Sorry deb, I had the same reaction as Gautam
Uhhuh.... let's take a vote - who else thought the same???? show of hands..... one, two, three, fooouurrr, five.............102, 103......
We have n hands showing up now, where n is a positive integer tending towards infinity
(ode to the new Math forum)
Guess what I saw in the parking lot dude....
... are those cops still around!?!
I can't see nothin', Mr Water.
Strange, showing up OK at this end.
Picture of Cheech&Chong with a HUUGE doobie.
It is the Mother Of All Fatties.
Good times.
Hmmmmmm - you ain't pulling that invisible rabbit thingy trick on ME, is you?
That's s'posed to be for Craven!
Mr. Stillwater brought over a Cheech and Chong style :-D Hope I don't fall off my horse.
You are still on that horse?
You are gonna be walkin' funny!
I wish I had a real burgundy to go with my Hot Tub burgundy....
Ah well. Into the bubbly with my vino.
What is the weather, gezzy, someone. I have been hogging the meteorological duties of late. (sp?)
Just got off the horse and I'm walkin real funny. I think I need to get back in that hot tub to losen up these legs. The weather is cold over here, but it's getting warmer every day, kinda, sorta...
Cold, then.
We shall utilize Timber's electricity and jack up the heat in the Hot Tub.
>plinking, plinking<
It should limber up ye warped appendages.
Hope Officers Eric and Nasty don't show up, as we don't have any Visine.
We have the half-mast pothead eyes. And, I'm getting the overwhelming urge to munch...
What's the last good movie you saw, Gezzy?
Oh, no!!!! Now she's gonna make me think after that stogie. Hmmmm..... The last movie I saw was, um, ah, I can't remember. I have to think on this for awhile.
Thanks for turning up the heat on the hot tub. Goosebumps aren't the only bumps going on.
Let me know if you see those cops, so I can hide.
Cheech! Chong!
Ima liltipsy, think I'll rest here in the hot-tub for a spell...