@cicerone imposter,
Quote: It's about greed and profit.
Suppose for a moment, you silly moocow, it was not about greed and profit.
Make it a brief moment or else your hair might turn white and the supermarket shelves be cleared out before you got there.
Like greed and profit so also sexual activity. It is not the concept; it is how it is exercised. Both need rules and legislators are unable to regulate normal sexual activity because the House and the Senate would refuse to consider the matter let alone have a vote on it. Even the rules that have been legislated concerning greed and profit are somewhat suspect but they do exist and probably do prevent the more crude expressions of this natural propensity. Most of the time at least.
What if no rules were in operation in the rumpy-pumpy arena? Which, as I just showed, is what is inevitable if the Church doesn't provide them. It's all very well being liberal minded and all that but what if everybody catches the disease. Which it is very easy to do on account of the pleasures of displaying one's compassion and concern without a very great deal of effort after having been well rehearsed by the elite of the liberal hierarchy. It's very catching. And progressive. Can lead to 15 years in a north Russian jail if gets bad.
Compare a free for all in greed and profit with a free for all in the romping.
The Reps would vanish. The Dems would split. Competing in liberal minded ideas. The Really Liberal Democratic Party and the Really Really Liberal Democratic Party. The extremists of the latter being known as the DOGGIES.