just finished reading : 'wrong way : the fall of conrad black' .
a good read . it was interesting to learn how he managed to fool even very experienced investors for quite some time , that really surprised me . those people thought they could make a killing investing in his business - instead they got burned - some badly .
while he seemed to be quite greedy , he certainly wasn't the only one on the block ; quite e few wanted to get in on the action .
i wonder if he'll be aable to wriggle out of it .
in the meantime he still seems to live rather well ' not applying for welfare yet !
Lovely to see you, hb.
I probably won't get to that book (there are too many books) so thanks for the brief review. Quite a boy, isn't he? I doubt very much that he'll wiggle out. Fitzgerald ain't no pussy.
Napoleon is his hero.
I have a couple of letters from the guy. Do you think they might be worth selling. Matrimony was his big mistake. I tried to gently tell him but he wouldn't listen.
What are his prospects now?
Now, why on earth would you happen to have some correspondence with everyone's least favorite Canadian egomaniac?
I suppose marriage may have made him an even worse example of a human than he would have been otherwise, though I'm not sure why I ought to place the blame for such psycho-pathology at that threshold. Does getting hitched unhitch us? What does Hitchens say?
Mind you, his particular choice may well be causal here. Babs is just the perfectly bitchy bitch for Connie.
Judge Defers Request to Raise Conrad Black's Bail
Judge Defers Request to Raise Conrad Black's Bail
By E&P Staff
Published: June 30, 2006
At a Friday court hearing in Chicago attended by Conrad Black, a federal judge set July 12 to hear arguments on whether the deposed newspaper mogul should be forced to put up more bail in his fraud and racketeering case.
Earlier this week, U.S. District Judge Amy St. Eve denied prosecutors request that Black's bail be revoked or that he be ordered to put up more collateral on his present $20 million bond. Prosecutors contend Black misled them about his financial conditions, something vigorously denied by his attorneys.
Black did not speak at the Friday hearing or to reporters later, The Associated Press reported Friday. Co-defendant John "Jack" Boultbee was not present at the hearing, having previously been given permission to skip it in order to attend tomorrow's Canada Day celebrations in his hometown in British Columbia.
Black and other former key executives of Hollinger International Inc., now called Sun-Times Media Group, are accused of looting the publishing company of the Chicago Sun-Times of some $92 million in improper fees and insider contracts. Former Sun-Times Publisher David Radler, Black's lieutenant as he built Hollinger into a world-wide newspaper empire, has agreed to testify against Black and others in exchange for a lighter sentence.
In an active week for Black, Thursday U.S. District Judge David Coar in Chicago dismissed six of the eight claims filed against Black, Hollinger and some of the company's former directors in relation to the circulation inflation scandal at the Sun-Times. The shareholder lawsuit accuses Black, the former chairman and CEO of the company, and other Hollinger figures of making false or misleading statements about its financial condition.
judging from the rather gentle treatment black is receiving by the courts , i'd say that he might still get away with a slap on the wrist .
if the worst thing should happen , he could always go back to great-britain; black is a british citizen and i doubt that he committed an offense for which he could be extradited .
There will be dancing
dancing in the streets
oh dancing
dancing in the streets
Connie and Babs on $20 G per month. How tragic.
should we take up a collection
this story reminds me somewhat of the reichman brothers/olympia and york investment corporation , and canary wharf .
the whole outfit went bust in the early 1990's , but has recently been mentioned again as a large canadian real estate developer

i guess it helps if you have friends 'in high places' - i don't

And, just how high are you?
blatham wrote :
"You have me. "
thanks buddy ! just make the cheque out to "CASH" , if you will

ps . anything above $10,000 will make my life a lot easier - but if you are a little short right now , make it two of $5,000 each - much appreciated .
Quote:As expected, Lord Black and three co-defendants pleaded not guilty Friday to the third version of the indictment that federal prosecutors have obtained
Globe article Friday September 8, 2006
(though I haven't found it yet) For future reference:
Quote:The Chicago criminal case is U.S. v. Black, 05cr727, in the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division (Chicago).
According to this source
Uh huh. I pushed through to the end of that screed. Good grief and not even well done.
Yet, I don't completely disagree with the larger principles...due process is a sword walk, for example (and one or two of his smaller asides made me laugh).
Conrad won't plea bargain because he considers himself
a freedom fighter.
reuters canada
AND according to the CBC, he won't cough up Bab's ring, either.
do wonder if Black's bond really is the largest bond in United States district court history.
Would you give him YOUR ring, JoeB? naaaaaahhhhhh
I'm having trouble picturing Conrad with a kefiyah on his head. Freedom fighter, indeed.
ehBeth wrote:Would you give him YOUR ring, JoeB? naaaaaahhhhhh
Nope. Only if they made me. Do you think they'll estreat?
By the way, my thanks to JoeBlow for keeping the Conrad Saga current in this thread.