I have got some good sunset photos. In a bag at my parents place with about 5000 others. Have to go through them one day.
It's raining pretty good this morning. Don't need to water our plants today. (sigh) c.i.
Wilso, that's a gorgeous picture! I love sunset/sunrise photos, so get your cute butt to your parents house and dig, dig, dig:)
We have had the oddest weather day today.
For here, on Amelia Island anyway, which for all who don't
know where this is... it is on the very N E corner of Florida,
drive past 1 more exit and you enter Georgia (land of the
Bulldog people who come here all summer long, rednecks in
big trucks with even bigger wheels, with SUCH an attitude.
In fact, I've noticed that whenever I am in traffic and someone
does something VERY annoying, I don't even need to look at
the license plate - I KNOW they are from south Georgia!
It started out looking balmy, mild very promising day.
Then, in the midst of the sunniest day, it starts to rain,
just a little, then a downpour - all while the sun is just
shining away. Couldn't find a rainbow, and felt cheated.
Rain goes. Then 2 hours later, A HUGE THUNDERSTORM,
which we rarely ever have here ... but we had one today
AND yesterday. This tops off a year of really very strange
weather here. An unseasonably cold and long winter.
I sure hope this does not call for an extremely hot and long
summer. Sheeesh... our summers already stretch from
May 1st to Thanksgiving practically.
Temperature 72
Relative Humidity 75
Winds SW, 8 MPH
Barometric Pressure N/A
Visibility P/CLOUDY
Partly Sunny
NH: Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh, you finally caught up with us!
since midnight here in Denver we have recieved 12 inches snow with another 24 inches expected over next 24 hrs.
So much for springtime in the Rockies! Not anytime soon anyway. Poor dys!
Dys, saw the Denver pile-ups on the news tonight:( Sure looks pretty though, if yah don't have to drive in it!
i now have about 36 inches of snow, its still snowing, Denver is essentially closed, airport is closed with 4,000 stranded and no way into the city. i just tried to open front door-no way, expecting another 3 to 6 inches today. YIKES
damn, dude. I was going to complain about our having gone from a couple of days in the 70's to being back in the 40's with a steady drizzle. Um, happy first day of spring to you.
Ah Dys, I saw on the news tonight Denver got 86 inches of snow! Now that's a bloody snowstorm, if ever I heard it!
I hope you've got plenty of food and drinks until it's over:)
The weather in North East Texas was wonderful today. Sunny and bright with an afternoon thunder storm but not to much rain. As I was in BigD with my Aunt for lunch I noticed on my drive over some redbuds are blooming and forsythia. The grass is greening up and you can see a hint of green on some trees.
Well, what the heck, dys! We're supposed to share in that moisture in Denver and we got ten grubby snow flakes yesterday, and nothing today but some grey clouds. I did see snow on the southern flank of Sleeping Ute, so maybe the San Juans picked up a few inches too.
Temp.: 79° F
Heat Index: 83° F
Wind: SW 7 mph
Wind Chill: 79° F
Visibility: 10 miles
Rel. humidity: 78
Bar. pressure: 29.85 in.
Very hot today, windy, and humid!
There are lots of out of state cars now, as is the norm for springtime since our cold weather friends seem to have had it by then.
I can't really complain because I choose to live here, but I swear, if one more out of state car pulls out in front of me I'm gonna scream.
Temp.: 73° F
Heat Index: 77° F
Wind: SW 6 mph
Wind Chill: 73° F
Visibility: 8 miles
Rel. humidity: 93
Bar. pressure: 29.93 in.
Good rainfall most of the day, it was great, especially since I only worked until noon and got to spend the afternoon on the couch!
Very nice and warm in Boston today...no jacket..woohoo!!!!
more and more of this stuff and I might actually get happy
I heard parts of CO got 7 feet - is that right?
Today was indeed glorious, eh Q? The thermometer at Eliza's house said we hit 65º! I fell asleep outside in the sun. Wow!