Craven de Kere wrote:you tend to go on and on with your caustic national stereotypes only against certain nations.
OK, this ^ is the reason for doing the nimh-job in question now, after all.
Like I said, joshing over a game can all be good fun (heya Steve), but accusing people of racism or, now, pursuing "caustic national stereotypes only against certain nations", is not. That's pretty serious.
So. Who is Craven talking about? F. earlier accused me of attacking Latin countries, and specifically, Argentina, Italy and Portugal. Craven doesn't mention which nations (plural) he's talking about, but considering the plural it's more than Portugal.
Apart from teasing with Walter and Thomas about Germany, the only other teams I've been mildly annoyed by are indeed Italy and Argentina. Soo... considering I've been singled out for pursuing racism or stereotyping to "certain" or "Latin" nations twice now, lets have it out. What in heaven's name was it that I
Here's the nimh-job (140 pages, groan). I'm only quoting the negative stuff people said ... I had some nice things to say about Argentina and Italy as well -
and, yes,
even about
Portugal, but this job was terrifying enough even just listing the neg stuff.
OK ...
Others about Argentina
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:I'm looking forward to Argentina Ivory Coast tonight. Lets hope the Argentinians get kicked all over the park.
FreeDuck wrote:Ivory Coast [..] played much better in the second half, but Argentina, being the pricks they are, just did what they had to do to keep the win. I confess to deep bias against them
Lord Ellpus wrote:The Argies (a plague on their houses) are playing really well [..] I was praying that Serbia would thrash the devious little buggers, but I obviously appealed to the wrong god.
FreeDuck wrote:I hate [Argentina] but they really play excellent.
Lord Ellpus wrote:Ha! Don't start me on Argentina!
George wrote:Help me out here. Why does everybody hate Argentina?
FreeDuck wrote:I hate Argentina because I hate Maradona, and his hair.
fbaezer wrote:I was hoping [Argentina]'d be eliminated on the first round, but Ivory Coast failed me.
Why not Argentina? [..] because so many Argentinians have made an art out of deceit. In many walks of life. Football among them.
FreeDuck wrote:They do kind of have a reputation for trickery and shiftiness and playing dirty.
FreeDuck wrote:Well, Brahmin, I'm not English and I don't like Maradona because he's a big-haired cheater. I'm also no fan of imperialism, but Argentina has a reputation for shiftiness.
CalamityJane wrote:Argentinia has not only played unfairly it's also a sore loser. [..] Argentinia should be suspended for the next cup.
I added:
nimh wrote:George wrote:Why does everybody hate Argentina?
They beat the Netherlands in the finals in '78 in a very dirty game.. People remember.
nimh wrote:I dont like Argentina either <cough>197[8]<cough>, but.. can. not. can. not. support. Germany.
And this aside in a post on Portugal:
nimh wrote:Portugal's joined Italy and Argentina now in the top cheaters league.
Ehm.. that's it. Seriously. That's all i ever said. In 142 pages.
Others about Italy
FreeDuck wrote:It looks like we learned some diving skills from Italy.
Lord Ellpus wrote:Osso, [..] do you know how reviled the Italian team is around Europe? [..]
Italian football, IMO, has dragged the whole game down to another level. They have dived, feigned injury, spat at opponents and done their utmost to get an opponent sent off, for as long as I can remember.
When a Brit/German/French team went to play them on their home ground as far back as the 70's, the visitors would be lucky not to have a man off with a broken leg, and two more sent off because they reacted to a large lump of phlegm hitting them in the face, when the ref wasn't looking.
They are good looking boys but just watch them closely, especially if they return to their normal "cynical" tactics.
I am hoping that they get thoroughly trounced in the next round, so that they can all return home to help the Italian Police with their current investigation into wholesale football bribery and corruption within their Italain football association.
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:The Italians get up to little tricks like that all the time so it seems. Its difficult not to stereotype sometimes.
Lord Ellpus wrote:I soooo wanted the Aussies to trounce the Italians....
dadpad wrote:Difficult choice this. Germany V Italy [..]
I think I will back Germany cause they fall over less. (not much less, but still........)
Jokes about italians and diving are a dime a dozen here at the moment.
CalamityJane wrote:These Italian cry babies fall down with every wind blow and the referee is right behind them. Well, that's one strategy to make up for playing a lousy game.

CalamityJane wrote:Okay, the Germans don't play as well as expected, but what the Italians display is just plain pathetic. These are grown men for crying out loud.
hingehead wrote:If Italy win the final Australia will say 'It would have been us if Grosso wasn't a member of the flying squad'
margo wrote:Interesting to see that we're not the only ones talking about Italian diving ability.
Funny they haven't done better in Olympic diving???
Heaps of practice!
I added:
nimh wrote:I went to see the game determined to support the Azzurri - they played Germany after all - but I gotta admit that as the match proceeded, I found myself unwittingly nodding at German moves, and mostly, frowning at the Italian diving. Man, they make it a life style.
Ehmm.. again - that's it. Seriously. There's one more negative reference to "the Portuguese playing like f*cking Italians" below - and that was re their playing defensive - and the one about Portugal having joined Italy and Argentina in the top cheaters league, above.
That's it.
OK, so - what's the plural in these "certain nations" you're talking about, Craven?
All I see is a case re me ragging at Portugal (and that's the football team, not the nation). That's sorta par for course re one's direct opponent when watching football (not to mention some tongue-in-cheekness involved in the more obvious over-the-topness re Cristiano Ronaldo) - but anyway.
Even there I didnt really say anything that noone else wasnt saying too tho - just more floridly and at length:
Others about Portugal
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:nice post nimh. I must admit liking Figo and Ronaldo so I started[/i]siding with Portugal, but not for long...they were a disgrace and deserved a good kicking. Figo was the worst.
najmelliw wrote:I for one hope Portugal wil lose the next game, not so much out of wrath, but more because they don't deserve to go far with their 'soccer tactics'
Ashers wrote:I'm not a fan of Christiano Ronaldo, as a player he can be great (he can also be very poor) but his conduct in that game was poor at best. [..] The diving will always annoy
FreeDuck wrote:Please, someone post a pic of Ronaldo's face with the smug wiped off of it.
Go Frenchies!
Ticomaya wrote:FreeDuck wrote:Please, someone post a pic of Ronaldo's face with the smug wiped off of it.
Yes .... please.
el_pohl wrote:Horrible piece of WC football we saw today. Theres nothing worse for the spectators to see the "italianization" of fearfull teams on late stages. But, Portugal didn't have merits to win the game, and although I do like them, their diving really nagged me.
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:ha Portugal, a taste of your own medicine. And tears for Ronaldo...who petulantly said he liked being booed. What a spoiled adolescent.
dadpad wrote:When Australia played Ntherlands I was amazed how often the dutch players fell over, but this was nothing compared to italy portugal germany and others.
I added:
nimh wrote:tonight a gang of Brits behind us, who riffed on in hilarious rapid spitfire [..] were cheering on Holland, going off about those Latino diving donnas (they used different language...)
I'll definitely return the favour. F*cking Portuguese.
Holland played tough, very tough, its true. But so did Portugal. One didnt let the other be the tougher one, each upping the ante of dirt. [..]
[The Dutch] ran into a wall, with the Portuguese playing like f*cking Italians. Massing in front of their own goal, 8 of em to 5 of our adavance men.
nimh wrote:I'm sorry, England. My commiserations to you. You did your best.[..] And I cant believe I now have to look at the face of that resentful, petulant adolescent, that cheating, whiny, two-faced son of a bitch Cristiano Ronaldo for another game.
nimh wrote:He cheats and dives like otherwise only Figo does. They're the worst two of a team that's collectively acquired a notoriety for cheating and diving this tournament. And thats not just something you hear disgruntled, envious Dutchmen like me say. Cs was just translating a Hugarian article about today's match to me that said the same. [..]
I gotta say, in that context, that I thought the ref at England-Portugal today was really good. [..] This guy was just not fazed by any of the theatrics. (And while last time Holland and Portugal were both guilty, this time, gotta give it to the English, only the Portuguese again and again tried the drama-diving thing).
This ref just wasnt havin it. How many times did you see a Portuguese theatrically slide to the ground, grabbing his legs in utter 'pain', and, finding out the ref just ignored him and the play continued, quickly cobbling up to his feet again? They kept on trying it, too!
nimh wrote:Oh, and seriously, I think Cristiano Ronaldo looks like a petulant puber (puber=Dutch word for troublesome adolescent). He's just a boy, and one that looks like a spoiled brat, at that. [..]
nimh wrote:Only country Ive bashed is Portugal. And with good reason [..] Pity Brazil and France couldnt both go to the semi-finals. I'd take them over Portugal or Italy any time.
[..] dont go apeshit about people who [..] get upset when a team makes a travesty of the game, 'k? Cause thats what Portugal did. I'm hardly alone in thinking so
nimh wrote:Portugal had the better chances, and was very dangerous. I was holding my breath. But [..] overall, I think France was just the better team. It also played more fairly, the Portuguese doing more of their blatant diving, and more prettily.
nimh wrote:Still, gotta be grateful that I dont have to see that smirk of Cristiano Ronaldo's anymore. And no more Scolari, that must be a good thing too.
Never mind that
oooh, I woulda been
crucified for this one:
cjhsa wrote:One thing that I think really hurts the game are the flops and drama queens. It's particularly noticable in the latin players. Man can they ever whine.
Lord Ellpus wrote:....and they've been doing so since the 70's!
Now - now that we have that out of the way - can anyone who just read all that please explain why I'm the one getting shafted for "racism" respectively, "go[ing] on and on with your caustic national stereotypes against certain nations"? (Nations, yes, not even just football teams...).
Pretty please?
<insert rolling-eye type thingie here>