Ticomaya wrote:
Clinton lied in his deposition in the Paula Jones sexual harrassment lawsuit.
Why do you forgive him for those lies?
Because Starr had no business asking Clinton those questions in the first place. That is not what he was hired to do, that is not what the investigation was supposed to be about.
Starr was hired to look into a land deal where people lost money. This is a real issue. When he needlessly went into Clinton's sex life, he lost all validity not only in the eyes of the public, but in the eyes of the Republican Congress who hired him.
Do not forget that after the impeachment proceedings were over, the first thing the Republican Congress did was to repeal the Independent Counsel statute which created Starr's investigation. The Republican Congress wanted to make sure that nothing-nothing-like Starr's investigation was ever able to happen again.
Whether you wish to face the fact or not, that repeal by the Republican Congress went a long way towards vindicating Clinton.
Fitzgerald, on the other hand, asked only questions that were clearly pertinent to what he was hired to investigate. That is the difference between lying to Starr's travesty and lying to Fitzgerald's investigation.