Do you have leafs of some herb tea, or PuhEr tea?
You can drink down hot tea slowly along the righthand side of your throat.
I am drinking my second large cup of decaf green tea with honey. Thanks Satt.
Fluids are always good.
How much pain?
very little pain. it feels like there are two tiny water ballons in each ear. One is bigger than the other. If I put pressure somewhere near the right angle of my jaw, there is sometimes pain. Otherwise, very faint pings once in a while.
littlek wrote:I am drinking my second large cup of decaf green tea with honey. Thanks Satt.
I recommend fermented tea rather than green tea.
Don't worry about it too much, then. I mean, see a doc if you possibly can -- I know that's not always simple, not sure what kind of insurance you have. But don't worry about it too much in terms of keeping you up tonight or wondering if you need to go to the ER or whatever.
That's my impression anyway, all the usual disclaimers.
By the way, I've been munching lots of gim (korean style snacking nori). High salt and iodine levels. Must be good for infection, no?
"Fermented = black?"
Yes, black tea (puh-er cha) is the best.
I have no idea. First thought was that salt dehydrates you, and you want to be well-hydrated, but salty broths are good for illness so I dunno.
Satt - If I have decaf black tea, I'll have some tonight. If not, I'll buy some tomorrow.
Soz, I'm not so worried about tonight. I'm worried about getting through tomorrow (and the following two days).
In the long perspective, black tea will serve to improving ear-throat troubles.
But seeing doctor would be the best strategy without saying.
I see, I'll try to incorporate more black tea into my diet. I do drink green tea in the cooler months. I'll alternate.
Could you recommend a type of puh'er cha, Satt? Or a brand name?
No specific brand, but I recommend older ones.
Well, take care of yourself!
Woke with totally clear ears (had taken a full dose of decongestants at 9:30pm - they were to last 4-6 hours) and a hacking cough. As the cough cleared, my ears started to fill up again. Very strange.
That IS strange. Some of it indicates middle ear infection (an outer ear infection wouldn't drain and then spontaneously return that quickly), but middle ear infections are notoriously worst at night.
Maybe it's an outer ear infection and it's gloopy enough (er) that it changed position while you were sleeping and got jogged back into place by coughing..? That doesn't seem right.
Will you be going to the doc today?
I dunno about going to the doc today. It sort of depends on what happens as the day goes on.
How are you feeling in general?