Thanks Tuna for your reply.
You do know what the framers of the US independence declaration is talking about with their use of the words: God and creator.
So, here is again my concept of God:
Creator and operator of the universe and of everything with a beginning.
I like very much to exchange thoughts with you on your text below:
Quote:Your [my] definition is: "God in concept is the creator and operator of the universe and of everything with a beginning." You define "God" as a cause and a governor.
Causes exist. We often think in terms of governance, although it's sometimes wise to be careful with that sort of thinking. But does it make sense to say the universe had a cause? If I say that, I seem to have redefined "universe" as something less than everything.
How do you define "universe?"
You seem to be concerned with cause and universe; and forgive me, but you say that I am redefining universe so that it is lesser than it should be, owing to my assigning a cause to the universe.
Correct me if I get you wrong.
Let us employ critical thinking, okay?
The way I see, you do have in your mental database the concept of God as the creator and operator of the universe and of everything with a beginning.
No, I am not binding you to accept the concept as a valid concept, just that you do have it in your mental database, so that if you are asked to choose which of two words represents some superior entity:
(1) God, (2) guy, you will correctly point to
(1) God.
Of course you don't accept the reality represented by me with the word God.
Now, let us put our minds together to talk about what is a cause, and later whether the universe having a cause makes it less of a universe than it is according to you actually existing.
Here is my concept of cause: in the most expansive reach of the word cause, it is anything at all which contributes in any way to the existence of another thing.
When you write to reply to me, tell me what is a cause, the concept of that is, in your stock knowledge.
And yes, you want me to give my definition of the universe.
Here, prescinding from my knowledge that God exists, I will define the universe as in its most expansive reach, the whole sum and totality of existence, period.
May I invite you when you write in reply to this post, to tell me what is your concept of cause, and also of universe.
Forgive me, here again are my concepts of cause and of universe:
Cause: in the most expansive reach of the word cause, it is anything at all which contributes in any way to the existence of another thing.
Universe, [prescinding from my knowledge of God] in the most broad span of the word, everything at all that exists, period.