msolga wrote:... but now I'll ask you something completely different: If you had the chance, is there something (at any time in your life), that you would have done differently? And why so?
(Is that too hard to answer?)
Well, that is a hard one in some respects. Here's one I can answer:
When we lived in Surrey, I wished we had bought the townhouse there we were looking at instead of the trailer we bought in a park on a rental pad.
That townhouse quadrupled in value (from $40,000 to about $160,000) and we would have been so much better off.
As it was, the park changed ownership, the rent on the pads went up, and we ended up selling it for less than we bought it for in 1983. Huge mistake.
Fortunately, we landed on our feet when we moved out to Abbotsford. My father-in-law helped us with a downpayment. Just earlier this year, we paid our mortgage off on our current home (a townhouse) and we actually own it, instead of sharing ownership with the bank.
There are other regrets. My wife says that I've mellowed out a lot over the years. When I was younger, I was more difficult to live with. A lot of that I contribute to getting married the 2nd time at about 28. I was single for about 5 years after my divorce to my 1st wife.
I was a stupid kid of about 20 and my 1st wife was about 19. She was a good person, but we were both too young. That marriage lasted about 2 years.
There's probably more stuff, so stay tuned in the days and weeks to come....
Oooh, like a cliff hanger, eh?