i was 20.... not such a kid anymore. got a nasty ear infection, and i refused to see a doctor because i didn't have a medical insurance, and was, generally, just playing a martyr. my parents were trying to drag me physically to a doctor, but no, i was too tough to go. surely i can wait two more weeks to see a doctor in slovakia. which i did, but it was too late then...
ear infection ?
did you notice all the various ads popping up for eardryer etc. - the one for "earcheck' didn't bring up a website. hbg
Ah, then, kudos to your parents for trying.
Hmaburger, I hadn't noticed.
So, the right ear is infected, but mildly so. The left ear looks fine right now. She put me on antibiotics. And, she gave me instructions on how to deal with future colds to prevent infections.
For future reference to anyone who might look here for help:
~ Increase fluids to 8-10 glasses per day.
~ Take steamy showers, use vaporizer or humidifier.
~ Take decongestants such as robitussin CF or generic of same components. You want psuedoephedrine (decongestant) AND guanefesine (cough stuff). Other brands: robitussin sever cough and cold.
~ Take antihistamines like benedryl (nighttime) and loratadine (daytime) if there's an increase in mucous production or allergy symptoms (runny/stuffy nose, watery eyes). Other brands: dimetapp extentabs and theraflu.
It was obvious that my sister thought I was delusional, as she always does. She was surprised to hear that I did indeed have an ear infection. But, she still wanted me to work. Looks like I'll get the rest of today off anyway.
Which kind of ear infection? Middle ear?
Good for you for going!!!
In terms of future reference, the antibiotics thing is actually iffier than you might think -- but I've gone into that before.
Definitely great that you were seen and that you got some expert advice.
Phooey on your sister.
Also in terms of future reference (probably due to my own copious online research, I'm always aware of future folks coming across this stuff), this is what I wrote to E.G. right after last ENT appointment:
Quote:Speaking of which, I asked his advice on what to do if she gets a cold and we want to head off an ear infection. His first response was "nothing," (thanks!) but when I asked him specifically about whether we should avoid decongestants, he said yes, avoid them if possible as they thicken secretions and make ear infections more likely. If she's horribly snotty and we want to treat the symptom, we can, but it's better ear-infection-wise to just let it run its course/ treat with steam, Vitamin C, etc.
One thing I have definitely come across in above-mentioned copious research is that there are battling expert opinions on ear infections. For middle ear infections, there is agreement on increase fluid intake and get lots of steam up yer nose. :-)
Seems like lots of conflicting advice.
The doc simply looked into my ears and throat. She didn't test for bacterial vs viral. She didn't designate inner or outer ear infection.
Maybe things are different for adults vs children?
Dunno. I'm too beat o think much about it right now.
The steam et al makes it sound like middle. (Inner is yet another type...)
Could be that it's different for adults vs. children, since I know the positioning of the Eustachian tube is an issue with kids.
Relax and take care...
sozobe wrote:Good for you for going!!!
Phooey on your sister.
times two
Get some good rest.
I always find ear infections particularly fatiguing for some reason - take good care of yourself, l'k.
times three.
glad they got you on antibiotics. you're my hero for going!
littlek wrote : " Take decongestants such as robitussin CF or generic of same components. You want psuedoephedrine ".
"psuedoephedrine" , both mrs h and i have found out - the hard way - that the stuff interferes quite severely with our sleep . i was on it some years ago and didn't sleep for about a week - doc had to put me on sleeping pills ! mrs h had a problem with nasal congestion about two weeks ago - same problem - no sleep, almost turned into a zombie ! we'll stay away from it - hope we won't need it.
hope you'll feel better soon - take care ! hbg
Thanks all. My sister doesn't get sick, so she tends to be unsympathetic with people who do. It's a shame, really, because she's in a managerial position.
Hambuger raises a good point. I usually look for meds which deignate night time vs day time usage. This CF doesn't designate so I asked the pharmacist - she said it shouldn't interfer with my sleep. Nothing will keep me from sleep tonight (sooooo tired), and as I get better and less exhausted, I hope to continue to sleep.