Joe Nation wrote:Tropical Storm 3W? Here in the States we give Hurricane cute names (female and male now to be pc.) like Daniel and and Nancy. 3W ? how droll.

Snow fluffies floating down outside my window (luckily) here in beautiful New Yawk.
we get regional names here, 3w is now tropical storm "sudal" which is expected to upgraded to typhoon status this morning. "sudal" is supposed to be korean for otter.
Jeez, it's always one thing or an otter!
Margo, you otter be ashamed of yourself.
Waiting for storms since Friday - the weather has been warm and sunny.
Snow fluffs yesterday - icy icy winds brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Cold and windy again today - and brightly brightly sunny. I'm hoping that icy wind is blowing winter away and that spring will be here soon. The one crocus that dared poke its head up last week has disappeared.
Snow, oh no! When does spring come up your way Betheh?
JoanneD - if you'd asked me in mid-Feb, I would have said any day - we had a couple of lovely days. The truth is that in this area it's not safe to plant any tender plants before May 24 weekend, because there's a definite risk of night frost til late May.
<shake and shiver and shudder>
Oh my goddess down here in Tejas we are just about to summer. Well not really it has only been in the 70s and 80s during the day the past couple of weeks.
Most of the tress are out, the bulbs were up in Feb.,
One good thing about living where it is cold and snowy spring is really, really, way good.
Just returned from ten days in Japan, and we experienced the four seasons. On our last day on Mount Koya, we had snow! buuuurrrrrrr.......
The sun was shinning today on the Ka'u Desert after two weeks of almost unending rain.
I have a hedge of Tahitian gardenias in full bloom, a little red maple that is shooting out new growth,
fat pots of orchids ready to bloom -
And the snow is on top of Mauna Loa.
Hey c.i., Big Trip To Japan! Fab! Are you doing a diary, and do we get to see it? Would love to hear about your adventure.
Weather here, windy, violent rain squalls yesterday, and also sunny spells.
McTag, Give me a few days. Got grand jury duty tomorrow for most of the day, and trying to get ready for the San Francisco A2K Gathering which begins Thursday night. I posted one picture of Japan in the San Francisco forum. Here's the link if you want to take a peek.
Walter, Your picture of the cherry blossoms looks so much like what we saw in Japan. The only difference is the cars, although the size are the same.
The trees are Japanese, c.i. :wink:
The trees are Japanese, but where are they planted?

We also have cherry blossoms in Washington DC.
Washington was awash in chery blossoms last week when I was there. Must be past peak by now. Seaglass, what else you got bloomin' in your garden?
Oh MA I saw a piece on the TV news about DC and the cherry blossoms last week. I hardly ever think of DC fondly except at this time of year.
The clouds of pink and the white marble buildings is just out of this world.
I've got a specimen of Prunus Kanzan which is glorious every year, and is soon to bloom again, but now it's pushing my garden wall over.
"Woodsman, spare that tree"!
We have something resembling spring today--and soon enough, the excess of blooming ornamentals in my apartment complex will assure me, by means of my sinuses, that the season is upon us . . .