...but not necessarily- gotcha
Heehee - I don't believe I was exactly attempting to escape!
Right, toss them in now! I come here for drinkin' and 'boastin' and 'brawlin' not ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff... fffrightening the horses. This'll cool you lot down!
High-altitude reconnaissance aircraft runs remote spectrographic analysis of material composing the 5 chunks brought to this party by Mr. Stillwater and determines them to be stones from the MacDonnell range in the hot-hot-hot central Australian desert - if dropped in hot tub, they will probably raise the temperature <G>
Are you in any of those pics?
I looked at all the pictures and
Becoz I have fairly delicate moral sensibilities
And very pretty sensibilities they are, Guatam. Please continue to flaunt them :wink:
<wondering where timber saw my errrr....umm...sensibilities>
Nope, I'm not in any of those photos. Just trying to live up the party a bit. Google is so useful!
It was a brutal day of errands in the hot Georgia sun.
The Hot Tub will be cool tonight!
<easing into the cool water, enjoying the expansive velvet sky>
I know none of you have been here in years, but I will tell you a secret. I learn something new from one of you everyday. I ask questions to learn. I think you have a lot to offer. Other avatars ask why I use my own picture. It is only because I am me. I just want to be me is all. I am not used to being someone else or looking like something else. I tried it and it did not feel right. Even though the saying is old, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", this old saying is beautiful and most often true. That is what I see. I also do not take into consideration whether an avatar is a guru, veteran, new or moderator. I will still be me and I will always be new.
The avatars speak to you?
I feel so left out.
Who is that crazy woman in the hot tub?
(I've been here years, and I've never heard a peep from an avatar)