hamburger wrote:reyn : heard about all the rain you are getting in B.C. -24 days in a row ?
here it is unusually mild - plus 6 C AND sunshine !
just checked the weather-history and usually the coldest part of the winter starts after january 15 ; last year we went down to minus 30 C around the 20 january - better not put the winter clothes away . enjoy the rain; it should fill up the reservoirs ; lake ontario's water level is quite low and i expect we will have water restrictions again in the summer (perhaps i should water the garden now !). hbg
Yes, 24 in a row is correct - unfortunately!

As a matter of fact, it's bucketing at this very moment.
The only good thing about it is that I don't have to work in it. My last day was Dec 23rd. :wink:
Minus 30 sounds like real fun. Although we are being inundated with rain, it's fairly mild here, too, but of course we're used to that. :wink: