Tue 6 Sep, 2005 11:22 am
Ok, here's the news. I got a new job. I just accepted it this morning and I'm so excited. The even bigger news is that it's not in my city so there will be a very big move coming soon.
Now, I don't hate my job with a passion uncontested, as did kickycan, but I have my complaints. I'm not really happy here. I have some resentment because I feel I'm underpaid (especially when compared to others -- guess who) and not given the same respect and opportunities that I think I've earned. I really like the work but really don't like the policies and top heaviness of the company. Basically, this isn't the place for me to grow professionally and I know it. I really can't wait to tell them why I'm leaving. I'm thinking the words "you don't know what I'm worth, but I do" will come out of my mouth.
Anway, I am so so so happy about my new job and my new city. Not only is the pay way better there (including the cost of living increase), but so is the respect and opportunity for growth. So here's to quitting! Kazaaa!
yeaahH!! wooohoo!
right on!
so, how is your " im leaving" speech gonna go?
Are you going to be quiet and nice?
Are you gonna offer a jab?
Maybe say nothing.. and just hand in your 2 week notice?
Oh, I'm definitely going to have my say. But I think I'll go the calm, cool, and collected route. I like the idea of telling them what's wrong with "their" company -- since it's no longer mine. Mwa ha ha ha ha.
Congrats Freeduck!
How far of a move are you making?
Thanks, jp. I will be heading to a new state in the south. I don't know why I'm being so cagey -- just don't want to jinx it, I guess. Anyway, we'll be moving to a bigger city that we've wanted to move to for some time now. We just weren't expecting it to happen so soon. There's all sorts of things to figure out now -- place to live, schools, etc... But it's so exciting.
Well, good luck in Phoenix.
Change is fun and Big Change is Big Fun.
Sounds like things are really coming together. It's nice to hear when things go right for a change. Congrats, again.
Good guess, but no. And thanks for the luck.
Awright, FreeDuck!!!
Great news! Are you planning on including MrKnowItAll in your outahear speech?
I'm guessing Atlanta. Don't know why, it just jumped out at me.
And the winner is....
I hope that doesn't jinx it. No, I don't think I'll tell MrKnowItAll anything. Kind of fits with my general attitude that he's not a "needs to know" person. Plus, my problem with him was very much secondary and would have been worth all of the aggravation if the other issues weren't there. He's just the straw that made the camel want to stop carrying bales of hay for free.
congrats freeduck!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good luck and hope you love it!!!!!!!!!!1
That's so great!!!! Congratulations on getting the offer in the first place and on this exciting new direction your life's taking.
>sniff sniff<
oh well..
maybe next relocation will bring you down south-ER
Thanks for all the good wishes, everybody. Sorry shewolf, but maybe I can visit Austin some time for fun. I hear it's a pretty nice town.
Just copied and pasted this for another discussion and still have it on my screen, FYI:
Quote:That is certainly true in places like Houston, Atlanta and Baton Rouge, La., which are experiencing a surge in rental and homebuying activity as a result of the storm and the exodus that followed.
Yep. I was just down there for the interview and heard that on the radio. Apparently there has also been a surge in school enrollments. So it's not the best timing for us. Luckily though, I saw a lot of "for rent" and "for sale" signs so it seems like there's no housing shortage just yet. Plus, I have family there we can stay with until we get settled.
Now here's the golden question. I have three weeks to start. I'm wondering when the best time to give notice is. On the one hand, I'm owed a review and a retroactive raise and want to wait for that. However, given my experience with this company, that might not happen in the full three weeks and I'd end up quitting with no notice. The kickycan in me, on the other hand, wants to tell them right now and take the third week to go apartment hunting in hotlanta. Any thoughts?
Take the third week? In my experience, an unhappy worker giving "two weeks notice" is generally chatted with until a check can be cut, and invited to clean out their desk. Sometimes with a guard standing by to be sure you don't take the computer with you.
Last guy to leave here expected to be able to say good-bye, but it didn't happen that way...
Take the third week!
Great about family.