hamburger wrote:reyn : that's an interesting concept. once we are back from vacation, i'll follow up on it.
Indeed, I think so, hbg!
DJ just posted a good site
HERE in which the
banner has a survey one can do for a chance to win $1000 or $100 just for filling it out. Only took me a few minutes to do. Easy stuff.
i caught the headline of reader's digest. something about making money from home using your computer. i didn't buy the mag; i'll look for it at the library.
One does have to be careful as to what one signs up for. The beauty of the "survey for money opportunity" is that it does not cost you a cent to participate, only your time.
It varies from company to company. Some pay a small amount per survey, some give you a
chance to win a cash prize (in other words a lottery), or merchandise or gift certificates, etc, etc.
not going to make a lot of money with a few companies. You can possibly make some extra "grocery money" by signing up to a lot of them.
Let me know if you're interested, and I can send some links your way via a PM to register with the big companies.