Ah, you poor turtle. <smile>
yes, whoever heard of a turtle moving too hastily?
Well, don't sell your shell. <smile>
Here's a question for the both of you.
Isn't there a sucker chess game where one may get the king in check in three moves? I have also heard it said that a master can be defeated by a novice because the latter does unexpected things.
and a weird little hamster just told me that I could not make a post so soon after the last one.
actually, white can get mated in just 2 moves. as to the novice, it might depend on the novice. a future Bobby Fischer probably would defeat a master, but the chances of an ordinary novice winning would be infinitesimal. sure, a novice might do the unexpected, but against a master most unexpected moves would be much worse than the expected ones.
I'll never challenge the master, Turtle person.
yitwail wrote:yes there is, losing a won game.
Well, I guess that's shades of the same thing, but the thing is that a stalemate is indicative of terrible carelessness.
yes, i suppose carelessness might be more upsetting than an oversight. either way, i hate when that happens.
Letty wrote:Isn't there a sucker chess game where one may get the king in check in three moves? I have also heard it said that a master can be defeated by a novice because the latter does unexpected things.
That sort of thing usually happens when either white or black move their pawn at f2 or f7 respectively.
Yeah, it's a screen shot of a WinBoard set-up. The top part has been cropped.
and the board's even setup properly! yessir, nothing *odd* about it whatsoever. you might even be able to post it at Stan's MB without getting any complaints.
Just for fun, I am going to try it.
Something is amiss with my pc.
Didn't work. grrrrrrrrrr.
yitwail wrote:and the board's even setup properly! yessir, nothing *odd* about it whatsoever. you might even be able to post it at Stan's MB without getting any complaints.

I already have. The board is set up like that automatically.
Letty wrote:Didn't work. grrrrrrrrrr.
What are you trying to do, Letty?
Move them pawns on that chessboard, Reyn. <smile>
this is very similar to my chess set.
Night, yawl. <smile>
Letty wrote:Move them pawns on that chessboard, Reyn. <smile>
You can't move them because it's just a screen shot of the program.
That's a nice chess set, Letty. Do you play chess at all? There are a few women players where Ian and I play.
i personally appreciate the women players at Stan's. i'm undefeated against them. of course, i've only played two that i know of.