yitwail wrote:i personally appreciate the women players at Stan's. i'm undefeated against them. of course, i've only played two that i know of.

Try ZorMaster or Maria. I'm betting they'd give you a good game. :wink:
you mean they'd give me a whuppin'. (and add hana-chessprincess to that list, probably.) maybe after i finish the 3 chess books i ordered from amazon, and play about 30 more games to get my rating high enough so they won't fall out of their chairs laughing when i challenge em. ;-)
I'm sure you'll be fine, and might give them a good game.
might give them a good game, eh? thanks for the vote of confidence.
Well, you never know. You might be having a bad day or two.
ah, thanks. i'll remember that next time i lose to a superior opponent.
Exactly! Everybody can have a bad day.
Well, I figure it's about time to revive this thread again, with all the stuff happening in my life and coming up.
Vivienne and I just picked up both of our cats from the vet yesterday. Ka-ching, and $620 later. They had been ill for a couple of days. Looks like some kind of infection. both Kory and Kira had a temperature of 103. today, things are looking much better with their appetites coming back and the same routines occurring. It was weird not having any cats in the house, as we've never had both of them at the vet at the same time.
Tomorrow, Monday, will be my last day at the assisted-living care home where I've been working since March. I've decided to pack it in for a couple of reasons. Mainly, I just want to do something else. That's the nice thing about being retired (semi, I guess). You don't have to stick with anything. I plan to look for work again, perhaps later on this year, or early next.
There's a lot happening with Vivienne in the next few months. On September 6th, she goes in for major surgery to repair her abdominal hernia. This will be the third time around. It's gotten quite worse after the last two failed for whatever reason.
This surgery has got both of us quite spooked, as it has high risks and could even result in death, but it's gotten so bad that not having it done is not really a viable option.
She will be in an estimated 3 days. So, it will be just me, the cats, and cockatiels. I'm a bit worried about that, too, because I will have to try to adminster the remaining of the antibiotics that the kitties have been prescribed. Not any easy task, especially with our male guy, Kory.
Then, next on the long list is October 22nd. That's when Vivienne has to go in for a follow-up test (an ultrasound) to her two mammograms that she recently had. There was a "suspicious area" on her right breast that has to be verified whether or not it's something to worry about.
And, when we're all done with the above, Vivienne is scheduled for day surgery on her right knee to take out a floating bone chip and cut off a tear in the miniscus.
As you can see, it's been a kettle full of stress and concern for us - never mind as to what's all happening with our oldest daughter. That's a saga in of itself, which I won't get into here.
Hi, reyn. I'd been kind of wondering what had become of you. I noticed that you weren't around as much (at least on the topics I look at) as you once were.
Best wishes to you and your lady in the months ahead. I hope everything turns out well.
Oh man, that's a lot on your plate! Good luck to you, your wife, and the kitties!
Glad you bumped this up, Reyn. It seems that you and I share common problems. I just feel and sense that Vivienne will be all right. As for your animals, that in itself is a true concern that all of us identify with.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife. (and the puddies too.)
Hello John, Kris, Letty, and Lezzles, and thanks for your replies.
I felt in the need for a sounding board to talk some of this out. I'm feeling overwhelmed these days and it's hard not to get caught up in all these "little problems".
And then when one cat got sick and then the other one, my poor wife was besides herself, as if mentally preparing for an operation wasn't stressful enough.
I'm trying to stay positive. The two of us have talked of "possibilities" and took family pictures very recently "just in case", if you know what I mean.
Well, keep positive, unless something truly goes bad. Your friends here are pulling for you.
Hey, hi Edgar. Nice to see you, too. I've even commemerated this thread with a new avatar of myself taken from a recent photo.
Pretty good photo, for a "retired" man.
Hoping everything goes well for your wife, Reyn.
hi , reyn !
i'm glad you popped in again !
just within the last couple of weeks i noticed your absence here ; so it's good to have you back on a2k .
truly sorry to hear that your wife has an operation ahead of her .
wishing both of you the best and hope that all will turn out well !!!
hbg(from the centre of the universe :wink: )
Hey, Reyn! Good to hear from you again! I missed you!
Repeat after me: Things are looking up! Vivienne's surgeries are going to make things much better for her. The cats are going to be fine. And I don't have to go to the assisted living place anymore. Life is good!
Hang in there, my friend. (((HUGS)))
From the animal kingdom to Reyn and Viv.