You can call an egg a brick too, but that doesn't mean it is. The
opinion that it is a "war of aggression" is just that. An opinion. There is no doubt the internet is jam packed with anti-American, anti-Bush propaganda. I don't need to search it out.
Military conflict in Iraq will have the full legitimacy of international law. I make this statement as someone who is a multilateralist by nature. I believe in international law and was a strong advocate for Australian participation in the International Criminal Court. I have worked for the United Nations in Geneva chronicling the abuses that occurred during the Bosnian conflict and I was Australia's chief electoral observer in Cambodia during the 1998 elections.
In each case I saw the tragic human consequences of a failure to uphold international law and the decisions of the UN. Now, in Iraq, we are witness to the same violation of international law and Security Council decisions.
There are three requirements if Security Council members the United States, Britain and Spain are to lead an international coalition to enforce the council's resolutions on Iraq.
First, there must be a clear and unequivocal duty on Iraq to comply with council resolutions. Second, there must be a clear and unequivocal breach of that duty. Third, there must be a legitimate and continuing authority for enforcing those actions. All are present.
The first element, Iraq's duty to comply with international law, has been reaffirmed through 17 Security Council resolutions over 12 years. This duty began with resolution 678 of November 29, 1990, which authorised use of "all necessary means" to force Iraq to quit Kuwait and importantly "to restore international peace and security in the area".
After operation Desert Storm forced Iraq from Kuwait, the Security Council authorised a ceasefire under resolution 687 on April 3, 1991. The ceasefire was conditional on Iraq destroying or removing all its chemical and biological weapons. This condition was reaffirmed in resolution 1441 of November 8, 2002.
Critically, resolution 1441 declares Iraq "in material breach" of its obligations, offers "one final opportunity" to comply fully - not partially - and threatens "serious consequences" if it continued to violate its obligations. The term "serious consequences" is the same enforcement provision that underpinned Desert Storm.
So, Iraq's duty to disarm is continuing and absolute.
The second element is the question of breach. Again, the Security Council has repeatedly found Iraq in breach of its obligations to disarm and has authorised the use of force on many occasions.
Since November, UN chief weapons inspector Hans Blix has noted some co-operation, but he has repeatedly affirmed that Iraq has chemical and biological stores, missing anthrax and VX nerve gas supplies, and active development programs. So the Security Council itself has concluded that Iraq remains in fundamental breach of its obligations.
This breach has been compounded by Saddam Hussein's clear and unchallenged support for at least three active terrorist groups: the Abu Nidal Organisation, the Mujahideen e-Kharq and the PLF.
The third and most difficult question is who can legitimately enforce resolution 1441. Previous enforcement has followed a declaration of material breach, but has not specified the means. On all occasions it has been led by the US acting in accordance with Security Council resolutions.
In this particular case it has been asserted there may be duty and material breach but that US-led action would be unilateral and therefore illegitimate. This is false. In February, US Under-Secretary of State Marc Grossman identified 26 countries that had already given access, basing and over-flight rights for action against Iraq. A further 18 had given contingent approval for such co-operation. So a minimum of 44 countries have provisionally agreed to participate in an enforcement operation.
Of course, it would be preferable to have a further resolution for purposes of unanimity. Such a resolution would be the best way of avoiding conflict. But Australia, Britain, Spain and the US have exhausted every avenue to achieve the moral support of an 18th resolution. However, France, while calling for UN solidarity, has at the same time categorically ruled out any further resolution authorising force. It has blocked the very avenue down which it wants the world to travel.
Make no mistake though, full authority to enforce resolution 1441 already exists.
Saddam has been under an express UN Security Council duty for more than a decade to terminate his chemical and biological programs. He has been found to be in material breach of that duty by maintaining an active chemical and biological weapons program. Moreover, his regime's active support for terrorism remains in breach of Security Council demands.
Above all else, moral legitimacy is stripped away by the fact that Saddam runs perhaps the most oppressive remaining regime in the world.
In all those circumstances, there is clear legitimacy for enforcement of Security Council resolutions by a coalition comprising more than 40 countries and that is led by three members of the Security Council.