My questions were directed at the scientific materialists Herald.
But the Word of God is a cultural manifestation.
I suppose a Catholic theologian would say your post was heretical but that word runs the risk of being another case of MYOEP.
Once Protestant dissent was institutionalised in certain places it is logical that other forms of dissent, when deployed skilfully, can apply and which eventually result in apostasy.
The idea is that it is popular to relieve people of the constraints of Christian sexual morality. The cultural misunderstandings are contemporary. There are those who fondly believe that apostasy is valid when they have their own pants down and those who know, with history as evidence, that it is invalid when everybody have their pants down. Assuming that the valid idea is keeping this show on the road. An idea not shared by Apisa who has said, quite correctly as a materialist, that it is of no consequence.
We become lost in airy dreamings as soon as we avoid the discipline of the foreseeable and calculable future.
It is all very well to say that the bedroom is private territory. That is solipsistic. All the bedrooms are certainly not.
The Catholic Church is a practical mechanism. It is nothing else. It's objective is to deliver a pleasant life for all. If it has had to crack a few heads once in a while to do it it has not been averse to doing so. That progress is not very fast is due to our organic inheritance which is not a particularly easy thing to get the better of if it is even possible at all in the long run. But the progress has not been so bad.
Veblen's "triumph of the hormones over the proprietaries" is a good example of an atheist feeling "on a roll".
What's funny about the G of E story is that God could have created an Adam who had no interest in a helpmeet or, if he had, only to do the ironing and dusting, and on whom the serpent's suggestions to Eve would have no effect no matter how much she wiggled her bottom. Something like an elderly celibate Cardinal. Thus, Satan knew of Adam's God given weakness. Perhaps from seeing him when he first woke up in the morning.
The serpent is necessary to absolve Eve of the blame.
Where Apisa's cross-cultural misunderstandings really occur is that he cannot imagine living a life, with no way out, where people were frightened to wake up every day. Life was ghastly. And had never been anything else and nobody had any idea of how to stop life continuing to be ghastly for ever and ever. And the guy who suggested a way out got strung up.
And Christianity has proved to be a way out. As Apisa's own attitude to waking up demonstrates. Irrespective of whether God exists or not or that the story "is a mess".