My question:
What if you give notice, they say "WHY???" you give them a version of the "what I'm worth" line, and they come up with a bunch of incentives? Higher pay, more power, whatever? Is there anything that would make you want to stay, or are you outta there, period?
Oooh, now there's a question. First, let me say that I really don't expect that. I gave them the schpiel about me not being ranked/paid appropriately and was told "I'll see what I can do" more than once. Nothing after that.
But if that DID happen, wow, not sure. Moving is a big deal and I'm not looking forward to uprooting the kids, but in the long run I think there's more for them there, culturally. So we would probably move eventually anyway. Most importantly though, this company and I don't really fit. Even if they could make things ok temporarily, they're too clunky and slow to respond to change. There's weird heirarchical-political stuff going on all the time that doesn't work for me. Humor and creativity are not "desired core values" and the bullshit is waste deep. And there's just no room to grow. Promotions and advancements are not merit-based and their criteria for evaluating the worth of employees is such that it promotes mediocrity and worse -- incompetence. (Witness my excessive time on A2K from work.) In spite of that, I have learned a lot here, but I think it's time to go.
: applause :
print that and hand it in with your 2 week notice...
Thanks, roger.
Tee hee, shewolf. I imagine that I will say something very similar to that. But you're right, as long as I have it all typed out I might as well recycle. Maybe I'll just send them a link to the thread. Bwa ha ha ha ha. That's a killer.
Congratulations, FreeDuck! What good news!
I hope you'll like Atlanta. I wouldn't worry about finding housing...they're always building more there. And travel is very easy since it's a major hub.
If you can afford it, I'd suggest taking a week off between jobs. Just to clear your head. Besides, you're going to have a lot to do, with the move and the kids and all.
Thanks for the good wishes and advice, Eva. I'm leaning that way. I hate to give up back pay, but a reduction in stress might just be worth it.
Do you have medical coverage at your current job, FD?
Always a consideration when switching jobs here - don't want the gap between coverages to be too long.
Yes, I have it here and will get it there by the first of October. I believe my current coverage has to last through the month since I've already paid the premium, so that's ok. Plus, we've gone long spells without insurance and have figured out how to do without it if we have to. But thanks for the advice.
Congrats on the new job!
Atlanta's a cool place.
Atlanta is only 6 hours from Raleigh. Drop in on the Bears anytime.
pretty neat - but the week I spent there is was humid as hell
Wow! Well done FreeDuck!!!
I hope the whole move is fantastic for you and yours!
Heehee - take this job and...
Duck flying South for the winter eh? ......
Well done on the new job!
I sincerely hope that your boss's sphincter goes into spasm during your farewell speech. I also hope that his/her boss is also present, to add to the unease.
Take the third week. Money is important, but nothing compared to your own wellbeing. I hope you find a lovely house in a nice area.
Good luck.
duck is free! yeehaw! a job well done! smooth sailing to you. atlanta will be grand. i can feel it. my sixth sense tells me so.
Re: Right behind you, kickycan
FreeDuck wrote:Ok, here's the news. I got a new job. I just accepted it this morning and I'm so excited. The even bigger news is that it's not in my city so there will be a very big move coming soon.
Way to go!
I'm still procrastinating about a similar step myself (move to America, preferrably smaller company, preferrably out of the IT industry). So I have some perspective what a big deal it must be for you. Good for you that you had the courage to jump, and all the best for your new job!
Rather you than me Thomas.My procrastination on that issue wouldn't last a pico second.
Wonderful news for a good person--hold your dominion.
Whatcha waiting for, Thoooooomas?
Make it a trifecta.
Ticomaya wrote:Well, good luck in Phoenix.
When did Phoenix move to the South? I'm confused and have misplaced my world globe.
BBB :wink: