Debra_Law wrote:Momma Angel wrote:I said if something could be come up with that would satisfy boths sides I am all for that.
I am just not one side getting what they want and the other not.
Officially? What the heck does that have to do with it? It's there, it's been there for as long as I can remember. It's two words. Yes, they mean something different to me than they do you, but, just as you have the right not to practice religion, you have the right to not recognize those two words. Can you suggest something that would satisfy both sides?
It is so very true. YOU don't understand.
We are a government of LAWS, not of men. I'm sure you don't understand that either.
Our CONSTITUTION, the supreme LAW of the land, protects INDIVIDUAL liberties. I'm sure you don't understand that either.
We are NOT one nation "under God." The individuals who comprise this country are diverse in their beliefs. Some believe in God; some do not. Our government is SECULAR. It is supposed to be NEUTRAL with respect to religion. I'm sure you don't understand that either.
FEDERAL LAWS are enacted by the legislative branch of government--by CONGRESS. The LAWS are required to be secular--religion neutral.
The pledge of allegiance:
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands; one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
In 1954, Congress enacted a LAW to add the words "under God" as follows:
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands; one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
THEREFORE--OFFICIALLY--by the mandate of LAW--the pledge states we are one nation, under God. This official congressional mandate conflicts with the supreme LAW that ALL of us have the LIBERTY to believe in God or NOT believe in God as WE choose. It is a personal choice--it is one that CANNOT be imposed upon us through an official endorsement of God in OUR--not just your's or the religious folks'--PLEDGE of allegiance.
If we are truly ONE NATION, INDIVISIBLE, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL . . . then that nation includes the deists and the non-deists alike. NONE of us should tolerate an OFFICIAL version of the national pledge enacted by LAW that places all of us as one nation "under God" when it's our duty to respect the liberty of ALL. The liberty of all requires a secular government.
It is YOUR DUTY as an American citizen to ensure liberty and justice for ALL Americans by demanding a secular, neutral government.
If you don't understand the "big deal" of two little words in our OFFICIAL PLEDGE of allegiance enacted by LAW and imposed on EVERYONE--then you have no understanding of what it truly means to be an American. And that's embarrassing.
Well, you don't have to be so rude about it. You have no idea what I am like. You have no idea what I think it means to be an American. I would suggest that if there was a problem with putting Under God in there then that should have been taken up at the time, don't you? There were obviously enough people wanting it in there.
You have no clue as to what I understand or what I don't understand. I may not understand things the way you do but that doesn't make me any less an American, human being, or anything else for that matter.
And who are you to decide what MY DUTY is?
By the way, just how often do you recite the Pledge of Allegiance?
What's odd about responding to people intent on forcing their beliefs of you?
edgarblythe wrote:Always with the "Why don't atheists want us to cram our religion down their throats?" real innocent like.
More like, why are liberals so hostile when those who are "religious" give their opinion?
Does it seem funny to anyone else that many of those who claim to want freedom from religion spend a considerable amount of time in a Religion Forum?
I guess I just don't understand the big deal about two words....
We all understand that you do not understand why we have a problem with this issue, MA.
That is a significant part of the problem, as a matter of fact.
If you don't want to say those words, don't say them. But, is it right to take them out and only have your wants recognized? If someone could come up with a way for both sides to be happy that would be great. But, how do you satisfy both sides of this coin? You take it out and you take away the wants of one side. You leave it in and you feel your side is missing out. . . .
I said if something could be come up with that would satisfy boths sides I am all for that.
I am just not one side getting what they want and the other not. . . .
Can you suggest something that would satisfy both sides?
You have no idea what I am like. You have no idea what I think it means to be an American. . . .You have no clue as to what I understand or what I don't understand.
I would suggest that if there was a problem with putting Under God in there then that should have been taken up at the time, don't you? There were obviously enough people wanting it in there.
Well, you don't have to be so rude about it.
Does it seem funny to anyone else that many of those who claim to want freedom from religion spend a considerable amount of time in a Religion Forum?
If I wanted to steer clear of politics, for instance, do you think I would bother to log on to or and banter with the locals, discuss issues and argue policy?
No way. I'd spend my time at the ball game or building my business or doing something that I enjoy or find valuable and I'd ignore those with whom I wanted no conversation.
Just seems odd. When I say 'I don't want any. Thanks.' then I don't go looking for it.
I would suggest that if there was a problem with putting Under God in there then that should have been taken up at the time, don't you? There were obviously enough people wanting it in there.
'Wisdom too often never comes, and so one ought not to reject it merely because it comes late.' Similarly, one should not reject a piecemeal wisdom, merely because it hobbles toward the truth with backward glances.
This is not about the religious folk stating an opinion. This is about the religious folk injecting the words "one nation, under God" into our national pledge and imposing their beliefs onto every member of this diverse country.
The foundation of this country is not built upon majority rule--but rather individual rights. It is not the devine or national privilege of the religious majority to impose their religious or moral beliefs on others; but rather, it is their DUTY to respect the liberty of ALL.
Debra_Law wrote:RexRed:
This is not about the religious folk stating an opinion. This is about the religious folk injecting the words "one nation, under God" into our national pledge and imposing their beliefs onto every member of this diverse country.
The foundation of this country is not built upon majority rule--but rather individual rights. It is not the devine or national privilege of the religious majority to impose their religious or moral beliefs on others; but rather, it is their DUTY to respect the liberty of ALL.
No it is about a small minority roughly ten percent that disagree and would rather have "under government with law" instead of "under God with liberty"... They do not see that they are trading a faith based God for a human based tyranny...
Minstrel [02 Oct 2005|11:45am]
I had a dream of a strange dark skinned minstrel. He was a short man dressed in silks and lace. His hair was long and he played on a stringed instrument made from a gourd. Then the music stopped as he held up his hands palm out. He had suspended between his thumbs and index fingers a scorpion in each hand. They did not bite him as he danced slowly twisting his wrists waving his hands ever so slightly while smiling and still dancing. Then this train arrived yet there were no tracks only white air surrounded this train. We all floated up and boarded the train as this minstrel became another man. A kind of gentle guide... Once on this train it seemed to never stop moving forward until I found fear in this dream. Each room on the train was another type of fear. I realized that fear has the world transfixed and frozen till they board the train and they are changed into other beings. Some beings overcome their fear and some succumb. Yet life has no tracks but only air and the train stops only once for you to get on. You do not leave the train until you have overcome the many fears of life.
Eric (rexred) Pedersen
I know my dream is somehow unrelated but it is the freedom to dream that we have... To dream the American dream, under God with liberty and (true) justice. Do not let go of your dreams without a fight.
RexRed wrote:Debra_Law wrote:RexRed:
This is not about the religious folk stating an opinion. This is about the religious folk injecting the words "one nation, under God" into our national pledge and imposing their beliefs onto every member of this diverse country.
The foundation of this country is not built upon majority rule--but rather individual rights. It is not the devine or national privilege of the religious majority to impose their religious or moral beliefs on others; but rather, it is their DUTY to respect the liberty of ALL.
No it is about a small minority roughly ten percent that disagree and would rather have "under government with law" instead of "under God with liberty"... They do not see that they are trading a faith based God for a human based tyranny...
This thread is about the people who who demand the secular government guaranteed by the Constitution disagreeing with the religious people who want a faith-based government? And to think we're fighting the religious fanatics and jihadists overseas when they're sitting right here on A2K. . . .
FYI: It's the people "of faith" who use God or Allah as an excuse to inflict tyranny, oppression, and yes . . . terror on others. Thousands of atrocities have been committed in God's name, so you have to forgive those of us who shudder at the thought of living in a religious-based regime.
Minstrel [02 Oct 2005|11:45am]
I had a dream of a strange dark skinned minstrel. He was a short man dressed in silks and lace. His hair was long and he played on a stringed instrument made from a gourd. Then the music stopped as he held up his hands palm out. He had suspended between his thumbs and index fingers a scorpion in each hand. They did not bite him as he danced slowly twisting his wrists waving his hands ever so slightly while smiling and still dancing. Then this train arrived yet there were no tracks only white air surrounded this train. We all floated up and boarded the train as this minstrel became another man. A kind of gentle guide... Once on this train it seemed to never stop moving forward until I found fear in this dream. Each room on the train was another type of fear. I realized that fear has the world transfixed and frozen till they board the train and they are changed into other beings. Some beings overcome their fear and some succumb. Yet life has no tracks but only air and the train stops only once for you to get on. You do not leave the train until you have overcome the many fears of life.
Eric (rexred) Pedersen
I know my dream is somehow unrelated but it is the freedom to dream that we have... To dream the American dream, under God with liberty and (true) justice. Do not let go of your dreams without a fight.
What's the deal with the "dream" you posted? Are you a religious prophet, recording your visions and encouraging your followers to FIGHT for a faith-based government in America? Isn't that the same thing that Osama bin Laden wants for us? Scary....
Debra_Law wrote:RexRed wrote:Debra_Law wrote:RexRed:
This is not about the religious folk stating an opinion. This is about the religious folk injecting the words "one nation, under God" into our national pledge and imposing their beliefs onto every member of this diverse country.
The foundation of this country is not built upon majority rule--but rather individual rights. It is not the devine or national privilege of the religious majority to impose their religious or moral beliefs on others; but rather, it is their DUTY to respect the liberty of ALL.
No it is about a small minority roughly ten percent that disagree and would rather have "under government with law" instead of "under God with liberty"... They do not see that they are trading a faith based God for a human based tyranny...
This thread is about the people who who demand the secular government guaranteed by the Constitution disagreeing with the religious people who want a faith-based government? And to think we're fighting the religious fanatics and jihadists overseas when they're sitting right here on A2K. . . .
FYI: It's the people "of faith" who use God or Allah as an excuse to inflict tyranny, oppression, and yes . . . terror on others. Thousands of atrocities have been committed in God's name, so you have to forgive those of us who shudder at the thought of living in a religious-based regime.
Minstrel [02 Oct 2005|11:45am]
I had a dream of a strange dark skinned minstrel. He was a short man dressed in silks and lace. His hair was long and he played on a stringed instrument made from a gourd. Then the music stopped as he held up his hands palm out. He had suspended between his thumbs and index fingers a scorpion in each hand. They did not bite him as he danced slowly twisting his wrists waving his hands ever so slightly while smiling and still dancing. Then this train arrived yet there were no tracks only white air surrounded this train. We all floated up and boarded the train as this minstrel became another man. A kind of gentle guide... Once on this train it seemed to never stop moving forward until I found fear in this dream. Each room on the train was another type of fear. I realized that fear has the world transfixed and frozen till they board the train and they are changed into other beings. Some beings overcome their fear and some succumb. Yet life has no tracks but only air and the train stops only once for you to get on. You do not leave the train until you have overcome the many fears of life.
Eric (rexred) Pedersen
I know my dream is somehow unrelated but it is the freedom to dream that we have... To dream the American dream, under God with liberty and (true) justice. Do not let go of your dreams without a fight.
What's the deal with the "dream" you posted? Are you a religious prophet, recording your visions and encouraging your followers to FIGHT for a faith-based government in America? Isn't that the same thing that Osama bin Laden wants for us? Scary....
No you're scary because you want a government blind to God. Which then translates to a government that is intolerant of God or even the mention of God or the acknowledgment of God. Not a government under God but a government OVER and ABOVE God... That is fanatic and a travesty.
Not a government of the people but of only a certain few people. Not a religion in the hands of the people but a religion in the form a government, as you, who fears religion shall fear your government...
There are religious fanatics and then there is this mysterious thing called love and liberty that many religious people believe emanates and is unobtainable without God. Where are your secular "charities"? "Radical" left winger secularists are not a "myth" and are mostly made up of anarchists and self made judmentalists...
The government can acknowledge God without having to adhere to any particular sect. Governments can be secular and still be tyrannical. Saddam claimed his government was secular... So he could commit genocide without a conscience. His people had no "liberty" they were afraid to speak their minds and "dream".
You are scared of words like prophets... prophets foretell or forth tell. You are scared of many words even the word, "God"... Why are you so afraid? Do you have something to hide? Are you afraid to dream because you may find a loving God that you may be beholden to?
It was a democrat who wrote "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, LIBERTY and the pursuit of happiness.
Who "created" them? Their creator? How can you in any way call this document secular?
As I am fond of stating, the religious fanatics will not rest until we are all subjected to religious icons and rules in every aspect of our being.
Philip Wtlie wrote, in the 1950s, that it may take another five hundred years for humans to shed the yoke of religion. Lately I have begun to think him overly optimistic.