beautiful sunshine on the shores of eastern lake ontario , about 12 C. friday we drove out to the sandbanks along lake ontario (prince edward county) and went for a long beachwalk - after stopping for a leisurely lunch at one of our favourite restaurants; mrs h ended her lunch with a sinful chocolate truffek torte that would do demel and sacher proud(i did just have a 'small bite of the torte - just to help mrs h !). yesterday started cleaning up the garden. this morning had a nice walk along the lake and watched the new students at the university settling down. yesterday was 'homecoming' for the university alumni : football game, parties, today ??? . hbg
It is unbelievably warm here in Iowa. I think it's close to 80 F. There are tornado warnings for tonight!
Be careful Swimpy ... tornadoes are nothing to mess with.
Great to see you again!
Thok, thanks for the directions to my birthday thread ... I never knew it was there.
Nice day today, warm and sunny, but cooler days are here because it's not as humid.
Anyone want to experience a beautiful winter, come to Florida:)
Now how tempting is that, Misti!!!!!!! I just found out I still have eleven vacation days left... hmmmm.... But - no money!
As to the weather in Balingen - it was quite nice today and the sky is still blue. This will be the last time we will see light at six in the evening for quite a while... NOT looking forward to winter! Hm, when should I change to winter tires on my car? NOOOO, I DON'T want to think about it!
75° F/24°C here with sun.
urs53 wrote:This will be the last time we will see light at six in the evening for quite a while.
apropos... time change tomorrow. Actually also in the US.
Beautiful day here, lots of sun and very hot in the daytime, cooling off a bit in the evening.
We still have the air conditioning on, however we did have a couple of days where we turned it off!
Do you actually put snow tires on Urs? Yuck, I would hate that, but maybe it will give you incentive for another trip to Florida:)
Next time we are definitely going to Daytona Beach to take Ms. Letty out for lunch or dinner!
Yes, snow tires are good to have around here.
Good idea! We will take Letty out! :-)
i think i'll have another two to three weeks before i have to wrestle the snowtires out of the shed and have them installed. GRRR ! hbg -btw it's grey and drizzling, GRRR ! hbg
It's pretty boring weather here in Florida, same as yesterday, sunny and mild!
Sorry about the snow tires hbg, only a few more months 'til spring! So keep smiling!
Beautiful day and a cold front moving in, going down to 70's tomorrow, which we're all looking forward to. Maybe it will be cool enough to wash my car this weekend, it's in dire need:)
report from the shores of eastern lake ontario : fairly nice morning, a touch of sunshine, needed warm fleecejacket. we went to the farmers' market for a nice basket of apples. after lunch it got dark and it started to rain heavily. overnight temperature just above freezing, possibility of snowshowers. brrr ... (california - and hawaii - here we come ! but have to wait another three weeks before we can enjoy the warm weather for three weeks - and back to ontario for christmas). hbg
Oh hbg, I'll bet you can't wait to get to warmer climates!
Doesn't it seem the last few weeks go sooooooooooooo slow?
the older we get, the longer the winters seem to get; now, isn't that a clever saying ? hbg
Very profound sir! Do you think it's because we feel younger when the sun shines?
10°C/50°F with haze
misti wrote : " Do you think it's because we feel younger when the sun shines? ... YES !!! and a little wind blowing in the face, and even if it snows, but please let the sun shine. hbg
I made myself a promise this year that I would take the beach umbrellas down to the storage unit at the end of summer, but I didn't.
I kept thinking maybe there would be one more Friday when I would sneak off on the train to Bellmar and sit on the sand, reading my book in the sun.
I knew better. And I felt a little bad about my promise.
Then I saw this sign in a window of a bar on Eighth Ave that said "Double Margaritas all Summer long" and it was still in the window waaaaay after Labor Day, so I thought if it's still summer for them, it's still summer for me. And the umbrellas stayed neatly tucked in by the bookshelf and the stack of newspapers.
Until today.
Apparently, someone at the bar had lifted his bleary eyed head and said "Double Margaritas still on, right?" one too many times and they took the sign down. So now the umbrellas are resting against the boxes of tax forms, the three cartons of Christmas decorations that we never put up because we go to Florida and the bicycles that we never use because only the suicidal ride in New York City.
Happy Fall, everyone, cold and sunny today with a high of 51.
Joe, you sure have a way of telling a story! My current book is not half as interesting as you are!
It's a beautiful night here in Florida ... currently 68F, all windows and doors are open and air conditioning is OFF! Oh, there is a God!