Rolling Eyes

Setanta Wrote:

I don't characterize people as being stupid simply because i find their imaginary friend superstitions to be idiotic. This is a willful falsehood on your part--for the slower among us, that's a lie.

Then I suggest you stop using those words in the same sentence. People do tend to think that's what you mean. You won't admit you are against Christianity or Christians but everyone can see it. Or do you think everyone is stupid?

Setanta Wrote:

As i do not admit to being an obnoxious jerk, i find this to be meaningless.

Yeah, I know. You won't take responsibility for your own actions.

Setanta Wrote:

You call any disagreement with you and any unpleasant characterization of your manner of expressing yourself to be "mud slinging." That does not make it so. Your remarks to me here are clear violations of the terms of service. By your own criterion, you demonstrate your lack of intelligence through your lack of civility. Hoist on your own petard.

OH, NOW THAT IS FUNNY! According to the terms of service guidelines for the spirituality and religion forums:

"As per the membership agreement, it is a given that flaming, rude comments, and personal attacks are not acceptable here. Intellectually vacuous and snide slanders such as 'DemoRats' or 'REPUGlicans' (or local variants if you live elsewhere than the US) are completely unwelcome. Naturally, this also applies to discussions that are of a less political nature. But, actually, we ask more of you than those obvious and fundamental rules. "

Don't you think the moderators might consider bobble thumpers an intellectually vacuous and snide slander?

Yep, I'm ticked. I think your behavior is rude and offensive.

Now, you going to go run to somebody and tell them a mean old Christian is beating up on you? Rolling Eyes

You provoke, and provoke and provoke. I tried to come to some amicable term with you and you'd have none of it. And now you are surprised because I am not letting you use me for your verbal doormat anymore? Gee, go figure. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2005 09:44 pm

Actually, that remark had nothing to do with Catholicism. If someone is brought up a certain way that is what they learn. I was referring to the fact that because it didn't had nothing to do with Catholicism at all.


I am corresponding with loveislikearose3.

Also, I did not know that she had been looking for a fight and asking people to do her homework, J_B. I just felt for her because she seemed to be trying to share a gift and it was met with rejection. J_B, I always try to look for the reason people do things. It helps me understand them much better. I will look up her posts and read them. Thanx for telling me this.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2005 10:04 pm
It seems that Setanta considers himself except from the TOS due to tenure or some such. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2005 10:11 pm
hello guys and gals
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2005 10:17 pm
hello husker
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2005 10:20 pm

Well, I am willing to drop it and start over. Setanta and I both broke the rules.

Hi Husker! So glad to see you!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2005 10:29 pm
Stretched some rules pretty hard, anyhow. Whether one is casting bait or rising to it, one is engaged in an aspect of the the practice of trolling.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2005 10:38 pm
Agreed Timber. Agreed.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2005 10:48 pm
All this talk about fishing makes me wanna grab my pole and toss it in Cool
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2005 12:04 am
i didnt expect SOO MANY replies on my one post!
but well.. youd expect me to go hide in some corner crying my eyes out or something after you people had fun here criticizing me ..
"immature, with no manners, etc" (by the way... talking about NO MANNERS- look at yourself first!)
but... im posting again... reading all these weird replies hasnt made me feel any worse..
im just feeling very sorry for all of you people..
and about my previous post about "asking you to do my homework for me"
well.. thats a different story..
i didnt know where and how to find those answers.. so i searched up some homework help .. and one of the things it gave me was this website.. so i went on and posted.. not to get answers, but maybe hoping someone would give me some good website or give me some tips..
but then around a week passed and i remebered about that assignment.. and i found some other websites and i did it myself..
and only then, after i truned it in, i remebered about my previous post, so i went on and read what people gave me, not using any of their answers though, because most of them were overcompicated and confusing anyways.. so i've learned to never ask for homework help here again lol..
because all you people are going to remeber that forever.. torturing me for it later on in life..
but i dont need to explain myself to you anyways..
its not like im guilty in front of you..
i'd feel guilty if i were you though..
but i also remebered.. momma angel said that i only lashed out after i was attacked.. kind of .. yes.. but kind of no.. what i wrote isnt even close to "lashing out" compared to what you wrote..
so if i were you people i wouldnt waste so much time of my life doing what youre doing now..
hating, arguing, harassing, criticizing, etc.. (yeah yeah youre prabably going to "quote" these words and say.. "oh now she thinks that were harassing her!" or something.. i already know you enough..
but i dont care..
i post what i post...
if you people can share your feelings, why cant i?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2005 12:38 am
No one says you can't "share your feelings", regardless what those might be - why might you object to other folks sharing theirs? Did I miss the part where you were designated "Special Exempt"?
0 Replies
Bella Dea
Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2005 08:21 am
loveislikearose3 wrote:

I have it all wrong? All i did is .. i found this nice "letter" that someone wrote.. to encourage people to put Jesus back into Christmas, because we celebrate it BECAUSE of Him, and someone wrote it to express how hurt Jesus is because of us..
and i found it and wanted to share with the rest of you
criticize me, hate me for it if u want, but all i did was just post this to share with all of you..

No one hates you for anything. I simply expressed my distaste for things like this when I don't ever see it in the same people that are pushing this behavior on me. Talk is cheap. This letter might inspire some but it doesn't inspire me. Action inspires me.

loveislikearose3 wrote:

and how can it be insulting??? you people can share personal experiences, good or bad, you people can talk about sex, life, problems, you can cuss (swear), and do whatever you want, and think youre not insulting anyone, but all i did was copy and paste to share this with you..
i didnt write it.. i just found it.. so dont blame me for typos or anything..
well ok.. God Bless You All, bye!

(and again: I'm not teaching or lecturing anyone! I'm just sharing a piece of writing I found!)[/b][/color]

Loveis, you posted it with the intent of sharing and disbelief that it didn't touch us like it touched you. My post was for the purpose of stating that I am tired of people talking the talk and not walking the walk. Being "holier than thou" but not showing any love and compassion for others. It wasn't necessarily a slap in your face but my persepective on the whole religious movement. You can post whatever you want but always be prepared to defend yourself. It's a fact of life and not something any of us avoid.

You are getting all bent out of shape with this and that is further proof that you don't walk the walk you talk about. If your belief is so firm, it shouldn't be shaken by statements.
0 Replies
Bella Dea
Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2005 08:24 am
loveislikearose3 wrote:
its pretty fun (but sad) reading what you people write..
what strange things you believe in..
how confused you are but obviously you dont see it..
i want to see your replies, your thoughts, everything..

That's the mentality I am talking about. I don't need to be saved. I don't want to be saved. Get out there and do something instead of talking about it. That's my point. Feed the hungry. Cloth the naked. Don't tell people about Jesus. Show people what he was about.
0 Replies
Bella Dea
Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2005 08:27 am
J_B wrote:

What?!? This supposed child is old enough to have access to the internet and old enough to determine that crap she posted was worth sharing.

If she was young, wouldn't she be in school? And if she were in school, would she be posting on this forum?

How old are you rose, just to settle this once and for all.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2005 08:29 am
By the way, there is absolutely no reason to believe that the fictional character known as "Jesus" was born on December 25th . . . in fact, that date was sacred to the adherents of the Mithraic cult popular in the Roman empire in the first century, and that's why it was adopted by the christians. The Long Parliament, after the execution of Charles I, met on December 25th, saying it is just another day, and pointing out the pagan origin of the holiday. The Puritans of New England refused to celebrate christmas, and preached against it from the pulpit.

Google "christmas+pagans" sometime, it's hilarious the number of christian sites out there which assert, in the words of one of them, that christmas "has Satan's prints all over it . . . "

What is most offensive in this thread from the outset is the author's need to post it in large-face type and bold-face. The other thread is even worse. This joker should go yell at other people, that sort of thing is not appeciated here.
0 Replies
Bella Dea
Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2005 08:32 am
Re: hmm...
loveislikearose3 wrote:
so i've learned to never ask for homework help here again lol..
because all you people are going to remeber that forever.. torturing me for it later on in life..

Good. You might actually learn something. Like grammar and punctuation and stuff.

loveislikearose3 wrote:

but i dont need to explain myself to you anyways..
its not like im guilty in front of you..
i'd feel guilty if i were you though..

Typical Christian response from a zealot. Which is sad because you make the rest of us normal christians look bad. You are self rightous and pompus.

If you want to play with the big kids, you gotta have some thoughts of your own and you need to back them up. That's life, not just A2K.

loveislikearose3 wrote:

hating, arguing, harassing, criticizing, etc.. (yeah yeah youre prabably going to "quote" these words and say.. "oh now she thinks that were harassing her!" or something.. i already know you enough..
but i dont care..
i post what i post...

No, it just sounds suspiciously like religious fanatics....

loveislikearose3 wrote:

if you people can share your feelings, why cant i?[/b]

You don't have to yell.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2005 11:02 am

Everyone that knows me on these threads knows that I don't particularly like it when someone is attacked (whether it is intentional or just perceived by some). I am all for everyone getting along. I admit there are times I have fallen myself and gotten into it with a poster or two. But, I do have to agree with Bella Dea on the point about we need to show what Jesus is about instead of just telling them.

Even though you felt that you were attacked and your intentions were misunderstood, the right thing is not to turn around and tell everyone that you would feel guilty if you were them though. Yes, I said you lashed out after the perceived attack, and I can understand how you probably felt. But, most of the posters on here are some pretty decent folk. Sure, they may not believe like you or I do, but does that make them bad? Just as I thought they should try to understand your feelings behind what you did, it's just as important that you try to understand their feelings. There are reasons they feel the way they do.

I had to learn how to state things a bit more plainly, own my own statements, etc., when posting here on A2K. It's hard sometimes to just read what someone says because IMO you are missing something without the face to face contact. So, what we post becomes our body language, tone, inflection, etc.

I have learned there is a big difference between someone not agreeing with me and someone attacking what I think or believe. You just might want to keep these things in mind loveislikearose3. It might help you to get along a little better with everyone. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2005 01:56 pm
i wasnt yelling ..
if iw as yelling i'd post a bunch of !!!!!!!!!! at the end of everything..
but i didnt.. and there is nothing wrong with posting somethign in big font if i want to.... if i like it..
if you dont like it dont read it..
and momma angel..
it seems as if you disagree with me now too..
even though i dont see a reason why..
i didnt STATE or ague here about anything..
i just simple posted a letter that i felt was touching..
i knew that some wouldnt find it as nice as i did..
and i was prepared to see that..
but i didnt know some of you would go that far just to make me feel bad...
but actually.. i dont feel bad because of this...
i might have actualyl lashed out a little but thats just because im dealing with a lot of other life problems right now.. (mostly with my boyfriend) but i dont want to post about this.. yet..
and if it will make any of you feel better, SORRY,
maybe i should have just posted the letter and never returned to the forum to answer the replies..
but i just thought it'd be better if i did..
i mean you discuss, you argue, why can't i defend myself? if i defend myself here you people call it lashing out..
and i know that i probably would get a bunch of replies on this letter too..
tlaking about my bold font, which seemed liek yelling, talkign abotu my grammar (which i dont care much about, if i write a long essay, i always get a good grade on it because my grammar and writing is always good then, but if i post, i dont care how i type.. i write how i like..) and probably youre going to write back .. wanting to agrue again..
but ok.. i dont really mind..
i just think you people are just confusing yourselves...
if you disagree with anything, just say so, you dont have to start arguing, and etc..
but ok i have to go now..
i cant spend as much time on here as you people do..
0 Replies
Bella Dea
Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2005 02:00 pm
loveislikearose3 wrote:

i just think you people are just confusing yourselves...
if you disagree with anything, just say so, you dont have to start arguing, and etc..

Confusing ourselves how? We aren't the ones who are confused, dear.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2005 02:08 pm

Sweetie, you are completely misunderstanding. I am not against you. And, I don't think these other posters are against you either.

I think you took the attacks personally and lashed back. You even admitted you lashed back. It's ok. On the Internet (as I have come to learn) there are certain things that mean certain things. Putting things in big fonts and bolding them, using all caps, etc., is perceived as yelling.

It is not a matter of anyone being against you, sweetie. It really isn't. Actually, if you follow some of the advice given, you will probably find it easier to post without feeling attacked.

Rosie, I have to be fair about this. If someone lashes out at you, yes, I will defend you. But, if you lash back at them, I will defend them also. Lashing back is not right for ANYONE (caps for emphasis only.)

So, try not to take it so personally. Like I said, many will see your original post as a loving and sharing thing. Others won't. That's just the way it is. You have to let everyone have their own beliefs, feelings, etc. They have the same rights as you.
0 Replies

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