Atheists... Your life is pointless

Sun 23 Oct, 2005 09:15 am
I've always wondered why people that are so adamant about the non-existence of God, debate morals and what is right and wrong. If there is no God and this world is truly just a cosmic fluke, than your life and everything that happens in it are of no consequence whatsoever. Why not just do whatever you want and not care about others. After all, survival of the fittest is the name of the game right? Love of others is just some accidental emotion that means nothing. So do whatever you want. Your life, your children's life, and your children's children's life will all be over soon and nothing will be remembered.
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Sun 23 Oct, 2005 09:23 am
To people who look for answers and direction outside of themselves, your thesis would make sense. Those are the people who need a God, to keep them on the straight and narrow, to make their lives make sense.

For others, who are inner directed, the entire concept of a God is not necessary. I am honest, because I believe in not faking reality. I am kind to other people, and deal with them in a straightforward way, with integrity, because I believe that that is the civilized way to live.

Because I believe that there is no afterlife, my goal is to make this life as productive as possible, to be as happy as possible, (without trampling on others in the process), and to pass on the positive things that I have learned in this life to future generations.
Sun 23 Oct, 2005 09:24 am
But your life has purpose - Preaching to we atheists. Glad to see we have given your life some meaning.
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Sun 23 Oct, 2005 09:33 am
Do I have to believe in any particular god for my life to have meaning?

If I believe in Poseidon am I okay?

Will the things I've done in my life have any meaning is I believe in Krishna?

What if I say Science is my god?
Sun 23 Oct, 2005 09:36 am
The problem with believing in Poseidon is that evangelicals such as Creasy can claim your all wet.
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Sun 23 Oct, 2005 09:47 am
Creasy -- Do you believe in the God that says "Judge not lest ye be judged"?
Sun 23 Oct, 2005 09:52 am
My question is this: who cares if it's pointless?
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Sun 23 Oct, 2005 10:00 am
If there is a god who can (and will, according to the Bible) arbitrarily and capriciously destroy people with floods, earthquakes, plagues, drought, wars, and anything else he can dream up, and will eternally torture anyone who was born into the wrong religious beliefs, how does that make your life meaningful?

If this god sets his seal of approval on slavery, discrimination against women and foreigners, slaughtering your neighbors and stealing their land, and demands that you stone to death witches, homosexuals, Sabbath violators, blasphemers, and your own sons if they are rebellious, how do you know what is right and wrong?

If there is a god, why does he make people so stupid that they cannot understand simple concepts, such as:

We care about others because our brains have evolved the ability to empathize.
Fittest does not mean strongest. It also means being able to convince others to cooperate, share resources, and provide emotional support.
Love is important whether or not there are jealous and vengeful gods.
Memories do not depend on religious belief, although building pyramids and temples can ensure name recognition for ages.
Sun 23 Oct, 2005 10:04 am
Good grief John Creasy, it's sunday morning why aren't you in church with all the other fruitcakes?
Sun 23 Oct, 2005 10:31 am
John Creasy
John Creasy, do you get paid by the word for prostelizing? Or are you just obsessive-compulsive about god's existence?

Let's reverse your question (as Phoenix opined): Why do some people feel the need for god to exist to give their lives meaning?

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Sun 23 Oct, 2005 10:39 am
I read once of a zen monk sitting outside the doorway at night, accosted by one who demanded money. The monk cheerfully complied. He took off his coat and gave it to the man also. After the man was gone, the monk looked at the huge full orb in the sky. "I wish I could have given him that moon," he said.
I wish I could moon John Creasy.
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Sun 23 Oct, 2005 10:41 am

Creasy, I got a kick out of your title. There have been so many more just as condemning, aimed at us poor Christians; thanks for the laugh.

I hardly ever disagree with Phoenix, but I would just desire to clarify--not all Christians only "act" caring to deflect the "wrath of God." Some Christians have this: "I am honest, because I believe in not faking reality. I am kind to other people, and deal with them in a straightforward way, with integrity, because I believe that that is the civilized way to live" in common with you.
Sun 23 Oct, 2005 12:31 pm

My mamere had the same line for me "your life is pointless without God".
Let's just say I laughed in her face. That's ridiculous.
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John Creasy
Sun 23 Oct, 2005 12:35 pm
First of all, who said I was a Christian? Are Christians the only people who believe in God?

As far as love is concerned, it is against nature. If we are simply evolutionary animals then survival of the fittest is how we should live right?

I do not "need" a God. I believe there is a God. There's a big difference there.

Why do so many atheists come out of the woodwork to confront anybody that questions them? Why are you so adamant about there being no God? Sounds like you are the ones preaching. I find it ironic that there are more atheists than theists on a spirituality forum.
Sun 23 Oct, 2005 12:46 pm
Bull. You were looking for a fight when you posted that headline. Now you want atheists to be on the defensive. I don't personally care what kind of theist you are. I put your belief in one basket.
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Sun 23 Oct, 2005 12:50 pm
"Your life is pointless". What a nice thing to say on a sunday morning to a bunch of people you never met. Enjoy your nice hot cup of judgement, damnation and self-righteousness. I hope it makes you feel nice & warm inside. If thats what you need I guess thats what you need. Its your drug of choice Greasy.
John Creasy
Sun 23 Oct, 2005 01:47 pm
I will admit I get a small tinge of amusement from your knee-jerk reactions. I'll ask again, why are so many atheists on a religion forum? Especially if they can't even handle someone questioning them?
Sun 23 Oct, 2005 01:52 pm
Those are a lot of assumptions right off the bat, John C.
As of yet, you do not know which of us are atheists or anything else for that matter.

Maybe you could clarify what you would like to discuss? I couldn't find the question in your arguement. Embarrassed
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Slappy Doo Hoo
Sun 23 Oct, 2005 01:53 pm
Exactly. This is why I enjoy beating up old women....with their own canes!
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John Creasy
Sun 23 Oct, 2005 02:01 pm
flushd wrote:
Those are a lot of assumptions right off the bat, John C.
As of yet, you do not know which of us are atheists or anything else for that matter.

Maybe you could clarify what you would like to discuss? I couldn't find the question in your arguement. Embarrassed

What assumptions? What atheists you ask? How about the half of dozen that said they were? Also I've looked around a bit and it appears to be about 80% religion-bashers on this particular forum. Hmmmm, how ironic.

I was just wondering out loud how if there is no God, than why don't we live more like the animals we are? Why the morals?

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