Izzythepush I beg to differ not only the Catholic Church but all religious organizations are cults. The objective is a cult is to control the thinking of its members. Do you not believe that the very purpose for the Catholic Church to exist is to control the thinking of its followers? I was a member of that cult for 18 years but not for 18 years 1 day. They tried to control my thinking just as all other cults do. Most cults can use social pressure to brainwash their victims but in my case it didn’t work. My family continued to belong to the cult for a few years but they eventually left the cult also. We seldom missed mass and always attended on religious holidays and ate fish on Fridays. I still dislike fish to this day.
Cult: a particular system of religious worship especially with reference to rites and ceremonies
Dictionary .com
I would say the Catholic Church fits that definition to a tee. Are there worse religious cults? Yes, but that doesn’t change the facts.
I have never been to Ireland and it would be difficult to pass judgment on the statement that In Irish parochial schools the unmolested are in a minority without reliable statistics but we do know in America child molestation in the Catholic church was of epidemic proportion.
Here are just a few incidences taken from a 2005 Philadelphia grand jury report.
“An 11 year old girl raped by her priest became pregnant and was taken by the priest for an abortion.”
“A Priest told a boy that his mother had agreed to the priest’ repeated rape.”
‘‘A boy who told his father about the abuse his younger brother by a priest was beaten to near unconsciousness by his father, because “priests don’t do that.”
“A boy who woke up intoxicated in a priest’s bed to find the priest sucking on his penis while three other priests watched and masturbated themselves.”
This Grand Jury report continues for another 31 pages.
I escaped going to catholic school by the skin of my teeth. I don’t doubt that the abusers didn’t abuse every child. You know the problem they must have, so many children so little time.