It's time for victory in Iraq. It's time to WIN.
WIN - Withdraw from Iraq Now!
The Washington Post released results of their latest survey of American attitudes about the war in Iraq this week. The U.S. public has had enough of this quagmire -- I'm sure the Iraqi public has had enough as well.
Summary of Survey
Proportion who said the rate of US casualties in Iraq is unacceptable: almost 75%
Proportion who said US military is bogged down in Iraq: 66 percent
Proportion who say Iraq war was not worth fighting: almost 60 percent
[courtesy of Juan Cole.com]
It's time for you to take a stand now. You're fed up. As a group, we realize that this fighting isn't conducive to a better world, and it's not making us any safer here at home.
We now have a solution:
Former electricity minister Ayham al-Samarie told the Associated Press that at least two guerrilla groups - the Islamic Army in Iraq and the Army of Mujahideen - were ready to talk with the Jaafari government and eventually join the political process. The conditions though are explicit: a set date for the American withdrawal.
[courtesy AsiaTimes]
Our presence, while a noble effort to offer Iraqis an opportunity for self government, is now recognized as the leading motivation for the insurgency. The U.S. must set a timeline for total withdrawal from their country.
This might create great anxiety in Iraq, yet the only way for Iraqis to truly live free is for the U.S. to take the "training wheels" off. I am sure that our most recently confirmed appellate judge, Janice Rogers Brown, agrees that all the roads of our liberal policy to free the Iraqi people lead to slavery.
George W. Bush has repeatedly claimed that setting a date for withdrawal would be a mistake. Yet he supported setting dates for previous landmark events. Remember the "handover of sovereignty" timeline? Bush set this date for June 30, 2004. Tremendous fear gripped the country as the date approached, but Bush wouldn't compromise. Secretly, the interim government defied Bush by taking their oaths two days early to disrupt any planned attacks for the 30th. Yet the transfer occurred, and Iraq moved forward.
How about the historical Iraqi election this past January? Although numerous experts warned about the possibility of major attacks, and urged that the election to be postponed, Bush again stubbornly refused to compromise. The election was held without major incident, and purple fingers reigned.
We need a similar fixed date for U.S. withdrawal now. We all recognize that we must leave. We can leave now, in victory, or later after we are completely exhausted, and possibly defeated. To win in Iraq, we must WIN:
Withdraw from Iraq Now!
Therefore, we propose the date of January 30, 2006, which is one year from the parliamentary election, for our troops to come home. This would be a great boost to the morale of our military forces, as they would have a target date to focus on. Families could begin planning for their reunions. The world could begin focusing on the post Iraqi war future.
More importantly, Iraqis would be allowed the opportunity to truly enjoy freedom. And, as we know, freedom isn't free. There is a cost. And, that price is hard work, a willingness to compromise, and accepting the responsibility for one's future.
Iraqis want freedom, yet they must be allowed to shoulder the burden that freedom offers. It is only the "subtle bigotry of low expectations" which believes that Iraqis prefer to use their freedom too loot, kill or live under a veil of violence.
The truth is that the Iraqi people are capable, as were the Americans in the original 13 colonies, of governing themselves in a peaceful and productive manner. Mr. President, it's time for our Iraqi brothers and sisters to leave the nest.
Let them live free! WIN in Iraq -- Withdraw from Iraq Now!