If I remember correctly, Panz is in West Palm Beach. Where is that musicianer?
Great map, Osso. That pretty well tells the story for all of us.
It took awhile to find one that was detailed enough but still readable. This one is from a real estate rental site.
Ah, the irony of it, Osso. Real estate.
Panz is about an hour drive south of Cocoa beach if I remember correctly.
Southern Florida's bridges will be closed at noon today (eastern time) so anyone not evacuated before then won't be able to get out.
I am glad to hear that the outlook for Florida appears to be less dire than it was 12 hours ago. Good luck to yall. I heard from panzade last night at around 7:30. He had hauled some stuff to the landfill and backed into an area that he had been assured was negotiable, but got bogged down and had to be dragged out. Not a happy pan.
I went to the source of Osso's map of Florida, hoping to print out a copy. It didn't quite work but, while I was at this real estate site I clicked on their description of Florida weather, a true gem of creative spin:
"...(T)here are certain times when there is more chance of rain or storms." That is good, reminding me of the old Florida real estate ads where you could buy swampland (preferably sight unseen) that promised "abundant wildlife" which meant alligators and mosquitos.
Real John, I just wanted to give the main source in case someone doesn't like my just using their map without credit, but the full source is there if you right click on the photo and, I think, click on properties - it's more specific. (I have a mac, all I have to do is hold my mouse button and open in a new window, so it's different).
If all else fails, go to google, click on images, and then put florida maps into the search box. Many maps come up, and this one may be on the second or third page as I looked a while before I found it.
As a tangent, I mean to start a thread that I have put off until this year's hurricane season is over, as it is more for future building ideas than on the immediacy of an impending storm - I saw an article a week or so ago about a manufactured house (or most of the parts are) designed to withstand a hurricane 5. It's not inexpensive, but it involves quite a bit less than a lot of the architect-designed manufactured houses that I have been following for a while through that archnewsnow site.
Well folks. The wind just ripped my screen door loose. About 3 am and things are picking up. Rae, I heard some tornados touched down in Cocoa so I hope you're not still sitting in that apt on A1A.
I imagine this time around Florida Powerless Blight will shut down the grids early to prevent blackouts.
Onyx Phoenix Letty El Diablo and the rest of the Florida crew, stay safe.
And Brandon
To quote another well-known A2ker, hold your dominion, folks.
High winds, but I'm as all right as I can be under the circumstances.
Glad to hear you're doing fine... here's the latest satellite photo:
They're saying 125 mph winds... no problem, right?
My son just checked in from the Tampa Bay area: "Iit's 8:20 am here. We've have had rain all night long. Wind gusts up to 35 mph. All is well, and the huuricane will be gone in the next 4-5 hours. So we are ok."
There were several tornado warnings, but none appeared so far in the Brandon area where my son lives.
Aargh. Some 3 million Floridians without power. We need to hear from all A2K'ers as soon as they can respond.
Wondering how people are...
Worried yesterday while I was watching CNN - worried while I was at the airport in New York, seeing all the flights cancelled - in and out of part of Florida <I need to look at that good map again - thanks, OssoB> - worried again now.