Shewolf was right!
OK, so it probably wasn't ACTUAL LINT, but she said cancer does NOT just scrape off like that.
Dancing! Singing! Went to Pizza Hut afterwards and pigged out on hot, greasy, sticky, gooey, meaty carcinogens in a pan!!
AND even More Good News... The PAP smear was normal! Ha, I'm normal normal normal!!!!
My regular doctor's office mailed me a card which I got just before today's appointment which said the results were "normal," with a few check boxes for test types, dated 9/23/05.
They did not bother calling me four days ago to tell me, nor did they fax the results, as they promised, to the Gyn. Do I care? <singing.... dancing>
So, for the blicky details: she used a, um, forgot-the-name, a thing that looks like little binoculars with a tube & a bright light to look at one's cervix, starts with a "C," and scraped the darned thing off, I kid you not, with a handy tongue depressor.
Then she put vinegar on the previously white spot to see if it would "turn white again," which would be a bad thing. It turned a tiny bit white, she said, not a lot (wish I could have seen it myself).
To be totally safe, she said, she took a biopsy from the small remaining whiteness... which I hardly felt at all, and the results should be in MONDAY.... and you can bet if they don't call me, I'll be calling them.
So what the heck was it? Maybe a bit of scar tissue, sort of like a callous, she said, possibly from my last abortion (several years ago now, but I think the abortion was AFTER my last pelvic exam, which might explain why nobody else has seen it). Or an old mark from a diaphragm, though I haven't used one in ages, or even a contraceptive sponge (again, it's been years). But if it's a sort of callous thing, I could care less!
So the delightful news is, should this biopsy be negative, I don't even have to put my feet in the stirrups again for another whole year! YIPPEEE!!!
And even better, she only charged me $58 for the whole caboodle, knowing I have no health insurance! I was so overjoyed I actually hugged her! Since I've never even seen her before she must have thought I was a complete nut, but who cares?
She says the lab will charge me for the biopsy, but heck I can live with that.
So if someone says you have a
Leukoplakia on your cervix, relax... it could just be lint!
An aside for women like me in the US, who put off having annual PAP smears because of cost ($160 in my case):
Dr. Gyn said our local Health Departments will do a PAP smear for a small fraction of this cost.
So Squinney, and all other women putting it off for lack of money/insurance, there goes your last excuse! Feet in the stirrups, scoot forward as far as you can, and maybe save your life in the bargain!
Cripes I'm going to pig out on some chocolate ice cream.
Love to everyone!