Quote: Physicists are often admitting lately that we may be at the point where experimental verification is impossible. More an more often they must rely on indirect and circumstantial evidence and math proofs where many of the constants are arbitrarily assigned.
Many thories in physics, chemistry and biology grew out of an inability to "prove" a basic observation. The start of the "hunt" is AL:WAYS based on recognizing our ignorance.
SOmethimes the hunt must, by necessity, first try toapply the Holmsian philosophy where
"We first remove the impossible, and the improbable. What remains contains the answers"
Now dont tell me that we must include a "god did it" within our matrices of possibilities??
1tell me ho wed then arrive at an answer to our hunt?
2How could qe prove it?
See you just dont get it. As I said over and fduckin over. to Feel secure with your god, just dont waste my time with possibilities (in your mind) that have no way to bear provable facts.
SCience is the world of assumed methodological naturalism. How else could we proceed?